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What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Nikitas » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:59 am

VP ranted: "You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why?"

I am the hypocrite VP is ranting at.

Read my post in this thread, as in others. I am against Enosis. I have on occasion said that double Enosis is a tactic that should be regarded as a last option GC measure in case of annexation of the north by Turkey.

How you have concluded that I am pro Enosis only you know.

Enosis of any part or whole of Cyprus with any other country is nonsense. What I find interesting in your rant is the implicit assumption, which echoes mainland Greek attitudes, that Cyprus has nothing to contribute to a union. You have never talked, in this thread or others, of what exactly the TC community will be bringing to a union with Turkey. Like mainland Greeks you assume a takeover, not a union. Yet again you amaze me with how close your views are to GC and Greek fanatics.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Nikitas » Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:16 am

For the GCs on this thread.

There are Greek and Helenic aspects to Enosis. Greek is when the island is taken over by Greece, "like any other Greek island" and the Greek system of civil administration is extended to the island.

The Hellenic approach asks what is more beneficial to Hellenism as a whole and not just the ruling elite of Athens, an elite which managed in one generation to turn Greece into a wreck. Hellenism includes all Greeks everywhere. Arguably the interests of Hellenism might be better served by having TWO independent Greek states and not one. I could amplify this further but you get the gist. Even if one state is envisioned, then that state should take the best that each part has to offer so as to emerge as a better whole than each of its constituent parts, assuming that a positive outcome is a goal of Enosis.

Have any of you heard ANY Greek politician advocating, for instance, extending the Cyprus pensions scheme over the whole of the union? Why do that? Because it is better for Greeks to have their pension start a month rather than four years after their retirement date. The benefits are obvious, but the possibility is not even discussed. It is assumed that beyond the emotional appeal of Enosis there are no practical matters to face. In effect Enosis with Greece is simply copyatting the situation in the north, where the mainland "mother" has bulldozed the local culture into extinction.

So what positive, from a practical point of view, results are there from Enosis with Greece, either in the form of total Enosis or Double Enosis.

On the emotional level how do you people feel when you hear the phrase "θα την πάρουμε την Κύπρο". I feel outraged because it assumes that someone foreign now has the island. And no, this is not a post 1974 phrase, it was always used by mainlanders and the utterance reveals a state of mind and an attitude, and that is what pisses me off.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:02 am

Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...why?

...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".

The truth you talk about is forcing us to become part of Greece where does that stand with your we are not Greek or Turk? Your mask has finally but clearly fallen.

...this must be the vp4.0, because the real vp is not so quick to make up any lie. as i've had to say before, you are a "Turk" therefore? even if there are shades of any "Body", Turks, Greeks, and "Greeks", for different reasons find your views anathema to theirs. although i cannot speak for "Greeks", i can say as a Citizen of the World, i too compel myself to hope for the strength that will help you better yourself as a Human Being.

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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:22 am

repulsewarrior wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...why?

...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".

The truth you talk about is forcing us to become part of Greece where does that stand with your we are not Greek or Turk? Your mask has finally but clearly fallen.

...this must be the vp4.0, because the real vp is not so quick to make up any lie. as i've had to say before, you are a "Turk" therefore? even if there are shades of any "Body", Turks, Greeks, and "Greeks", for different reasons find your views anathema to theirs. although i cannot speak for "Greeks", i can say as a Citizen of the World, i too compel myself to hope for the strength that will help you better yourself as a Human Being.


Your cover has been blown from here to kingdom come, as a enosis supporter your arguments cannot be taken seriously because what you advocate is on the path to turning the island into a totally Greek status, always had my doubts about you which have now been proven right/
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:28 am

Nikitas wrote:VP ranted: "You are a hypocrite, enosis is fine for GCs but not TCs...why?"

I am the hypocrite VP is ranting at.

Read my post in this thread, as in others. I am against Enosis. I have on occasion said that double Enosis is a tactic that should be regarded as a last option GC measure in case of annexation of the north by Turkey.

How you have concluded that I am pro Enosis only you know.

Enosis of any part or whole of Cyprus with any other country is nonsense. What I find interesting in your rant is the implicit assumption, which echoes mainland Greek attitudes, that Cyprus has nothing to contribute to a union. You have never talked, in this thread or others, of what exactly the TC community will be bringing to a union with Turkey. Like mainland Greeks you assume a takeover, not a union. Yet again you amaze me with how close your views are to GC and Greek fanatics.

Cant you see the hypocracy?

GCs can want union with Greece cause they think its their god give right but when TCs want the same with Turkey they are traitors the thieves.....well you can think what you want we have 37% of the island and we have no intentions of handing it over until the offer on the table is acceptable, the ball is in your court.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:12 pm

Someone brought up an argument once that the RoC has been allowed to prosper, post 1974, simply to prevent further dissent at the situation; to placate us against active solution-seeking. Throw into that argument the increasing monetary attacks leveled at Greece, kept blackmailed to, e.g., buy overpriced weapons from Germany to over-arm against the constant threat from Turkey (with, of course, the reminder that a part of the Greek world is very visibly occupied by Turkey), and you can easily see how much this severing of Cyprus from its Greek connections means to the mighty belligerent controllers around us. Cyprus prospers, whilst Greece sinks. How to end the cries for a unified Greek nation! :roll:

All the more reason to fight against these attempts to continue our estrangement from our cultural heritage!

Modern 'enosis' is about fighting for recognition of our ancestral identity and with it ultimately freedom for our island! - The right to have our connections with Greece accepted and not constantly thwarted. With a Greece unopressed by the unregulated-capitalists so that it's not presented to us as something we should avoid, because we in Cyprus are, comparatively, doing so well.

If Cyprus is isolated from its Greek history we shall forget that Cyprus' liberation was truncated aside from the continuation of the liberation of Greece - started in 1821 and not yet finished.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:37 pm

enosis is alive and kicking :roll:
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:50 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...why?

...because Piratis said something true?, after all these years, finally you have something to hang on me. never mind that there is a Cyprus; we are neither Turks or Greeks.

...pity, you are a"Turk", in your mind the rest of us can only be "Greeks".

The truth you talk about is forcing us to become part of Greece where does that stand with your we are not Greek or Turk? Your mask has finally but clearly fallen.

...this must be the vp4.0, because the real vp is not so quick to make up any lie. as i've had to say before, you are a "Turk" therefore? even if there are shades of any "Body", Turks, Greeks, and "Greeks", for different reasons find your views anathema to theirs. although i cannot speak for "Greeks", i can say as a Citizen of the World, i too compel myself to hope for the strength that will help you better yourself as a Human Being.


Your cover has been blown from here to kingdom come, as a enosis supporter your arguments cannot be taken seriously because what you advocate is on the path to turning the island into a totally Greek status, always had my doubts about you which have now been proven right/

woofwoof, eh vp.

my cover? my manifesto.
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:35 pm

So tell us repulse wıll you stıll peddle the we are all Cypriots to take the whole island?
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Re: What does 'Enosis' mean to you, today?

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:06 pm

...what will change for me?
what has changed for me?

you see vp, i/I fight for Cyprus. everyday i used to tend my trees, our trees were tended too.
were you here before the "fait accompli"? it is the "Greeks" and the "Turks" who have held their
debate without success, it is about time for the Greeks and Turks to create their own Agenda.
...but what do i know, coming from a "mixed" village.

enosis, better means, to mend. its meaning Historically changed over time. i take it to mean
the future as one. you, if you are a "Turk", take it to mean belonging to Greece, or belonging
to Turkey, as though this is correct thinking. i say as Cypriots we have the great distinction of defining
the words Nation and State more clearly, and demonstrating to the rest of Mankind a meaning for
the word, Bicommunal, (and now Bizonal), in a manner which can be held in high esteem by its emulation;
please read my manifesto, and need i remind you, your observations are important to me,
after all some of it came from your inspiration.

...don't make me your enemy, just because it seems, you can no longer ignore my attention; that's too easy.

dude, those PM's you sent long ago, do you remember sending them? what makes you think anything has changed,
you wanted to be freinds, and we were united with one idea, that Cyprus belongs to Cypriots, not "Greeks" and "Turks",
being Bicommunal, i say all Cypriots are Cypriots first when it comes to defending their State as Individuals, being
Bicommunal means, as well, National Assemblies, and being Bizonal means Territorial Jurisdictions, where Cypriots
by where they reside are Minorities or Majorities within an electorate of Persons (a National Assembly) so that through
their self-representation as Greeks, Turks, Maronites, Armenians, (Jews, British,) and Romes they can sustain a Living
Heritance with their respect and recognition for the "others" amongst them, while they vote as well for a Government
for their Republic, each citizen with one vote for the Betterment of Human Conditions. not dismiss the fact that "Greeks" and "Turks" are a set within larger circles of Greeks and Turks who in a wider sense are no different to the other Communities who can call Cyprus a Home. the debate as it is, is flawed. Mankind, as you say, 'gifted' Cyprus to Cypriots. only "Greeks" and "Turks", over this, express their discontent. "Turks" think they have the demographic stranglehold to leave Cyprus an impotent speck of geography like it was before the Treaty of Lausanne, i say Greeks and Turks, Maronites, etc. are headed toward extinction fast, and that the population of Cyprus is 12.5 million sooner than later.

...vp, things can't stay the same forever, Freedom for Cyprus, one Government one Country; Freedom for Cypriots, many National Assemblies.

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