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Postby detailer » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:08 pm

brother wrote:Actually you are wrong, we are the people who were in cyprus that were conquered by various empires over the centuries who evolved to take on the conquerers language, religion etc.

In DNA testing it has been shown that the mainland Greeks and Turks are not the same DNA make up as cypriots whereas the GC and TC are identical.

I hope this is food for thought.

Brother, how can we get to this dna test?
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Postby magikthrill » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:18 pm

i say people volunteer and get it done on their own.

maybe you can find someone to sponsor this research and get volunteers to give samples and pay them like 20 pounds or something.
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Postby detailer » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:21 pm

It's not bloodline that holds a nation and people together, it's culture.

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Postby brother » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:59 pm

Brother, how can we get to this dna test?

I read it somewhere years ago but i will make a big effort to find it and hopefully quash a load of speculation.
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:06 pm

They did a similar project in the northern isles in the UK looking for traces of Viking heritage. It simply involved collecting cheek swabs from participants, which were then sent to labs and DNA extracted and compared... shouldn't be that difficult in Cyprus' case, particularly since the institute of genetics is quite advanced because of the whole thallasemia issue. Would just take time, resources and cash.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:07 pm

what the DNA test for?
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Postby Yiannis » Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:59 pm

why are Turkish-Cypriots never called Cypriots (only ever Turkish-Cypriots!) yet Greek-Cypriots are often called Cypriots There has to be something behind that?

This has no relevance to our perception of whether tcs should be considered cypriots or not.The only reason that we might refer to a tc instead of a cypriot is for clarification purposes.

someone tell me the facts of how both the Greek speakers and Turkish speakers do and don't (if necessary) have the right to be called Cypriots

Well let me reverse ur question.In an older post of yours u were saying that you want to get the cypriot citizenship right?Well then i will ask u why do u think u are more Cypriot than a tc?

My opinion is that this is not even a serious question, simply because in our days there is no pure country in which all of the citizens have the same roots. Nationality and citizenship is almost the same thing in todays world.
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:59 pm

I read the same thing about the DNA test on that joke of a website,

They tried to make the point that Greek Cypriots are not Greek at all...but if we speak Greek, have the same common Greek religion, have Greek culture, what else is there to say that we are Greek or not?

The whole thing doesnt make sense anyway, because the same people who conquered Cyprus most probably conquered Crete, Rhodes, Macedonia, Pireus, etc.

How many invaders do we know who conquered Cyprus and no other Greek speaking lands. I can only think of the Franks (was sold to), Arabs and Egyptians.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:07 am

The likelihood is that if you did the test on mainland Greeks and Turks, you'd find all sorts in the mix - Greeks would have Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Italian, Bulgar traits and Turks would have Greek, Assyrian, Persian, Kurdish etc etc etc.

Suffice to say that hardly any nation contains a homogenous ethnic group without significant genetic input from the surrounding region. I think Iceland is the only country in the world where the genetic make-up of the nation is relatively homogenous, due to the initial settlement by small groups from certain locations in Norway and the lack of immigration to the country ever since. To claim that Greece and Turkey are in any way similar to the Icelandic case would be ridiculous. That's why when I hear Greeks claim that their ancestors literally invented the whole world, I always think "yes, but how do you know your ancestors even lived in what is now Greece at the time, they could easily have been Anatolian peasants..."
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:14 am

Canned dont trust them much.
One of them showed bulgarian is more greek than greeks. :lol:
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