GreekIslandGirl wrote:Don't worry ever worry you ogreish little head (emphasis on teeny tiny head housing miniscule brain-e-poo) about there being a Grexit (even if you have been trumpeting it for years and years now) because there's more likely to be an almighty Brexit/Brexodus and after that, the future of the EU will be secured and instability from Anglo-Turkish imperialist influence will be minimised forever!
The Brexit from the SBAs will be next ...

I have already called for the abolition of the SBA so ou are not going to score any brownie points with that remark.
Likewise I have said on a number of occasions that I do not desire GREXIT, nor for that matter BREXIT, which is not certain, and where either way I will still be here, just as i was here before Cyprus was in the EU.
However the topic of Grexit will not go away, whether you or I like it or not, as media, like Greek reporter, who must by your logic be Greek haters, keep raising it, with several articles posted in the last few days in the media. Your beloved EU too must Greek haters, where they accuse Greece of seriously neglecting its obligations, and of serious deficiencies and/or being seriously deficient,m in GreeceS management of the External border.
As for the supposed insult contained within your phrenological assesment of your delusions about my skull, apart from the fact that phrenology has been discredited , if that was meant to be any sort of a cutting remark I doubt it could cut soft butter... I have been insulted in better terms and by better people than you....
Do you really think your comment shows you in a good light, or rather as someone who has lost the plot...