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The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:01 pm

Kikapu wrote:

This is really some speech. I agreed with most of his points but these are where he failed abysmally.

1. Migrants are far from being a drain onto the system are actually doing jobs the Americans would not do and at very low pay with no healthcare.
2. Schools are not sexualising children the corporations are especially the fashion sector and media.
3. The borders are not open, people risk life and limb to get there and only because of over hundred years of exploitation in their own country by American corporations.
4. Defunding the police far from causing problems have improved the situation where it was implemented with police killings and other crime reduced.
5. Giving tax exemptions to corporations does nothing for the country, instead it allows the cunts to stash away the money they save in tax heavens.
6. When Elon Musk sacked 70% of the workers far from not having an effect, it has caused total chaos and turned Twitter in shit.
7. And finally when was it the Americans enjoyed prosperity? I remember Bob Dylan saying back in 1986 in a Live avoid concert that Americans framers are unable to feed themselves and could do with a bit help with the money raised in the concert.

So really he is no other than most cunts who get to the position of power.

Where is every American's right to decent healthcare, decent wage and a home to live in?
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 08, 2024 8:02 pm

Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...state of the Union,

Biden speaks well i think. Openly and tactfully his discussion of the issues internally and externally is hopeful, describing the practical efforts his government has taken and intends to make. Anyone who is willing to take the time to listen to his speech will find in it a man of confidence and of action who can make fun of himself and whose age represents a wealth of experience.

..."You can't love you country only when you win", he says.

I will watch this too at some point today. But work comes first. Work and then play like the Germans.

Flippin heck RW this is over 4 hours long
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 08, 2024 9:01 pm

Worth a read.

More than 20 major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, an unprecedented trend, though the scale and circumstances vary dramatically. The activists who have long campaigned to take money from US police are now fighting to ensure that the initial cuts are only the start – and that a growing backlash from law enforcement, elected officials and some community groups does not derail their progress.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:38 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

This is really some speech. I agreed with most of his points but these are where he failed abysmally.

1. Migrants are far from being a drain onto the system are actually doing jobs the Americans would not do and at very low pay with no healthcare.
2. Schools are not sexualising children the corporations are especially the fashion sector and media.
3. The borders are not open, people risk life and limb to get there and only because of over hundred years of exploitation in their own country by American corporations.
4. Defunding the police far from causing problems have improved the situation where it was implemented with police killings and other crime reduced.
5. Giving tax exemptions to corporations does nothing for the country, instead it allows the cunts to stash away the money they save in tax heavens.
6. When Elon Musk sacked 70% of the workers far from not having an effect, it has caused total chaos and turned Twitter in shit.
7. And finally when was it the Americans enjoyed prosperity? I remember Bob Dylan saying back in 1986 in a Live avoid concert that Americans framers are unable to feed themselves and could do with a bit help with the money raised in the concert.

So really he is no other than most cunts who get to the position of power.

Where is every American's right to decent healthcare, decent wage and a home to live in?

...well said Lordo, a matter of fluff (IMO, with no better suggestions) but a far a better reaction to the speech than the Senator from Alabama, who gave the Republican Party's official response, depending mostly (even more) on the pleading tone she has cultured in her speech, she did not even mention Ukraine or Israel specifically, nor did she make any specific distinctions that make her aims (as a "Mom") actually in conflict with Biden's own intent...

...4 hours; i know, (should have warned you). I skipped the waiting and all its commentary, watched the speech, (watched some of it twice) and skimmed the rest, quite frankly. for Mr. Kennedy's speech, it made for a great campaign ad but for the ending, which made that motive a little too clear.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:48 pm

...more news.(judge for yourself)
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:50 pm

If this SwineCunt does not believe in Democracy unless he wins, why is this cunt even allowed to vote never min stand for election.

What the fuck is the matter with America. Of course once you see their gun laws, it makes total sense.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 29, 2024 3:31 pm

Talk of a twisted fuckin mind, only in his world can

Trump lawyer makes bizarre argument that lying about the election 'helps realize the truth'
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:00 am

How is a company that has a turnover of $4.1 million and a trading loss of $58 million get valued at billions of dollars.

Capitalism on steroids perhaps?
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Londonrake » Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:39 am

Lordo wrote:How is a company that has a turnover of $4.1 million and a trading loss of $58 million get valued at billions of dollars.

The Emperor’s new clothes.
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Re: The US Election Thread: Trump Lives Matter

Postby Lordo » Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:08 am

Who could have predicted that this mentality would exist to this day. This is exactly what it means to be a SwineCunt.

“God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent,” Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene posted to X/Twitter on Friday, after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit the New York City area.

Somebody give her a fair trial for fuck sakes.
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