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For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:This is an ad homin attack

Not really, little crybaby. You just chose to ignore the evidence presented above of your vile wishes of doom posted incessantly for the last 5 years.

Do you still believe in yourself? Then you are stupid!

Crying? Can you smell the Onions from my cooking? If that is the best you can do it shows how pathetic you really are: in denial about a topic where the evidence is that it will not just lie down, whether you like it or not - NOT I think - and where nothing you or I say or wish will affect what might or might not happen. .

Here in the meantime is the latest

A most interesting but bearing mid the source no doubt biased article on the Greek tax base.
More on Grexit
(mentions the tax issue)
and something wholly fantastic - Greece to adopt the dollar - I will believe that when I see it
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:04 am

In May 2012, you started on your trail of bringing us the news of a Grexit.

Where is it?
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:32 am

And now some good news, at least in the Short term, where the can has once again been kicked down the road

Unless and until Debt relief is agreed (as opposed to rolling loans) or Grexit happens (and it will likely be a possibility for years to come) this story will run....
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:57 am

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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:59 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:The story that refuses to die

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You and your stupid CM friends!!! :P

The world has moved on soooo much and you are stuck in some backwater screaming"Oh, but it was so likely to happen, that Greece would do a Grexit and it's not fair that now Britain is doing a Brexit instead and Europe is going from strength to strength and the EU is sooooo united behind Greece, it's not fair, really what else can we print to make it look like we are right even when we are soooo wronnnnngggg!!!"

Get over yourself. Your record of errors is humongous! :D
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:53 pm

The CM is reporting on the comments of others, Just as I pass on the comments of the CM and other news agencies.

As I have said before, I do not desire Grexit, I view the prospect with some concern, not the least because the austerity that will then forcibly occur with a rapidly collapsing "New Drachma" will likely be far worse then even now. However unless and until systemic changes are made, the problem will not go away.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:37 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:The CM is reporting on the comments of others, Just as I pass on the comments of the CM and other news agencies.

As I have said before, I do not desire Grexit, I view the prospect with some concern, not the least because the austerity that will then forcibly occur with a rapidly collapsing "New Drachma" will likely be far worse then even now. However unless and until systemic changes are made, the problem will not go away.

I don't frigging care about your selection of comments from a bunch of racist ill-informed ex-Pats. You've been wrong on every major aspect of the governance of Greece. You won't give up peddling the myth of a Grexit in complete disregard of facts and by their total substitution with your whims. Posting comments from similar-minded individuals like you only serves to justify why Brexit had to happen!
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 23, 2017 5:59 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:The CM is reporting on the comments of others, Just as I pass on the comments of the CM and other news agencies.

As I have said before, I do not desire Grexit, I view the prospect with some concern, not the least because the austerity that will then forcibly occur with a rapidly collapsing "New Drachma" will likely be far worse then even now. However unless and until systemic changes are made, the problem will not go away.

I don't frigging care about your selection of comments from a bunch of racist ill-informed ex-Pats. You've been wrong on every major aspect of the governance of Greece. You won't give up peddling the myth of a Grexit in complete disregard of facts and by their total substitution with your whims. Posting comments from similar-minded individuals like you only serves to justify why Brexit had to happen!

Being abusive seems to be all you are capable of.
I would hardly describe the Bavarian Minister who the article quoted, as an expat, nor for that matter Mr Costas Simitis, a former Greek Prime Minister, who commented on the on-going possibility of Grexit as recently as 3rd March.

as I said in 2012
I would also add that the Greek game is not yet played out but raising something as a possibility which still remains - e.g. the Grexit - does not mean I desire it. I am old enough to recall H Wislon's (sic) famous "the pound in your pocket speech" and the inflation in the UK in the early 70's onwards, so the prospect of what might happen to any country if they were to leave the Euro and adopt a local currency and apply QE is not something that I find attractive .

GiG own imagination is however running wild in particular in putting about what she thinks I am thinking, all of which I think flows from her own bitterness, because with her regular anti British rants which are so often used a as vehicle to have a go at me, I am reaching the conclusion she is an increasingly embittered woman thriving on her delusions.

Both I think still hold true.
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:05 pm

Nothing left for you but to keep re-posting your lies and mistakes. Pure propaganda. :lol: I think everyone has clicked your fakery.

At least when Paphitis posted that the Queen was at death's door, back at Christmas time, he had a slight chance/hope it would come true at some point in the future....
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Re: For "g"IG, Oracle, Phoenix, Chimera?, etc,

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:25 pm

As usual you display your sad bitterness and hate, and demonstrate once again that you are in denial that anything can be wrong in that la la land in your head that you think of as Greece.

Rather you classify a news item in Greek press containing comments by a former Greek Prime Minister as lies and propaganda, for which I am some how to blame.

Tell us, Am I some sort of Ray Allan and Costas Simitis some sort of Lord Charles such that I controlled what he said, only some two weeks or so ago?

Indeed When have I stated Grexit would be a good thing? I have always expressed concern that Grexit would not be a good thing, certainly not for the people of Greece. The furthest I have gone is to say the Greek people must decide.

Others have expressed the view Greece should leave the Euro, pointing to Iceland as a paradigm but I do no recall that they were subject to abuse. That really does suggest to me that your comments are not entirely rational but motivated by personal vindictiveness, such that you do not read what i write, but have a knee jerk reaction that produces nothing but bile.


If you are religeous, Just pray in the meantime that some of the other Euro bound nations, such as Italy or France, do not pull the plug on the Euro or the EU. The Euro would likely survive Greece exiting but if as some of the more exiteable and less reliable newspapers report is possible, Le Pen wins the French election and fulfils her promises to pull France out then commentators suggest the Eu and Euro will likely not survive, and if so, then much of Europe, including Greece, and Cyprus. will be deep in cack. A Le Pen victory is not what i desire.

Anyway I will leave you to your dark delusions and bilious thoughts.
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