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Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

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Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:58 am

I have found the last couple of weeks watching the furore over 'Russian hacking' a great entertainment as well as an insight into the workings of the US Deep State. The more outrageous the claims the more stupid the Deep State intelligence mouth pieces made themselves look. :lol:

This morning on TV (Crosstalk on RT) I watched a four way discussion on the subject and one comment summed it all up! :roll:

In the US elections, 500 MSM news outlets supported Hilary Clinton; 35 MSM outlets supported Donald Trump; the latest intelligence assessment devoted a third of the report to RT's interference in the US election ....... one station was so good it managed to swing the election in Trumps favour over the 500 MSM supporting Clinton ! No wonder the Deep State and 'them' don't want 'us' to watch RT ..... honestly, is that story really credible ..... or just more 'false news' ?

Let us hope that Donald Trump is true to the image he has created and really does intend to ‘.... drain the swamp.’ ! It looks like the Deep State is about to go so deep that it can be considered to have been buried. :lol: :lol:

US Deep State in Deep Trouble - By Finian Cunningham

US ruling power is in deep trouble because there are growing signs that the mass of citizens are no longer beholden to the supposed authority residing in Washington.

Once the legitimacy of would-be authorities begins to collapse in the eyes of the people, then profound political change is in the offing, as history shows us through countless empires that came and went – often ignominiously.

The so-called American Deep State comprising the military-intelligence apparatus and its operatives in the political and media establishment has put its credibility on the line over allegations of Russian interference in the US elections.
Those allegations are threadbare, indeed baseless, despite concerted, overweening attempts by the Deep State to conjure up something of substance.

The Russians Did Not “Hack” the US Election – a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

– I am deeply offended by the lies being told by the US Government – and more specifically, by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the explicit approval of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the President – with respect to the Russians “hacking” the US election.

By Robert David Steele - Intelligence expert

I am reminded of the 935 now-documented lies told by Dick Cheney to justify a $5 trillion war and multiple occupations from Afghanistan to Niger – or in more Nordic terms, the falsification by the Swedish military, in collaboration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and CIA, of a Russian submarine that never existed, allegedly “invading” Swedish waters.

As a CIA spy, I have faked intelligence, lied to government leaders, and managed a modest false flag operation (no one died). This is what CIA does. I accuse John Brennan, Director of the CIA, of being a liar who is in betrayal of the public trust with his lies. The most recent DHS-FBI report – and related reports from small companies seeking to curry favour with the Deep State – are absolute crap.
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Lordo » Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:31 pm

the deep state in america are the corporations. it is the democrats that are in the shit becasuse obama promissed and delivered nothing. he could not give them the most basic healthcare and he could not even close a prison which is against the law in america.

on the other hand the republicans can always be relied upon to dress up their policies with the help of the media to look presentable. after all make america great again and take control of your borders sound great and are certain to fool a lot of thick bastards to vote for them. the americans supposedly have voted against establisment and yet voted a bunch of billioners which are head of corporations into government.

its not that the deep state is in the shit, the deep state is now in government.

god help the poor and the immigrants of america. But of course in a few years time the democrats can be relied upon to win back and keep the seat warm for the next republican government
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 09, 2017 5:35 pm

the deep state in america are the corporations. it is the democrats that are in the shit becasuse obama promissed and delivered nothing. he could not give them the most basic healthcare and he could not even close a prison which is against the law in america.

The Deep State is a State within a State; it gives no allegiance to any political party or to the country itself. The corporations are just a small part of it ...... it transcends the whole financial/banking system, political, media and military landscapes.

on the other hand the republicans can always be relied upon to dress up their policies with the help of the media to look presentable. after all make america great again and take control of your borders sound great and are certain to fool a lot of thick bastards to vote for them. the americans supposedly have voted against establisment and yet voted a bunch of billioners which are head of corporations into government.

They may be billionaires but that does not make them Deep State. America will be great again when it regains the respect of the rest of the World.

its not that the deep state is in the shit, the deep state is now in government.

The Deep State IS the Government but not the one the people vote for, that is the facade that conceals the reality. It is not just apparent in the US either; it is also ‘The Establishment' in the UK as well as many European countries and also the EU central ‘government’ set up in Brussels.

god help the poor and the immigrants of america. But of course in a few years time the democrats can be relied upon to win back and keep the seat warm for the next republican government

May your God help us all! The ‘sheeple’ are waking up but is it too late? The US has effectively become a police State over the last decade or so and the function of the police is to enforce what is in the interests of the Deep State, not protect The People. If the enforcers turn on their masters the whole picture will change dramatically.

We may even see these changes happen in our lifetime ? :roll: :wink:
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:43 pm is what countries do to each other, Robin Hood.

You do no favours to us, the body politic, by pointing at the USA in the way you do. In my opinion, they are newcomers, hardly in control of this game, just barely keeping up.

Russia on the other hand, like Turkey, basically invented the intrigues, while China, France, Germany, Iran, the Saudis, and Britain, are solid players, of what one could say are the darker sides of Diplomacy.
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:52 am

RW: is what countries do to each other, Robin Hood.

That does not make it right! :x

You do no favours to us, the body politic, by pointing at the USA in the way you do. In my opinion, they are newcomers, hardly in control of this game, just barely keeping up.

I express only my own opinion, an opinion I form from what I see, but others may see things that are happening today in a different perspective.

The US is actually older than ANY of the others countries you mention because they are an extension of the old British Empire. The same people run the show now in the US as they did in England for hundreds of years and still do. The ‘Americans’ are mostly confined to reservations; the ‘white’ American we see today are mainly descendants of the Europeans that went to America over the last 300-400 years and the ‘black’ Americans are the descendants of slaves.

As a Nation they have enormous commercial power which is backed by the largest and potentially the most destructive military in the history of the Planet. They project that might to the rest of the world by declaring themselves to be the ‘exceptional and indispensable Nation’ and display that by their dominance over all other Nations. They have the tendency to act like the spoilt child of wealthy parents and openly display that they are contemptuously above the law that they are so quick to apply to others. As I see it ..... that is not a good thing. :x

Russia on the other hand, like Turkey, basically invented the intrigues, while China, France, Germany, Iran, the Saudis, and Britain, are solid players, of what one could say are the darker sides of Diplomacy.

I can’t agree that what we see today are the modern version of the ancient nations you note.

Russia is relatively new as a nation! You cannot compare the Russia of today with that which existed before the collapse of the old USSR, the communist State, or the days of the Tsar. I think the same would apply to all those countries you mention ..... with the exception of Britain.

Saudi was a bunch of warring Arabs tribes; China an ancient Nation but now a Communist/Capitalist hybrid; France had the Revolution; Iran was an ancient country, then came the Shah and then the Islamic Revolution. All have undergone massive upheavals in their time but Britain has never seen such a change for centuries. Each of these was a change in the power structure that emanated from The People ...... Britain has never seen that sort of change. In almost every case the British had their finger in the pie to one degree or another.

America had its civil war but that was a war between powers, not a war of the people against the ruling classes. ( I am prepared to be challenged on that .... I am no expert on US history.) So the same people still run the US and that manifests itself in the Deep State which developed from the British Empire. When you look at the whole picture ..... what was it that made America great? :?: The ability to produce the Worlds reserve currency, just like the Pound had kept the Empire together until post WWII but was destroyed basically by debt ..... to the US!

I am not anti-American or anti-Western ..... I am against a rotten system that is clearly behind virtually all the conflict that we have today. So, In my book, there are two major players ..... the USA and the UK deep states.

IMO: Russia demonstrates that it is a rising power and are showing a far more mature approach to diplomacy than the West ..... much to the chagrin of the US and UK Deep States, as the Russians influence is becoming a threat to their World order.

China? Not sure which way they will go! :roll:

2017 I think will be an interesting but dangerous year, as Russia starts to expand its influence across the Globe, whilst that of the Western powers declines. Will the West retaliate with a military conflict, is anyone's guess, but I cannot honestly see Russia going that way unless the US (or NATO) strikes first?

Seeing what is going on in Bremerhaven at the moment looks very much to me to be NATO provocation/aggression ......... 2000 US military vehicles, extra first strike missile capability in Poland, more aircraft/drones/helicopters and another 4000 US troops ....... nothing on this scale since the end of the Cold War ......... not a good sign! :roll:
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:06 am

...what is, is what was; what is different, "they" hope we (as in the rest of us) forget.
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:55 pm

An interesting POV. The Saker was spot on when he was following events in Ukraine and was way ahead of the the normal news outlets. He is an ex-US Intelligence analyst ...... of the old school.

The Neocon’s Declaration of War Against Trump - By The Saker

All of the above further confirms to me what I have been saying over the past weeks: if Trump ever makes it into the White House (I write ‘if’ because I think that the Neocons are perfectly capable of assassinating him), his first priority should be to ruthlessly crack down as hard as he legally can against those in the US “deep state” (which very much includes the media) who have now declared war on him. I am sorry to say that, but it will be either him or them – one of the parties here will be crushed.

[Sidebar: to those who wonder what I mean by “crackdown” I will summarize here what I wrote elsewhere: the best way to do that is to nominate a hyper-loyal and determined FBI director and instruct him to go after all the enemies of Trump by investigating them on charge of corruption, abuse of power, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and all the other types of behavior which have gone on forever in Congress, the intelligence community, the banking world and the media. Deal with the Neocons like Putin did with the Russian oligarchs or how the USA dealt with Al Capone – get them on tax evasion. There is no need to open Gulags or shoot people when you can get them all on what is their normal daily behavior :-) ]

I sincerely hope that I am wrong, and I admit that I might be, but I don’t have the gut feeling that Trump has what it takes to hit hard enough at those who are using any and every ugly method imaginable to prevent him from ever making it into the White House or to have him impeached if he tries to deliver on his campaign promises. I cannot blame him for that either: the enemy has infiltrated all the level of power in the US polity and there are strong sign that they are even represented in Trump’s immediate entourage. Putin could do what he did because he was an iron-willed and highly trained intelligence officer. Trump is just a businessman whose best “training” to deal with such people would probably be his exposure to the mob in New York. Will that be enough to allow him to prevail against the Neocons? I doubt it, but I sure hope so.

As I predicted it before the election, the USA are about to enter the worst crisis in their history. We are entering extraordinarily dangerous times. If the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war (should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and especially in Florida and Texas). At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost regardless of what Trump will personally do.

Whatever we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental American values.

If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often care much more about what their local constituents think and say than what they are up to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the population the police, security and military services might simply refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.

I sure hope that I am wrong and that this latest attack against Trump is the Neocon’s last “hurray” before they finally give up and leave. I hope that all of the above is my paranoia speaking. But, as they say, “just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they are not after you“.

So please tell me I am wrong!
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:09 pm


"... there is another government concealed behind the one that is visible at either end of Pennsylvania Avenue, a hybrid entity of public and private institutions ruling the country according to consistent patterns in season and out, connected to, but only intermittently controlled by, the visible state whose leaders we choose.

My analysis of this phenomenon is not an exposé of a secret, conspiratorial cabal; the state within a state is hiding mostly in plain sight, and its operators mainly act in the light of day. Nor can this other government be accurately termed an 'establishment.'

All complex societies have an establishment, a social network committed to its own enrichment and perpetuation. In terms of its scope, financial resources and sheer global reach, the American hybrid state, the Deep State, is in a class by itself. That said, it is neither omniscient nor invincible. The institution is not so much sinister (although it has highly sinister aspects) as it is relentlessly well entrenched.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

Søren Kierkegaard

Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald discuss Deep State war vs. Trump, while ex-spook hints at assassination.

The number one foreign policy priority of the CIA over the last four to five years has been the proxy war they're waging in Syria to remove Bashar Al Assad - and Hillary Clinton was quite critical of Obama for constraining them. She wanted to escalate that war to unleash the CIA, to impose a no-fly zone in Syria to confront Russia, whereas Trump took the exact opposite position. He said we have no business in Syria trying to change the government, we ought to let the Russia and Assad go free and killing ISIS and Al Quaeda and whoever else they want to kill.

He [Trump] was a threat to the CIA's primary institutional priority of regime change in Syria. Beyond that, Clinton wanted a much more confrontational and belligerent posture towards Moscow, which the CIA has been acrimonious with for decades, whereas Trump wanted better relations. They viewed Trump as a threat to their institutional pre-eminence to their ability to get their agenda imposed on Washington.

What you're seeing is actually quite dangerous. There really is at this point obvious open warfare between this un-elected, but very powerful faction that resides in Washington and sees Presidents come and go - on the one hand, and the person that the American democracy elected to be elected on the other. There's clearly extreme conflict and subversion taking place.
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby amusa » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:12 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Lordo:
the deep state in america are the corporations. it is the democrats that are in the shit becasuse obama promissed and delivered nothing. he could not give them the most basic healthcare and he could not even close a prison which is against the law in america.

The Deep State is a State within a State; it gives no allegiance to any political party or to the country itself. The corporations are just a small part of it ...... it transcends the whole financial/banking system, political, media and military landscapes.

on the other hand the republicans can always be relied upon to dress up their policies with the help of the media to look presentable. after all make america great again and take control of your borders sound great and are certain to fool a lot of thick bastards to vote for them. the americans supposedly have voted against establisment and yet voted a bunch of billioners which are head of corporations into government.

They may be billionaires but that does not make them Deep State. America will be great again when it regains the respect of the rest of the World.

its not that the deep state is in the shit, the deep state is now in government.

The Deep State IS the Government but not the one the people vote for, that is the facade that conceals the reality. It is not just apparent in the US either; it is also ‘The Establishment' in the UK as well as many European countries and also the EU central ‘government’ set up in Brussels.

god help the poor and the immigrants of america. But of course in a few years time the democrats can be relied upon to win back and keep the seat warm for the next republican government

May your God help us all! The ‘sheeple’ are waking up but is it too late? The US has effectively become a police State over the last decade or so and the function of the police is to enforce what is in the interests of the Deep State, not protect The People. If the enforcers turn on their masters the whole picture will change dramatically.

We may even see these changes happen in our lifetime ? :roll: :wink:

I do agree. Screw stupid Obama Care. My health insurance to cover me and my wife is almost $600usd a month. Before Obama took into office my health car with my wife was under $300usd a month. Now the people that refuse to work like my cousin that have 6 kids. Is taking advantage of the health care, housing, food stamps and free government money since all his kids are autistic. The people like myself that busting his rear end 60hours a week and running a part time consulting business and we have to suffer with this stupid Obama care?

The US Government need to stop aiding and giving free money to other country's and help with there own American people. I'm trying to figure out how is the United State is giving military aid money away and there are still in major debt?

For all the factory's that the United State had like the state of Michigan that file bankruptcy because they moved most of the automobile factors to Mexico. What did the Government do to help when Hurricane Katrina came thru the state of Louisiana and Mississippi?

This is why I never voted in my life to these crooked SOB, especially the people in Congress.

Another thing is Chelsea Clinton (President Bill Clinton daughter) her net worth is $15 Million dollars. She never worked in her life.

You have to have debt to build credit and then the more credit you have you can have a decent living. This is the life for an average worker American. Here is the bad part you have immigrants sneaking into America there getting hired and there paying them under the table tax free for less money then the people that have American Citizenship. This is why American can't find jobs.

This is why I can't wait for retirement. I can take my family and move the hell out of the United State.
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Re: Looks like the US Deep State is in deep sh*t!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:31 pm

Within the first week of his Presidency, it became very obvious that Trump was out of his depth. What I have seen happening in the US since has only made me feel that my original post on here was very wrong! I think the US Deep State is so deeply embedded in the system that when their candidate Clinton lost, against all the odds, they have been forced to act to protect their power base. Call it what you will .... but the NWO is now showing itself to all!

From the PCR article .........

"By 1961 the overarching power of the military/security complex was apparent to President Eisenhower"

He said :

“Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations.

“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society."

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

“We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

PCR: Eisenhower’s warning was to the point. However, it relied on “an alert and knowledgeable citizenry,” which the US does not have. The American population is largely insoucient, and is heading, across the ideological spectrum from left to right, to self-destruction.

Not only the Americans have been ignorant of what has been going on, but a large percentage of the 'informed' also, mostly convinced it is all a conspiracy theory! :roll:

IMO: I think PCR has a sound understanding of the strength of these people who are determined at all costs to bring Trump down, as PCR states in the article ..... " Trump challenged this Establishment without realizing that it is more powerful than a mere President of the United States."

Could the US be heading for a civil war?

The Trump Presidency: RIP - Paul Craig Roberts

Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes.

Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically inexperienced? The answer is yes.

We can conclude from the answers to these two questions that Trump is in over his head and will pay a big price.

How large will the price be?

The words that doomed Trump when he declared war before he had his army assembled:

“There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government. The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry.

“The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs, as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries throughout the world. It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.”
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