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British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination

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British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:12 am

British Malthusians Escalate Push for Mass Extermination — Harley Schlanger Daily Update

Published on 3 Mar 2021
As documented in EIR's special report, "The Great Leap Backward", the Great Reset and Green New Deal represent the culmination of decades' long effort by the British Royal Family and its City of London financial arm to dramatically reduce the world's population. Following the recent online planning session of their Davos billionaires to implement their program, they are now taking aim at reducing world food supply, in addition to shutting down industry and manufacturing. In the near future, you might find yourself charged with the crime of "ecocide", if you provide meat or milk products to your children!

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