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I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:36 pm

There are reported to be many injuries in the ongoing battle in Kurtuluş. Two people have broken legs and one person has been hit in the head with a gas capsule. ... di-1180938
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:46 pm

Police are now battling with demonstrators in Taksim Square!
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:22 pm

Some recently reported developments:

19:12 Police are intervening with plastic bullets in Kurtuluş.
19:09 In the city of Eskişehir, a large crowd is marching along University Street. Another crowd is marching from Doktorlar Street in the direction of Yunus Emre street.
19:06 Police intervening in Sakarya Street and Cebeci/Ankara. There are said to have been 73 arrests.
19:04 Barricades in Kurtuluş set alight. Police making intensive intervention.
18:55 Barricades being put up in side streets in Harbiye. ... di-1180938
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Mar 12, 2014 7:33 pm

There are violent clashes between demonstrators and police in the side streets of Kurtuluş. The police are using plastic bullets and tear gas; the demonstrators are replying with fireworks.
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:56 pm

Beeb report on today's clashes in Istanbul including video.

Masses of tear-gas again used against demonstrations...
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:25 pm

... and today has also seen the return of Bagis the Clown.

The Clown has described those mourners who went to the funeral of Berkin Elvan as being Necrophiliacs ...!!!

Here's what Bagis tweeted...
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:59 am

Sadly, last night’s protests (or rather the failure of the Islamofascist gang that has usurped the Republic of Turkey to respect the right of citizens to peacefully protest against the murder of a teenager) claimed another life. At about 2200 last night a group of ‘persons unknown’, some of them wielding clubs, attacked a group of demonstrators. Shots were heard in the course of this attack, following which three people were hospitalised. One of them, 22-year-old Burak Can Karamanoğlu, later died in hospital. ... arali.html
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:21 pm

Denizli Penal Court of First Instance No 7 has acquitted nine defendants charged with participating in an illegal demonstration for taking part in the Gezi protests.

Judge Haki Öncü has drafted a judgment containing some remarkable statements. I have submitted my own translation here of extracts from this judgment:

Demokrasinin kelime anlamı; Tüm üye veya vatandaşların organizasyon veya devlet politikasını şekillendirmede eşit hakka sahip olduğu bir yönetim biçimidir. İleri demokrasi ise, 21'inci Yüzyıl'ın teknolojisini kullanarak demokrasiyi geliştirmeyi amaçlamak, bunun için basın, fikir ve düşünce ile ifade özgürlüğü konularında ileri düzeyde çaba sarf ederek, insanların özgürlük ve sınırlarının arttırılması çabasının görüldüğü bir yönetim biçimi olacaktır, daha doğrusu olmalıdır.

The meaning of the word ‘democracy’ is a form of administration in which all members or citizens have an equal right to shape the organisation’s or state’s policies. The aim of advanced democracy, on the other hand, is to take democracy forward using twenty-first century technology and, to this end, it will be, or more correctly should be, a form of administration in which there is a palpable effort to extend peoples’ freedom and boundaries through striving at an advanced level in the fields of the press, ideas and thought as well as freedom of expression.

Toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşü yaptıkları ileri sürülen ve sanık olarak yargılanan bu kişilerin eğitim durumları incelendiğinde, ağırlıklı olarak üniversite mezunu ve aydın olarak nitelendirilebilecek bir topluluk olduğu görülecektir. Sanıkların dosya kapsamı ve delil durumu incelendiğinde bir araya gelme, toplanma ve basın açıklaması yapma düşüncelerindeki amaç; daha önceden yapılan farklı zaman ve yerlerdeki gösteri yürüyüşlerine, güvenlik güçlerince orantısız güç kullanılması neticesi birden çok göstericinin ölmesine duyulan üzüntünün dile getirilmesine çalıştığı ve bu toplanma amacının demokratik tüm ülkelerde olağan bir davranış olduğu aşikardır. Ülke tarihimize baktığımızda, daima farklı düşünen değerlerin ağırlıklı olarak ölümleri sonrasında zenginlik olarak kabul edildikleri, yaşarken tehlike olarak görülen bu kişilerin ölümü ile birlikte iadeyi, itibarlarının verilmesine çalışıldığı, hatta ülkemiz dışında olan bazı mezarların getirilmesine çabalandığı görülmektedir.

From an examination of the education levels of these people, who are alleged to have staged meetings and protest marches and are being prosecuted as defendants, it would appear that for the most part they are a group that can be classified as being university graduates and intellectuals. From an examination of the contents of the file and the evidentiary status, it is abundantly clear that the purpose of the defendants in assembling, meeting and making a press statement was to express the sorrow that they felt at the deaths of a number of protestors as a result of the use of excessive force by the security forces against protest marches that had previously been staged at various times and places; and that assembling for such purposes is commonplace behaviour in all democratic countries. A glance at our country’s history shows that time and time again persons of merit who think differently are valued mostly after their death and that the attempt is made to rehabilitate and grant esteem to these people, who are perceived as being a threat while alive, once they die, or the endeavour is even made to secure the return of certain graves which are outside our country.

Yaşanan darbe sonrasında 'farklı düşünüyor' diye 17 yaşında asılan Erdal Eren'in ardından yazılan 'Son bakıştaki o gözler kaldı aklımızda' şarkısını dinler, rahmetli Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu'nun Mamak Cezaevi'nde yapılan işkenceleri anlatan 'Üşüyorum' şiirini okudukça yapılan zulümlere yanar, farklı düşünüyor diye yazar Sabahattin Ali'yi Istıranca Dağları'nda öldürdüğümüze yanar, farklı düşündüğü için ülkemizden kaçmak zorunda kalan Nazım Hikmet'leri, Ahmet Kaya'ları başka ülkelerindeki mezarlarında ziyaret eder, çiçek bırakır, Fatiha okur, son olarak da gezi parkı protestoları sırasında polis memurları tarafından atılan gaz bombasının başına isabet etmesi sonucu 268 gün komada kalan 15 yaşındaki Berkin Elvan'ın ölümüne yanar dururuz. Anadolu'nun kilimi gibi, motiflerdeki renkler gibi farklılıklardan güzellik doğar. Ülkemizde son 30 yıldır yaşanan terör sonrası terörü destekleyen bir etnik gruba dahi olgunluk ile el uzatan kucak açan devletimizin, aynı olgunluğu farklı düşüncelere de göstermesi gerekir. Bu cennet vatan hepimizindir. Doğu'suyla, batısıyla, kuzeyiyle, güneyiyle, hangi etnik kimliği olursa olsun, hangi inanca hizmet ederse etsin, farklılığı, zenginlik olarak görüp kabul etmek gerekir. Ayakta duranı, oturanı, yürüyeni, tencere tava çalanı, ışık yakıp söndüreni, tehdit, tehlike olarak görmek, sesini kesmek için mücadele etmek, bırakın ilerisini demokrasi ile bağdaşmaz. Şiddet unsuru taşıyamayan, sadece etkiye tepki ölçüsü doğrultusunda tepki gösteren, bu sanıkların suç işleme kastı ile hareket etmediklerinin düşünülmesi gerekir. El ele, kol kola, göstericimizle, polisimizle, askerimizle, sağcısıyla, solcusuyla, inananıyla, inanmayanıyla, bir halay çeker gibi aydınlık geleceğe yol olmamız gerekir.

We listen to the song ‘Those eyes we glanced at last are fixed in our memory’ composed in remembrance of Erdal Eren, hanged at the age of 17 for ‘thinking differently’ following the coup that took place, we grieve at the cruelty inflicted on reading the poem ‘I am cold’ describing the torture inflicted on the late Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu in Mamak Prison, we grieve because we killed writer Sabahattin Ali in the Istıranca Mountains because he thought differently, we visit the graves in other countries, and leave flowers and recite the Fatiha there, of those such as Nazım Hikmet and Ahmet Kaya, who were forced to flee from our country because they thought differently, and, finally, we are filled with grief at the death of fifteen-year-old Berkin Elvan, who spent 268 days in a coma as a result of a gas canister, fired by a police officer in the course of the Gezi Park protests, striking his head. Like an Anatolian kilim, just like the colours in its patterns, beauty is born of difference. Our state, which, following the thirty years of terror that was experienced in our country, has extended its hand and opened its arms with maturity even to an ethnic group which has supported terror, must display the same maturity to those who think differently. This paradise land belongs to all of us. It is necessary to perceive difference, whether in the east, west, north or south, regardless of its ethnic identity and regardless of the faith it serves, as a richness and accept it. To perceive those who stand still, sit, march, bang pots and pans, switch lights on and off as a threat and danger, and to fight to stifle their voice, has no place in democracy, let alone its advanced form. It must be held that these defendants, who displayed no violence and simply reacted such that the response was proportional to the stimulus, did not act with intent to commit an offence. We must embark, hand in hand, arm in arm, on the path to a bright future as if dancing the halay with our demonstrators, police, soldiers, right-wingers, left-wingers, believers and non-believers.

Valilik makamı tarafından çoğunluğun görüşünde olmayan hiçbir gösteri için ağırlıklı olarak izin verilmediğinden, farklı olan farklı düşünen hiç kimsenin ülkemizde gösteri veya toplanma hakkı ne yazık ki görülmemektedir. Bırakın toplantı ve gösteri yürüyüşüne valilik makamlarının izin vermesi, bu günlerde Cumhuriyet savcıları tarafından yapılması düşünülen operasyonların dahi izni validen alınması gerekiyor. Bu durum ne hukuk devleti ne de demokrasi ile bağdaşmıyor. Ne yazık ki ülkemizde şu an, farklı düşünen kitlenin sindirilmesi sürecinde, ülke genelinde itfaiyelerin kullandığı sudan çok TOMA araçlarının su kullandığı ve göstericilere su sıktığı ortadadır. Sıkılan suyun da insan için zararlı olacak kimyasal madde ile karıştırılmış su olması, gösteri yapmaya çalışan vatandaşların direkt meydanlarda sıkılan kimyasal sularla cezalandırılmasının amaçlandığı gerçektir.

Since permission is for the most part not granted by provincial governates for any demonstration by those not of the majority view, there is unfortunately no manifest right to demonstrate and assemble in our country of anyone who is different and thinks differently. Leaving aside the granting of permission by provincial governates for meetings and protest marches, permission must nowadays even be obtained from provincial governates for proposed operations by Republic prosecutors. There is no place for this state of affairs in either a law-based state or a democracy. It is a sadly the case that currently in our country, in the process of cowing the body of people who think differently, riot control vehicles use more water than the fire service uses nationwide and water is sprayed on demonstrators. It is a fact that, with the water sprayed being water to which chemicals that are harmful to people are added, the aim is to punish citizens who are attempting to demonstrate by directly spraying them with chemical water in open spaces. ... ar-1180936
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:16 pm

It is reported that five police officers have given statements in the investigation into Berkin Elvan's death. ... adesi.html
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Re: I was There yesterday! (events in Istanbul)

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:24 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Sadly, last night’s protests (or rather the failure of the Islamofascist gang that has usurped the Republic of Turkey to respect the right of citizens to peacefully protest against the murder of a teenager) claimed another life. At about 2200 last night a group of ‘persons unknown’, some of them wielding clubs, attacked a group of demonstrators. Shots were heard in the course of this attack, following which three people were hospitalised. One of them, 22-year-old Burak Can Karamanoğlu, later died in hospital. ... arali.html

Burak Can Karamanoğlu was shot twice in the head. ... efault.htm
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