repulsewarrior wrote:
@Garavnoss, you may be a latent homosexual yourself, i suspect that your own fears are as such.
Considering the fact that YOU are seemingly delighted with the notion that you may have taught the poofter how to dance, it would be a far more likely assumption that YOU are of the same persuasions as he.
Actually, I will readily confess that [after reading many of your posts] it has often crossed my mind that YOU are a bit of a poofter on the quiet but, until now, I have considered it impolite to broach the subject of another's sexuality providing they keep it to themselves.
Perhaps I do not possess the same levels of "Sophistication" required by today's society when it comes to accepting such perversions, it is OK by me if others are able to accept such standards of morality but, I DO wish the poofters [and others] would not be so proud of their unnatural habits, it MUST be detrimental to the welfare of the younger generations.
As to yourself, IF you are [as I suspect] one of them, get in line mate, the rooftops are waiting.