Pyrpolizer wrote:How that can be in Holy-Rosy Australia?
In Cyprus where everybody is 'stupid" yes, but in Australia where everybody is a "genius" like Paphitis, no way Hose.

I never said such a thing and there is at least 1 case of a war crime committed by the SAS that is clear cut. What I am not sure about however is whether that case pertains to this particular case. I do know however is that this soldier has been convicted.
I really can’t comment whether this man is guilty or not because I don’t know the evidence at hand other than the one specific case I mentioned where the evidence was 100% Rick solid.
The SAS is capable of committing war crimes. The question is whether it is common place and I am confident it isn’t common but considering the types of operations they are involved with, stuff happens as well and there is always a grey area. Such as in one particular case, the SAS wanted to light up an IMAM and sone villages which were surrounding a 14 year old girl to stone her to death. That would be a war crime under the true definition, but there would be plenty of SAS and Australian soldiers that would be tempted and I must say, I would be too.
The other thing is whether the Australian Judicial Sistem and Department of Defence condones such acts and there is clearly a lot of evidence that war crimes are not tolerated at all and will be prosecuted unlike in places like Ruzzia where they are encouraged.
Now back to this individual, he has a right to legal representation. And if he has or is being cleared by an Australian court, then he is not a war criminal. As a result, he would be entitled to take on media Alfie defamation. He wouldn’t be able to do that if he was convicted.
The courts need clear evidence to convict.
I really do not have enough time to go into this guys case at length but I do have 100% faith in the ADF and Department of Defence and Australia’s Judicial System. Politically, Australia!s Justice System and it’s institutions such as it’s military are among the very best in the world. Not comparable at all with Ruzzia. And politically it has arguably the most stable Governments on the planet. And yes, it’s better than Cyprus because Australians don’t do stupid things like fight the British and totally screw up their country forever.
Because no matter what you bitches say, the British were never evil towards us, or even evil in Cyprus. On the contrary, they are quite cultured and polite, and in Australia’s case they really did lay the foundations for a great country.
And to this very day, we get Ali g with Britain, EU, NATO and America and have rock solid alliances