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Passports revoked; what about it?

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Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Aug 26, 2021 11:23 pm

''President Nicos Anastasiades said on Wednesday the Greek Cypriot community was ready to return to the 1960 regime with Turkish Cypriots taking the positions granted to them by the constitution, suggesting Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar was contradicting himself in his criticism of a decision to revoke the Republic of Cyprus passports of 14 Turkish Cypriots.'' ... 5508489156

...what do you think?

It is an interesting challenge. Is returning to the original Constitution as a starting point for negotiations a viable option?

Is it possible that the Communal Chamber will be opened, long ignored by both sides, to sit as Communities rather than as Individuals?

Can "two states" represent themselves, apart from our representation as Cypriots; isn't that what Turkish Cypriots (as opposed to "Cypriot Turks") have been asking for all these years?

...a stupid act, and yet the challenge itself is not so stupid. We may yet see a President that will speak to all Cypriots, when he speaks; "Turks" may well be defined, exposing "Turkishness" as such.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:05 am

And yet in 2017 he showed no interest in this to Akinci when Akinci would have accepted his offer.

And rightly so, those who do not believe in the RoC should be excluded but then again, how many of the people who took part in the coup faced the same consequence? None?

This man is a manipulator and he is trying to gain the gound he lost back in 2017 after he collapsed the talks.


BTW did he say anything about al the changes they have implemeted in the meantime?

Oh and what ever happened to the unworkable and anachronistic 1960 agreement, has it just changed to being a good agreement. He is like a snake trying to get himself out of the hell hole he put us in. He can go to hell if one exists.

Two states it will be. Not that I want it but it will be.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:51 am

I dont think rescinding the passports of those TC's who undermine the RoC will make any difference to the situation,

Although it is justified.

The only solution is a democratic one, with respect to Cyprus's territorial integrity and peoples property and fundamental rights.

A two state solution is not going to happen. The TC should forget about that unless Turkey gives them some land to do it in Turkey.

What Turkey and the TC's want in terms of a unified solution will lead the country down the same path as Lebanon and a repeat of history..

That is something everyone will regret and the next catastrophe will be looming just around the corner if it happens.
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:58 am

Lordo wrote:
Oh and what ever happened to the unworkable and anachronistic 1960 agreement, has it just changed to being a good agreement. He is like a snake trying to get himself out of the hell hole he put us in. He can go to hell if one exists.

Anastasiadis is wrong

The TC shouldnt come back to government and then start negotiations.

If he thinks that the majority of the population are going to accept the anachronistic 1960 constitution then start negotiations, he is in for a big surprise and massive problems from the electorate.

He can go to hell if he thinks this is acceptable.

AKEL are pulling him up on what he said.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:57 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Oh and what ever happened to the unworkable and anachronistic 1960 agreement, has it just changed to being a good agreement. He is like a snake trying to get himself out of the hell hole he put us in. He can go to hell if one exists.

Anastasiadis is wrong

The TC shouldnt come back to government and then start negotiations.

If he thinks that the majority of the population are going to accept the anachronistic 1960 constitution then start negotiations, he is in for a big surprise and massive problems from the electorate.

He can go to hell if he thinks this is acceptable.

AKEL are pulling him up on what he said.

The likes of you and him can all go to hell boy.
Now then, is the dummy in?
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:06 pm

Why do you want him to go to hell when it seems as if he is offering the the 1960's constitution before starting negotiations. Which favours your community.

Why do you want me to go to hell? for supporting democracy and peoples fundamental rights?

You are a ignorant dick head. talking with you is like trying to administer medicine to a dead person.

it is because of people like you that Cyprus has a problem.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:16 pm

Maximus wrote:Why do you want him to go to hell when it seems as if he is offering the the 1960's constitution before starting negotiations. Which favours your community.

Why do you want me to go to hell? for supporting democracy and peoples fundamental rights?

You are a ignorant dick head.

it is because of people like you that Cyprus has a problem.

talking with you is like trying to administer medicine to a dead person.

Are you so stupid that you actually believe anything this man says? Do you not see what he is trying to do? Shall I explain it to you?
What he says he wants to do and what he actually is doing are two different things.

Osman Orek with 2 other TC MPs came back to Parliament in 1965 and were bloxked by Clerides telling them unless they can accept all the changes to the constitution they cannot walk in and even then they are not allowed to take part in the debates.

I do believe you do know what to do with your RoC and your constitution. It invloves turning into a cylindrical shape boy. No back to sleep and do not get invloved in things you are incapable of comprehending, you here, or I will be forced to get the hose you hear?
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:21 pm

AKEL have a TC MP in their party. :?


It is because of people like you and your apartheidist mentality that Cyprus has a problem,

You fcked Cyprus up for future generations by fighting against democracy, then went running off to western Christian democratic countries.

You got brains full of shit.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Lordo » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:34 pm

Maximus wrote:AKEL have a TC MP in their party. :?


It is because of people like you and your apartheidist mentality that Cyprus has a problem,

You fcked Cyprus up for future generations by fighting against democracy, then went running off to western Christian democratic countries.

You got brains full of shit.

Funny you should sya that becasue he is a personal friend of mine on first name terms. I have known him for decades. And as to who fucked up RoC is something you will never understand, give up boy.

If it was not for the TCs objecting to your Enosis, RoC would not exist today, you would have been a province of Greece so fuck off you cnut.
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Re: Passports revoked; what about it?

Postby Maximus » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:57 pm

Lordo wrote:you would have been a province of Greece so fuck off you cnut.

As if that is worse than living under a Turkish apartheid. :roll:

Like I said, idiots like you created the problem and passed it down to future generations.

Then you pissed off to live in Christian democracies. :roll:
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