Murataga wrote:@Bir-A very simplistic analysis...Come on,Zan,you can do better than that.
I am not suggesting the abolishing of the Turkish army for god's sake...
I am saying the military should stay out of the Presidential election process so that Turkish democracy has a chance to flourish...
People learn to practice democracy by making mistakes.What if they elect Gul as President?He cannot change the Constitution which made him President even if he wanted to.And if people are so unhappy they can vote the AKP out of government in November,and make Gul just a figurehead...That is democracy in action...
Just like people of Germany voted out Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party after their mistakes and the people of Iran voted out Ayatollah Khomeini after their mistakes right? You are confusing these people as ordinary political figures that respect democracy and only have different opinions, in say how much money should be spent on education as opposed to state sponsored sport activities. No, these people differ in ideology and set out on a mission that intends to overrun the democratic and secular nature of the Republic. Millions have shown that they do not want them to elect the President, yet they are refusing to leave their posts. But more importantly, they are carrying out an unconstitutional Presidential election campaign!
Many are making the very big mistake of interpreting democracy as a system that allows anyone to do whatever he/she wishes as long as they are elected. That is not democracy. Democracy is "responsible" freedom where some law enforcement guarantees that the elected official is not permitted to alter the very democratic princlipals that allowed him to get there in the first place.
I agree with what you are saying that democracy should flourish. However, democracy needs to be protected and not allowed for people that oppose it to be its manupilator aswell.
I don't know much about the circumstances which brought the Ayatollah to power in Iran,but as for Hitler...he was able to wrestle total power because both the military and the people were supporting him at the time...And they kept supporting him till the bitter end really...Things are differrent in Turkey...The military and the majority of the people are against Erdogan,Gul and their islamist policies (if there are any,as they say they have no hidden agenda)...There is no danger that they can change the constitution even if they controled the presidency,the Prime Ministership and the Speakership of the House...No way...
So why not let them show us how democratic they really are?
You are wrong when you say the election process is not democratic.It is exactly the process used to elect Ozal,Demirel and Sezer in the past 3 elections.Nobody demanded the presence of 367 MPs to officially open the proceedings then.Why now???gul can and should be allowed to be elected as President in the 3rd round when the votes required is the simple majority of those present.Gul commands more than 350 votes in this election which is far higher than the votes which elected the other 3 I mentioned...come on...You can't change the rules of the game midway, because your side is not winning...