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What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:21 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Of course it's not fine for TCs to unite Cyprus with Turkey. They were offered the chance to return to Turkey and wanted nothing to do with it.

Is the reason because in all probability their distant ancestors were CYPRIOTS from Cyprus, not Turks, and they could not return to a place they never originated from, just as the prospect is that the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS probably have little Greek Ancestry ? My understaning is that many CYPRIOTS took on the Moslem faith and Turkish language and by and large Turkish speaking (always excluding post 74 illegal immigrants) and Geeek speaking CYPRIOTS probably come from the same gene pool and on that basis the Turkish speaking CYPRIOTS have just as much right as the Greek speaking CYPRIOTS to be here.

When you say "Greek Ancestry" what do you mean exactly? That God one day created the first Greek man and the first Greek woman and that Greeks are only those who directly decent from them?

Greeks (and every other ethnic group) are not merely a single family which grew in size by incest. Nations were gradually created over the centuries by constant mixing of various groups. The same is how the English ethnic group was created. I hope you don't think that all English decent from some original Angles family which one good day walked into an empty Britain and multiplied.

Cyprus is no different than any other Greek island. The only difference is that Cyprus was denied the right to be part of the Greek state because this is what suited the interests of some foreigners who had the power to impose what they wanted.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:01 pm

I seem to remember that during the Clerides era, an anthropological survey was done that came to the conclusion that the Cypriots origins were in fact more Middle Eastern than Greek. This is not a dig at Cypriots being ‘Arab’ because on a parallel with the Brit’s, we are of mainly French origin (Anglo Saxons and Norman) with many other genes in there as well and would resent being referred to as ‘Frog’s’!!!! But like Greek Cypriots the English are English in language, custom and culture, the rest of the UK still keep their own customs and cultures, but to a great extent the native languages, although they still exist, are not generally in common usage.

I don't know what research you are talking about but "Middle Eastern" is not an ethnicity. If you are talking about Arabs, they raided Cyprus several times but they never settled here.

You talked about the rest of the UK keeping their native languages, customs and cultures. I assume you talk about the Celts. Just to put things into perspective, the Greek language was already the main language of Cyprus before the first Celts moved to Britain.

Whilst you guys are proud to be Greek...

It is nationalists that are proud to be Greek, Turkish, American etc. Personally I can't be proud of anything that I didn't achieve personally or at least had a significant contribution. The reason I talk about our Greek identity is because this is the identity that the majority of the Cypriot people have, and I believe that others should respect this. I do not question the ethnic identity of others and similarly I don't like it when others question our ethnic identity.

I hope that as time progresses, the Cypriots do present them selves as a patriotic race that displays loyalty and respect for themselves as Cypriots, with their own National Anthem and more inclination to fly the Cypriot flag, rather than the Greek flag but at the same time remain proud of their cultural origins.

Another question: If the talks with the Turkish Cypriots do not result in a united Cyprus, by what ever means, would this not be the time for a new national anthem (written by GC’s) and a new flag, again designed by Cypriots; as showing the outline of Cyprus would no longer be representative of the New Cyprus?

If the talks with the TCs do not result in a united Cyprus, the north part of Cyprus will remain under illegal occupation. Just because they refuse to agree on a reasonable settlement this doesn't mean we will gift to them our lands. Therefore the flag of Cyprus will continue to represent the whole Cyprus as it should.

Regarding the national anthem, when we are allowed to rule democratically our own island and write our own constitution, then we can change the anthem as well.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:44 am

Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:VP,

"Viva la Enosis with Turkey"

Now take that comment VP and put it next to the thousands of times you have accused GC fanatics of "wanting to gift the island to Greece". This is the Turkish cynicism I have posted about. When it suits you, it is OK, when it does not suit you then all kinds of sophistry and rationalisations are invoked.

Enjoy your Enosis, I hope they shove it to you to completion.

You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why? have you forgotten that you wanted enosis of the whole island whereas we wanted taksim division where you get a larger part of the island to do as you wish. HYPOCRITE.

Partition required ethnic cleansing and the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of Cypriots since there was no part of Cyprus which was inhabited by a majority of TCs. On the other hand enosis was the democratic choice of the vast majority of the population and the TC minority would continue to live in Cyprus as they did during Ottoman or British rule. How could it be OK for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the vast majority of Cypriots, but not OK to be part of the Greek State which is what most Cypriots wanted?

If any group of people can take for themselves a territory where they are a small minority by ethnically cleansing the majority, then why wouldn't every other minority do that? What is so unique with your minority to give you such right? If the north part of Cyprus was always inhabited by a majority of TCs (in the way that Kurdistan is inhabited by a majority of Kurds) then I would have no problem for you to take the part of the island where you have always been the majority and do what they want with it. But to ethnically cleanse us, steal our lands, and then claim our lands as yours, that is something you have no right.

...thank-you Piratis, well said.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:39 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:VP,

"Viva la Enosis with Turkey"

Now take that comment VP and put it next to the thousands of times you have accused GC fanatics of "wanting to gift the island to Greece". This is the Turkish cynicism I have posted about. When it suits you, it is OK, when it does not suit you then all kinds of sophistry and rationalisations are invoked.

Enjoy your Enosis, I hope they shove it to you to completion.

You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why? have you forgotten that you wanted enosis of the whole island whereas we wanted taksim division where you get a larger part of the island to do as you wish. HYPOCRITE.

Partition required ethnic cleansing and the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of Cypriots since there was no part of Cyprus which was inhabited by a majority of TCs. On the other hand enosis was the democratic choice of the vast majority of the population and the TC minority would continue to live in Cyprus as they did during Ottoman or British rule. How could it be OK for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the vast majority of Cypriots, but not OK to be part of the Greek State which is what most Cypriots wanted?

If any group of people can take for themselves a territory where they are a small minority by ethnically cleansing the majority, then why wouldn't every other minority do that? What is so unique with your minority to give you such right? If the north part of Cyprus was always inhabited by a majority of TCs (in the way that Kurdistan is inhabited by a majority of Kurds) then I would have no problem for you to take the part of the island where you have always been the majority and do what they want with it. But to ethnically cleanse us, steal our lands, and then claim our lands as yours, that is something you have no right.

...thank-you Piratis, well said.

Now what you people are saying its fine to force people to gift away their country so that it becomes Greek thus changing our world and placing us in danger but not to share the country as we do today? where is the logic in this, you would rather be part of Greece than have the "RoC" you have today even though 37% is being used by the other partner.....errrrr dumbos.

Piratis you ask why we are special and different from other minorities well we have a partnership agreement and a big brother that was will to fight for our right to share this island, Im sure if other minorities around the world had the same special features they would use them just as the Kurds.

Repulse you have shown your true face of being a supporter of enosis, anything you post from now on will be viewed in that light.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby CBBB » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:47 am

Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:VP,

"Viva la Enosis with Turkey"

Now take that comment VP and put it next to the thousands of times you have accused GC fanatics of "wanting to gift the island to Greece". This is the Turkish cynicism I have posted about. When it suits you, it is OK, when it does not suit you then all kinds of sophistry and rationalisations are invoked.

Enjoy your Enosis, I hope they shove it to you to completion.

You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why? have you forgotten that you wanted enosis of the whole island whereas we wanted taksim division where you get a larger part of the island to do as you wish. HYPOCRITE.

Partition required ethnic cleansing and the violation of the human rights of 100s of thousands of Cypriots since there was no part of Cyprus which was inhabited by a majority of TCs. On the other hand enosis was the democratic choice of the vast majority of the population and the TC minority would continue to live in Cyprus as they did during Ottoman or British rule. How could it be OK for Cyprus to be part of the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the vast majority of Cypriots, but not OK to be part of the Greek State which is what most Cypriots wanted?

If any group of people can take for themselves a territory where they are a small minority by ethnically cleansing the majority, then why wouldn't every other minority do that? What is so unique with your minority to give you such right? If the north part of Cyprus was always inhabited by a majority of TCs (in the way that Kurdistan is inhabited by a majority of Kurds) then I would have no problem for you to take the part of the island where you have always been the majority and do what they want with it. But to ethnically cleanse us, steal our lands, and then claim our lands as yours, that is something you have no right.

...thank-you Piratis, well said.

Now what you people are saying its fine to force people to gift away their country so that it becomes Greek thus changing our world and placing us in danger but not to share the country as we do today? where is the logic in this, you would rather be part of Greece than have the "RoC" you have today even though 37% is being used by the other partner.....errrrr dumbos.

Piratis you ask why we are special and different from other minorities well we have a partnership agreement and a big brother that was will to fight for our right to share this island, Im sure if other minorities around the world had the same special features they would use them just as the Kurds.

Repulse you have shown your true face of being a supporter of enosis, anything you post from now on will be viewed in that light.

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:26 pm


...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Now what you people are saying its fine to force people to gift away their country so that it becomes Greek thus changing our world and placing us in danger but not to share the country as we do today? where is the logic in this, you would rather be part of Greece than have the "RoC" you have today even though 37% is being used by the other partner.....errrrr dumbos.

You have a distorted view of what constitutes a "gift" and what is "sharing".

Enosis in the 50's entailed the ancestral, inherent right and desire by the majority natives of Cyprus to associate freely with the rest of the Greek islands and mainland. Therefore, it was NOT a gift to Greece! Cyprus would not have "become" Greek - it already was, and is, Greek.

On the other hand, you seem to view your theft of nearly half of Cyprus, some 90% of which actually belongs to the native Greeks as a form of "sharing". Perhaps by "sharing" you mean you keep what you want and take from the unoccupied areas, health insurance, pensions, education, electricity, passports etc etc etc!

.... we have a partnership agreement ...

No you don't.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:03 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...why?

...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".

The truth you talk about is forcing us to become part of Greece where does that stand with your we are not Greek or Turk? Your mask has finally but clearly fallen.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby CBBB » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:36 pm

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 29, 2012 10:58 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...why?

...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".

The truth you talk about is forcing us to become part of Greece where does that stand with your we are not Greek or Turk? Your mask has finally but clearly fallen.

Cyprus is a part of Greece and we are both parts of the EU. You're right - you don't belong in either Cyprus, Greece nor the EU - so, go and live in Turkey.
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