Londonrake wrote:Apparently, although you’ve berated others about posting them, your opinions are in a different league. It’s those which disagree that are of course irrelevant.
I eagerly await the factual, evidentially based pictures of UFOs hovering in the 9/11 WTC area. To complete the puzzle.

You might be surprised? 9/11 Conspiracy Theories come in all shapes and sizes. Your particular favourite (despite all the ignored and thus unanswered loose ends) is absolutely no different.
As I said .....
Robin Hood wrote:You never provide evidence .... only ever your opinion! (Mostly of others and their evidentially supported opinions!)
My response: Of course life will be too short for you to understand an evidence backed explanation that shows you up for the clown you are! But I don't have anything else to do at the moment!
WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 all collapsed at around free fall acceleration straight down into their own footprint.
BUT WTC1 and WTC2 were struck by an aircraft loaded with around 10,000 USG of JET A1 (Kerosine) ........ but WTC7 was not. So to level the playing field eliminate the aircraft and the fuel and you have three identical situations. So let's chose WTC7 to examine because the '
cause' you believe was responsible for the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2 does not exist with WTC7. The Greater Probability is that the aircraft and fuel really had little or no influence regarding the way the buildings collapsed. Greater minds than mine, a Prof Hulsey of the University of Fairbanks, Alaska, decided to investigate using some of the most modern software available to look at the findings of the official report for the collapse of WTC7 ..... by NIST.
In brief it didn't even remotely work! NIST's fairy story was they had discovered a previously unheard of phenomena, where an ordinary low level office fire could cause the simultaneous collapse of every single vertical column in a 47 story, steel cored/steel framed office building with a footprint the size of a US Football field, due to the failure of a single column/girder joint, due to heat nduced expansion! This had never happened before and has not happened since!
Hulsey also managed to come up with the
ONLY theory that actually explained the collapse! That theory was the simultaneous collapse (
within m/s) of every column in the building was the only explanation.
He provided one single unarguable fact .......... he left others to explain how that was achieved! (
Sensible Guy 
You could use CG's solution ...... and chose the most obvious explanation by applying Occam's Razor ...... and it's obvious ................. CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!!

..... or maybe a flying saucer with an invisibility cloak?
But I thought I would give you the chance to make up your own mind ...... read these ......