Now this could be interesting ....... as I said in my Ukraine post, I never spent a lot of time on the Twin Towers as it was so obviously very difficult to discuss without going into the realms of Newton’s Laws of Motion in a big way. At the end of the day the ONLY explanation will have to comply with Newton otherwise the info is false.
I have a few queries on your ‘facts’ ............
It seems the attack on Twin Towers is still not settled on this forum. Some facts need to be explained.
For instance What was the reason why the buildings took so long collapse?
Who can say ..... when how they collapsed is still a mystery!
How did they collapse?
By what you see on videos, it was most probably a controlled demolition! This is an interesting interview .... with an expert in controlled demolition. It is related to WTC7 but I would say that what he says
COULD be applied to the Twin Towers. He died a few weeks later in an unexplained road crash in the Netherlands! was the sound people thought were explosions as it was collapsing?
Watch this from about 1 minute. At 1:16 there is a shudder on the camera and at the same time an enormous increase in the smoke billowing out of the tower. Then at 1:31 the collapse starts. This camera is fixed to a building so the judder was structural not someone bumping the camera. There is also a second video (
which I have yet to locate), which shows the same sequence from a different building and a different angle and distance. The judder is also seen on that footage.
As two cameras at two different locations show the same judder at the same time but hundreds of meters apart, then it was more than just a local ‘
traffic’ shake ..... it was a big one, was recorded some miles away in an observatory and was recorded as an explosion signature not an geological event. So at a guess an explosion? it built to withstand Fire?
Was it built to withstand explosions?
The last two are very easy to explain. The answer to both is yes. However it was not designed to withstand an explosion followed by fire like the plane exploding fully loaded with fuel. Which in fact caused its collapse.
Yes they were designed for that scenario ....... but then I disagree with your explanation!
The fuel from the aircraft, much of which (
70-80%) constituted the external fire ball, was NEVER a factor in the collapse sequence as the rest of the fuel burned off in under two minutes ...... all that was left to burn was office partitions and furniture. There was no intense heat as was proved by videos of survivors standing in the entry gash waving to rescuers on the ground. Liquids will always fall they don’t flow uphill and neither would they pool on the impact floors. So the idea that fire softened the steel in only feasible if you ignore the obvious laws of physics.
The reason why it took so long to collapse was because that's how long it took for the steel supports to heat enough to give way and the sound which sounded like explosions was the collapse of one floor on to the next one below which overloaded and caused it's collapse till till the whole thing collapsed.
See above. The impacts especially the second one was asymmetrical and the fire and major damage were on the one side of the building.
Again if you stick to Newtons Laws, a symmetrical collapse, straight down, at free fall acceleration (
all recorded) was impossible. As Newton says a body descending under the pull of gravity will take the line of least resistance. In this case the top would have toppled as one side of the building was still relatively undamaged ...... and it didn’t slow down until the latter stage of collapse.
Your ‘pancake’ theory again thanks to Newton, was also proved wrong. In that theory the impact, as each floor collapsed onto the floor below would have slowed the collapse down ...... not increase the acceleration. Also take into account the floors were all ‘
light’ concrete which powders when crushed hence the dense WHITE clouds of dust.
The fact that the two airplanes were the obvious indication of what apparently caused the incident, is beyond doubt.
This idea that it was an inside job is just false. If anything the Yanks are guilty of was their checks at the internal air travel with the checks of what people took with them into the plane.
I agree that the aircraft were obviously involved but that event was allowed for in the design ....... like the impact of a Boeing 707 at cruising speed and fully loaded! But there are theories that are plausible (
no substantive evidence) that would explain how a controlled demolition could be achieved over a period of time without raising suspicions.
The logic was good though for their ignorance. They did not believe that anybody in Yanklands could do anything bad on plane. I mean they are simple folks after all. Listen to what comes out of the mouth of the Trump supporters and you will see how stupid half of the Yanks are.
It is not just the Yanks who are easily fooled ...... there are several on this forum that refuse to accept anything other than the official line.
But let me say NOW to correct the record, that I believe there are people in very high places within the US upper echelons of power that know the truth, but I don’t think The US Government were directly involved and The Government were not part of the plot. Maybe a few in Government ..... maybe?