Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:The individual is clearly under distress and considerable cercion as a prisoner..
I don’t think so Paphitis.
When captured soldiers or mercenaries are coerced to make propaganda statements, they are very short to say exactly what their captors want them to say, maybe even read that statement. This British guy talked about 45 minutes without notes, and yes, I agree with Pyro, that this guy did horrible things to Russian soldiers when he was with his unit whilst fighting them, but now he pretends to be an “alter boy” without sins, though he is repenting and claims to have been misled by the Ukrainian military down the wrong path, so now he just wants to go home in some exchange program with one of Putin’s close friends recently captured in Ukraine. That’s how much value he puts on himself. He comes across a very egotistical individual who is a British citizen and not a Ukrainian. Perhaps he was promised a Ukrainian citizenship if he fought the Russians, which is another form of payment to mercenaries. I don’t think this guy is going home to U.K. anytime soon, considering the fact that, the U.K. is now on Russia’s unfriendly list.

Did horrible things? What like kill Russian invaders? Well done to him if he got 1 or 2 Russians. If he got more, than he is a hero.
Fact of the matter is, that the majority of soldiers will not have gotten the chance to kill a enemy soldier, It's not as if they would just appear in front of you and you get the chance to double tap them. It aint that easy.
But volunteers like him must bear the consequances of their actions. For security reasons, our Governments do not negotiate with war criminals. If he does time, then so be it. A far as we are convcerned, he might as well be dead.
It can only mean that the Ukrainians will do the same to their Russian POWs - a bit of tit for tat.
There is either a non conditional prisoner exchange or there is no exchange at all.
It's just a green light for the Ukrainians and the west to claim that the Russian Alahu Akbar Chechnyans, are terrorists belonging to Al Qaeda and Islamic State. The west can make claims, even outlandish ones as well. Straight into an Orange suit to Quantanamo Bay and some good old fashion water boarding and special interrogation techniques like electroshock and so forth.
As a result, Pootin can still fuck himself, and so can Graham Phillips till the day we capture this arsehole and put him away for life. And the day he is also beaten to a pulp just because he deserves it. He is the lowest form of scum that walks the planet. Lower than a cockroach. how is that for dehumanization. We can be Nazis too, because war will always do that to people when survival is at stake.
The west has more than enough capacity to be total arseholes to their prisoners and beat the fuckers to a pulp if necessary. That's if they are lucky to not have their hands tied behind the backs and shot after they finish digging their own graves.
There is only a Geneva Convention when it suits the Ukrainian military. If it doesn't suit, there is no Geneva Convention for the Russian Criminals. They die like dogs.
Make no mistake about it. When countries like Australia turn a blind eye to geneva Convention against Al Qaeda (not covered by the GC as a matter of fact), then that will tell you all something about the hell that is war. A war the Russians instigated and started btw, when they illegally invaded.
But if you think that Russia has any leverage because they captured a British citizen, then you are all sadly mistaken. National security trumps the welfare of any individual, because he is a mere one individual who made his decision, but National Security effects an entire country and its entire population.
When you sign up to the military, and especially if you serve in the SAS or Special Forces, the very country they serve will even deny your existence or play dumb. And, they even openly encourage suicide rather than capture. You are expendable. That's the reason why, they wear no rank and have face coverings so they may never be dientified.
And what is the first thing they do if they are captured. They give a made up name and service number as well as a bogus rank, usually the lowest rank they can convince their captives with. Everything that will come out of your mouth is a lie.