Eliko wrote:miltiades, I would be interested to know the reason for why you assume that I do not share your principles, the only difference between us seems to be your inflexibility when it comes to the understanding of other nations.
I am absolutely convinced that Western cultures have no right to impose their will on those of the East, surely you do not advocate that the West is entitled to do so, regardless of the wishes of those affected nations.
By adopting such a stance, you are insisting that your culture is superior to the other, in presenting such a case and using America as an example, you are doomed to failure since, clearly, America is notoriously decadent.
Decadence means, 'Of a lower standard (particularly moral) than it was previously....... You are an older man and surely can determine that that is a fact. Your own lifetime will substantiate that fact, you have lived to see it.
The attack on Iraq has been condemned by almost every nation on earth, it was carried out unlawfully and is the root cause of all the terrible attrocities that are now a daily occurrence, I do not agree with them but I do realise that they are the result of the American attack.
I consider the act of raining bombs on innocent civilians from the safe altitude of 6 miles, to be a cowardly, indeed murderous one, I cannot see how you can justify it, perhaps you can explain.
The manner in which other nations conduct their affairs is not subject to the West's approval, more so when the West cannot control it's own affairs, you must be aware of the corruption that permeates those societies.
Let us not assume that we know the reasons for the conflict, the only thing we can be sure of is the fact that we are prevented from knowing by those who rule, we are all subject to the rule of law, East or West, the people are entitled to their own beliefs and perceptions.
Mis-guided as the suicide bombers may be (and I agree they are) it is their way to demonstrate to the world that they are not prepared to be forced to accept the social changes required of them.
and cyprus is innocent of decadence behavior. if only the cats and dogs of cyprus could talk, i am sure they would tell another story....