Londonrake wrote:Kikapu wrote:Londonrake wrote:Look Paphitis.
They all obviously don't want you posting your views on their forum. Why don't you just accept that and bugger off?
That is far from the truth. Paphitis is one of the boys and a forum friend. Friends can disagree on issues just as family members do. Everyone has their views and Paphitis has been on the CF long enough to know that and he protects his corner misguided as he may be on some issues.![]()
Yes. Things seem to have been getting a bit more "personal" than usual lately though. Don't you think? What does it matter that he's a Trump supporter? So what? The pedophilia thing - IIRC - started with comments on Corbyn's - as usual Marxist - intended policy of withdrawing charitable status from private schools (ie - killing them) and turned into some sort of personal vendetta. He lost, big time - move on.
I've done what I can to check Paphitis out. As far as I can tell he does for a living what he says. My private conversations with him on our mutual experiences of the RAAF seem to bear that out. People can't call him a "forum friend" and then a lying piece of shit. Agreed?
Some of the forum members have very good memories on material written going back a long while and are able to recite/recall them at will, therefore, whenever there may be contradictory posts written by certain members, others are able to confront the stated contradiction and the person who wrote it, to which then it becomes an open season for few days where “punches” are thrown. As for whose profession is what or their wealth does not need to be proven as is not anyone’s business unless one wishes to go public. Paphitis knows enough about planes and aviation that does not need any convincing to an aviation enthusiast such as myself as to what his profession is.
A “forum friend” is not a personal friend in all cases. Some members who have met in person tend to have more respect for each other even when they disagree on certain topics. Others tend to be a little less polite as is the nature of the CF, which is in fact very refreshing to have the freedom to express ones self which is not allowed on other forums. We can all take it as well as give it. Sometimes we can all be very eloquent, arrogant or self righteous in expressing our views. Sometimes we falsely feel it is our responsibility to “save” other forum members from themselves in what their views are on the topic on hand at that time. No harm done!