zan wrote:Birkibrisli wrote:The constitutional court has annuled the voting in the first round of Turkish presidential elections...They agreed with the opposition CHP party that 367 mps must be in the chamber before the session can begin...
Make no mistake about it...This is a coup d'etat organised by the military and the nationalist elite/deep state whatever...but without putting the tanks in the street.Established interests of the deep state has been preserved,and the Turkish democracy has been mortally wounded today...It is a sad day for Turkey...and all who believe in full parliamentary democracy...

And is the presence of these MPs a part of the democratic laws or not. Surelly they are trying to be democratic by wanting all the votes to come in and not just some. If there is a problem then they should sort that out first before commiting to a vote.
As I said elsewhere there is no one as blind as.....
Zan,the requirement that 367 MPs (two thirds) must be present and cast their vote for the procedure to be valid was not demanded in the past 3 elections of the Presidents Ozal,Demirel and Sezer...
Even blind Freddie can see that it was pulled out of the constitutional court's hat to stop Gul from becoming President...I am no fan of the AKP,Erdogan or Gul,as you probably remember,but you cannot change the rules of the game halfway,because your side is not winning...
This is what they did in Turkey today...There was no problem until they artifically manufactured one,and the problem arose because the CHP MPs and the other establishment party MPs refused to attend the proceedings...
Where else have you seen,in a democratic country,the democratically elected MPs refusing to attend parliament and cast a vote,because they knew they would lose that vote???
Oh...I remember one "parliament" where opposition MPS are boycotting the proceedings because they don't have the numbers to change anything...The TRNC parliament...