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Is it over for Turkey?

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 08, 2017 2:53 am

Lordo wrote:
B25 wrote:Turkey is fucked:

Read and weep Lordo:οι-εκατομμυριούχοι-εγκαταλείπουν-τη/

Soon your motherland will crumble, even the EU is pissed off with your dictatorships antics.

reh gumbare you have 10,000 soldiers and 100,000 reservists right. what are you waiting for do us a favour and push them off the cliff reh pushdjouthga

Rekse botha, vromoshilla!
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Cap » Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:15 pm

Nobody cares,

One thing that matters is that they....

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby kurupetos » Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:02 am

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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby B25 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:15 pm

Well there you have it, Turkey and Europe finally do not gel. Not that we didn't already know this, but ..................

It's time the west took its own drastic actions against this criminal terrorist state. ... 32571.html

Bye, bye Turkey. hopefully someone in the EU will grow some balls and tell you where to get off.

The funniest of all this, is that our F lot are still trying to get into bed with these animals, ffs. a country full of F traitors. I think it is time (and I really hate to say this, but) ELAM stepped up its fight against DISAKEL wankers.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:48 pm

B25 wrote:Well there you have it, Turkey and Europe finally do not gel. Not that we didn't already know this, but ..................

It's time the west took its own drastic actions against this criminal terrorist state. ... 32571.html

Bye, bye Turkey. hopefully someone in the EU will grow some balls and tell you where to get off.

The funniest of all this, is that our F lot are still trying to get into bed with these animals, ffs. a country full of F traitors. I think it is time (and I really hate to say this, but) ELAM stepped up its fight against DISAKEL wankers.

So you are of the view that no settlement and possible permanent partition is the way forward? Much though I despise Erdo and his Clowns I also have some doubts that it is over for Turkey: at least not yet. The South and Eastern Kurdish parts might go their own way but I suspect that will likely only strengthen what is left. They will not have the same security problems to worry about. Not what I want, but as Mick J sang, "You can't always get what you want" even though you try.

I would btw love to a see a Cyprus where all Cypriots whether they speak Greek or Turkish can (For the most part) get the return of property they fled in the various episodes since the late 50's, an where the settlers and occupation army go back to Turkey but no one has ever explained how that can be done. (abolish the SBA at the same time)

I sadly do not think the EU has the balls to rip up the customs union let alone impose sanctions....too many EU big businesses have invested too much, in EG car plants, which is likely why we have the Customs union in the first place.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby B25 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:11 pm


Partition is better and safer than BBF, where we will be managed by Turkey. Where we have an aparthide rotating presidency, 40,000 troops, 100s of thousands of illegal setlers and whatever the hell else. We have been partition for 43 years so nothing new. So for me, partition is the only way, they remain illegal and unrecognised. Let Turkey keep them like little whores they are. Inshallah!
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:55 pm

...partiton means no Freedom, and don't kid yourself there will be no security.

If Cyprus will be divided, so too, Turkey. If Cyprus is united, there is a chance to move Humanity a little more forward with thinking that is based on Universal Principals. Instead of defining ourselves in this debate as "Greeks" it is Individuals that we are. A Greek, labelled a "Greek" is not Freedom.

Bicommunal means, not, a single Identity, it means something else, and in the case of the Cyprus Problem it will be resolved when we consider that as a People, we are Individuals, at least as much as we are Persons. We are Cypriots, not "Greeks" and "Turks", and then we are an array of Persons, as Cypriots. This regretfully is not the debate as presently framed. "Ours" has taken a different perspective, because those who are having the debate, allow their Cypriot Identity to take second place to their "Turkishness", or their "Greekness". Thanks to the "Turks" this view has been the only debate continuing a grudge from the Treaty of Lausanne which excludes any thought, for Cypriots, as though they don't exist, as far as "they" are concerned.

Turkey must recognise the existence of Cyprus, if Turkey itself is to survive from the same division within, between "Turks" and "others" (read: not "Turks").

...that or the rest of the world can build a wall around his Caliphate, called "New Turkey", a place for "Turks", although it will be much smaller, and what is Turkey won't exist.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:17 pm

B25 wrote:Dog,

Partition is better and safer than BBF, where we will be managed by Turkey. Where we have an aparthide rotating presidency, 40,000 troops, 100s of thousands of illegal setlers and whatever the hell else. We have been partition for 43 years so nothing new. So for me, partition is the only way, they remain illegal and unrecognised. Let Turkey keep them like little whores they are. Inshallah!

Do not bet on continuing partition leaving the illegally occupied psuedo state as unrecognised and illegal, since the time might come when it is recognised, and thus becomes legal in the eyes of the world. Not what I would desire, but what perceived intransigence of the ROC might provoke.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Maximus » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:24 pm

I hear another coup and a civil war is imminent and Erdogan might be assassinated if he wins the referendum.

"They" will destroy Turkey's infrastructure, depopulate it, shrink it, put a puppet in government and cede some land to the Kurds, Armenians and the Greeks from all directions. Then they will manage those conflicts instead of managing Turkey directly.

"They" will have one new client and a creditor. One indebted with gratitude and the other indebted to survive.

The illegal settlers and the wannabe Cypriots in North Cyprus will mass emigrate to the new turkish state for their "safety and security" from the "big bad" Cypriots and the "facist" Europeans.

This is just my opinion and you can decide who "They" are.
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Re: Is it over for Turkey?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:04 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Do not bet on continuing partition leaving the illegally occupied psuedo state as unrecognised and illegal, since the time might come when it is recognised, and thus becomes
legal in the eyes of the world. Not what I would desire, but what perceived intransigence of the ROC might provoke.

Absolute zero chance.
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