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3 Million people

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3 Million people

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:38 pm

............................... the current total of Ukranians who have fled their country as refugees to escape the Russian invasion.

That's the reality of Mr Putin's war. Because actually that's what it boils down to. One man's war. :(
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:09 pm

Londonrake wrote:............................... the current total of Ukranians who have fled their country as refugees to escape the Russian invasion.

That's the reality of Mr Putin's war. Because actually that's what it boils down to. One man's war. :(

There is only one answer to that, 5.5 Million Syrians left Syria and 6.6 million left their homes and stayed within Syria.

Over 500,000 people were killed in Syria.
Oer a million killed in Iraq. The western media even stopped reporting how many dead.

The west have no grounds to complain. In any case if they did not encourage the Ukrainians to attack the Russian speakers in 2014 and demand Nato membership there would be no problems there now.

The narrative here is as if they are attacking a part of UK. Its all false information. All of it. Till we have some independent information, it is all shit.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:38 pm

Lordo wrote:
Londonrake wrote:............................... the current total of Ukranians who have fled their country as refugees to escape the Russian invasion.

That's the reality of Mr Putin's war. Because actually that's what it boils down to. One man's war. :(

There is only one answer to that, 5.5 Million Syrians left Syria and 6.6 million left their homes and stayed within Syria.

Over 500,000 people were killed in Syria.
Oer a million killed in Iraq. The western media even stopped reporting how many dead.

The west have no grounds to complain. In any case if they did not encourage the Ukrainians to attack the Russian speakers in 2014 and demand Nato membership there would be no problems there now.

The narrative here is as if they are attacking a part of UK. Its all false information. All of it. Till we have some independent information, it is all shit.

Mmmm - I'm in a place I'd rather not be. :)

"The West has no grounds to complain"? :(

Are we talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine here or lots of other things? Please, stop trying to justify what's happening to the people of Ukraine in terms of what happened to somebody else sometime else by somebody else. Whataboutism.

My view, FWIW is there's absolutely no justification for current events in Ukraine and all the dispassionate bullshite from armchair warriors? They should be ashamed of themselves.

To try and sweep aside 3 million refugees as a result of Russian actions on the basis of what happened elsewhere is ...............

It does seem to me that the entirety of the colossal amount of information available from the vast spectrum of western media is suspect in every case. Whilst Russian media, which is completely controlled by the State (let's call a spade a spade. Vladimir Putin) is in some way gospel.

Anyway, it's getting late.

You ever coming back here? 8)
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:57 pm

My view, FWIW is there's absolutely no justification for current events in Ukraine

There are some nuances though,

From Russia's perspective, they didnt want NATO moving to their doorstep.

So from their perspective, when would you do something about that?

A) before Ukraine joins NATO and article 5 of the charter comes in to effect.
B) after Ukraine joins or while US military bases get established in Ukraine.
C) after Ukraine obtains nuclear weapons.
D) none of the above, they shouldnt do anything about it and trust NATO countries will not attack.

Or in other words,

When would you like Britain to join the war?

A) When Ukraine falls to Russia
B) when Poland falls to Russia.
C) When Germany falls to Russia
D) When France falls to Russia
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:07 pm



I asked the question before - without a reply. What a surprise!

Can you see the likes of Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Iceland, UK, Norway + 24 others, sitting around a table and agreeing "Yes, let's invade Russian. Great idea! Napoleon and Hitler couldn't both be wrong and - there would be so much to gain". It's clearly absolute bullshit.

The reason all those ex-Warsaw Pact countries were so keen to join was precisely because of what we're seeing now in Ukraine.

The NATO thing was just an excuse for domestic Russian consumption (well, and useful idiots in the west of course). Just like the sudden, shock discoveries of umpteen bio-war labs working on attacking Russians on their very doorstep. Justification. On the whole though - It doesn't seem to be working.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:17 pm

Maximus wrote:
My view, FWIW is there's absolutely no justification for current events in Ukraine

There are some naunces though,

From Russia's perspective, they didnt want NATO moving to their doorstep.

So from their perspective, when would you do something about that?

A) before Ukraine joins NATO and article 5 of the charter comes in to effect.
B) after Ukraine joins or while US military bases get established in Ukraine.
C) after Ukraine obtains nuclear weapons.
D) none of the above, they shouldnt do anything about it and trust NATO countries will not attack.

Or in other words,

When would you like Britain to join the war?

A) When Ukraine falls to Russia
B) when Poland falls to Russia.
C) When Germany falls to Russia
D) When France falls to Russia

This domino theory was last used when Vietnam was attacked. It was bullshit then and it is bull shit now. Poland joined Nato and Russia did not attack. I guess they are waiting the the American missles to arrive and then they will. Lets face it most of Nato members are gutless when it comes to war. They like to shoot from a far and it does not matter who is killed. Fighting from a close by where you can see their brains blow all over your suit is not their sceene

Americans have engineered the scenario to isolate Russia regarding trade and they have temporarily succeeded. They may even get rid of Putin but sooner or later the sanctions will go. Trading nations do not fight wars. On top of that we are begging a known murderer who had Kashikci cut up while he was alive to help us with oil supplies. Was it not the UAE who even imprisons their princesses who are not following islam. Anyway to me all Arabs are the same, they wear a towel on their heads and shout Allahu Ekber.

Where that hell is the toilet fuckin brush? The shit is hitting the fan here ffs.

Erdogan was stupid enough to shot a Russian jet down. All Putin did was shut off trade with Turkey and Erdogan was on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Now that,s what you call diplomacy.
Last edited by Lordo on Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:18 pm

Londonrake wrote:The NATO thing was just an excuse for domestic Russian consumption (well, and useful idiots in the west of course). Just like the sudden, shock discoveries of umpteen bio-war labs working on attacking Russians on their very doorstep. Justification. On the whole though - It doesn't seem to be working.

The West’s opinion is of no importance because Russia’s perception of what constitutes danger is what has triggered Russia’s response.

It’s a perception that can NEVER change regardless of how many people may or may not see it.

Now add to that perception some 6,000 nukes and you've got all the ingredients for a very BIG bang.

Now do you get it? :?
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:The NATO thing was just an excuse for domestic Russian consumption (well, and useful idiots in the west of course). Just like the sudden, shock discoveries of umpteen bio-war labs working on attacking Russians on their very doorstep. Justification. On the whole though - It doesn't seem to be working.

The West’s opinion is of no importance because Russia’s perception of what constitutes danger is what has triggered Russia’s response.

It’s a perception that can NEVER change regardless of how many people may or may not see it.

Now add to that perception some 6,000 nukes and you've got all the ingredients for a very BIG bang.

Now do you get it? :?

The west has not got the guts to do anything. The theory went that if we have Nukes nobody will attack us. SO they reduced their conventional weapons. And now they have no choice, do not attack or attack and die. They will not die so they will simply do nothing. What they need to do is tell the Yanks to fuck off out of Europe and tell the Brits to fuck off out of Germany and then we shall have not only peace but normal relations with the Russians too. And hell even Turkey may join peace.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:29 pm

Lordo wrote:
Maximus wrote:
My view, FWIW is there's absolutely no justification for current events in Ukraine

There are some naunces though,

From Russia's perspective, they didnt want NATO moving to their doorstep.

So from their perspective, when would you do something about that?

A) before Ukraine joins NATO and article 5 of the charter comes in to effect.
B) after Ukraine joins or while US military bases get established in Ukraine.
C) after Ukraine obtains nuclear weapons.
D) none of the above, they shouldnt do anything about it and trust NATO countries will not attack.

Or in other words,

When would you like Britain to join the war?

A) When Ukraine falls to Russia
B) when Poland falls to Russia.
C) When Germany falls to Russia
D) When France falls to Russia

This domino theory was last used when Vietnam was attacked. It was bullshit then and it is bull shit now. Poland joined Nato and Russia did not attack. I guess they are waiting the the American missles to arrive and then they will. Lets face it most of Nato members are gutless when it comes to war. They like to shoot from a far and it does not matter who is killed. Fighting from a close by where you can see their brains blow all over your suit is not their sceene

Americans have engineered the scenario to isolate Russia regarding trade and they have temporarily succeeded. They may even get rid of Putin but sooner or later the sanctions will go. Trading nations do not fight wars. On top of that we are begging a known murderer who had Kashikci cut up while he was alive to help us with oil supplies. Was it not the UAE who even imprisons their princesses who are not following islam. Anyway to me all Arabs are the same, they wear a towel on their heads and shout Allahu Ekber.

Where that hell is the toilet fuckin brush? The shit is hitting the fan here ffs.

Erdogan was stupid enough to shot a Russian jet down. All Putin did was shut off trade with Turkey and Erdogan was on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness. Now that,s what you call diplomacy.

It is not about domino theory Bordo.

Its an example I gave to LR so that maybe he would get the point and see things from another perspective.

Because from his perspective, there is absolutely no justification for what Russia is doing in Ukraine.

The reality is, Russia didnt just decide to invade Ukraine one day. I mean, they needed a big enough reason to justify the action and that reason was an potential existential threat.
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Re: 3 Million people

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:32 pm

It’s like you’re in a room with a crazy guy and the doctors warn you not to go near the crazy guy, but you can’t help testing the crazy guy out… so you approach the crazy guy and he stabs you!

Who’s fault is it?

The West ---> The crazy guys!

Do you understand the West’s stupidity now, Londoner?
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