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The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

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The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Robin Hood » Fri May 12, 2017 6:24 pm

I don’t know about ‘PROOF’ but it is an interesting hypothesis from a Guardian Writer …… and it wasn’t the Russians after all ...... apparently it was the US and our own GCHQ !!!

Brexit: Proof That Britain’s EU Referendum Was Rigged

“This is Britain in 2017. A Britain that increasingly looks like a “managed” democracy. Paid for by a US billionaire. Using military-style technology. Delivered by Facebook. And enabled by us. If we let the EU referendum result stand, we are giving it our implicit consent. This isn’t about Remain or Leave. It goes far beyond party politics. It’s about the first step into a brave, new, increasingly undemocratic world.”

This was the last paragraph of a near on 6,000 word piece written by Carole Cadwalladre entitled “The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked” – and it was by far the most important article The Guardian has printed for some time …………

Should make some people happy to know that? :D :wink:
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Londonrake » Fri May 12, 2017 7:26 pm

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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Londonrake » Fri May 12, 2017 7:46 pm

IMHO, conspiracy theory nonsense. Basically, yet more wailing and weeping by Remainers who just cannot accept the referendum result.

The referendum campaign was about the most manipulative political one ever in the UK's history. They thought the electorate could be 'manipulated' into doing their will by voting Remain. Every big gun was on their side. We know what happened next. The people spoke and that's why the political class really hate referendums (let there be no illusion, UKIP's 4 million votes in the 2015 election forced this one). Even now, many are saying the UK electorate should not have been given one and these are so called.........wait for it ................... 'democrats'. :lol: Very EU! :wink:

Secondly, oh what a surprise, that a Prime Minister wants to increase her majority in order to try and get things done, at a time when the government were being 'manipulated' by just a few of their own MP's into deciding policy.

The world never fell in, as predicted. There was no emergency budget, no recession. They appear prepared to leave the EU without a formal trade deal, if its a poor one offered. Meanwhile, having clearly learned absolutely nothing about the British character, the EU Commission (aka Germany) are stumbling around, showing their true colours whilst attempting the same shenanigans that worked on the Greeks. What a bloody buffoon Junker is! :roll:

And, oh, from the Guardian eh? I would never have guessed it! :lol: The most pro-Remain news sheet in the UK. For once I am forced to agree. MSM rubbish - for the gullible. :lol:

BTW - Doesn't every government become "quasi-dictatorial" when in office? Well, until the next election of course. :shock: :lol:
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri May 12, 2017 10:58 pm

This is trying to shift the blame away from Cameron and the Conservative racists (includes Theresa May).

For years, I heard Cameron bleating racist slogans against the EU, turning everyone against Greeks and other EU nationals. Then he had the audacity to pretend he voted Remain. Please! :roll:

It was Cameron that 'rigged' the vote for a Brexit.
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 13, 2017 7:58 am

The dire consequences predicted are for AFTER* the UK leaves the EU - if that dark day ever comes. The prediction stands.

* PS: The UK has NOT left the EU yet.
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 13, 2017 8:10 am

Since we are in quoting from the Guardian mode, here is another:

The novelist Ian McEwan has suggested that the death of many elderly Brexit voters over the next two years would help swing a second referendum in favour of Britain staying in Europe.

“A gang of angry old men, irritable even in victory, are shaping the future of the country against the inclinations of its youth,” McEwan told a conference of remain supporters in Westminster.

“By 2019 the country could be in a receptive mood: 2.5 million over-18-year-olds, freshly franchised and mostly remainers; 1.5 million oldsters, mostly Brexiters, freshly in their graves,” he said. ... ian-mcewan

I think the man has a point.
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Londonrake » Sat May 13, 2017 8:12 am

Tim Drayton wrote:The dire consequences predicted are for AFTER* the UK leaves the EU - if that dark day ever comes. The prediction stands.

* PS: The UK has NOT left the EU yet.

No Tim. Look at it again. According to Cameron/Osborne and cohorts (basically the same crew that predicted equally dire consequences for the UK's not joining the Euro) the world was going to end IMMEDIATELY after a Leave vote. Project Fear it was called. Check it out.

Subsequent events have understandably contributed to people's cynicism. Moving the goalposts now does nothing to restore that lost credibility.
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 13, 2017 8:52 am

Londonrake wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:The dire consequences predicted are for AFTER* the UK leaves the EU - if that dark day ever comes. The prediction stands.

* PS: The UK has NOT left the EU yet.

No Tim. Look at it again. According to Cameron/Osborne and cohorts (basically the same crew that predicted equally dire consequences for the UK's not joining the Euro) the world was going to end IMMEDIATELY after a Leave vote. Project Fear it was called. Check it out.

Subsequent events have understandably contributed to people's cynicism. Moving the goalposts now does nothing to restore that lost credibility.

If that is how you interpret it, it was clearly wrong. The dire predictions - which stand in my book - are for after the fatal day when the UK leaves the EU, if it ever happens.
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat May 13, 2017 9:09 am

Here are three random quotes to do with what the right-wing tabloids call 'project fear', i.e. setting out the negative consequences of the UK leaving the world's largest trading block on its doorstep into which its economy is integrated:

Leaving the European Union (EU) would have “harmful” and “dire” consequences for disabled people, according to two of the first leading disabled figures to speak out on June’s referendum. ... ed-people/

Brussels’ chief Brexit negotiator says Britain leaving the EU with no deal is a ‘distinct possibility’ and warns it would ‘undoubtedly’ leave us worse off ... worse-off/

The "Remain" lobby also warns of dire consequences for the economy and the U.K's standing in the world if Britain leaves, leading some to call them "Project Fear" ... xit-guide/

Notice the parts of the text that I have placed in bold. All of the statements (and one of them is from Rupert Murdoch's venerable flagship publication and one of them even purports to be a definition of so-called 'project fear') are premised, not on a 'leave' vote, but on the UK actually leaving the EU. Never mind, the tax-cheating billionaire right-wing press barons who want to keep the EU's hands off the British tax havens that help them to avoid paying tax that could then go to prop up the decaying NHS want people to believe that 'project fear' has turned out to be a 'lie' and its advocates are 'eating humble pie', so that is what the half of the population brainwashed by them will believe, bleating 'baa ... baa ... baa.'
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Re: The UK's EU referendum was rigged !!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat May 13, 2017 6:20 pm

Here is a link to the Guardian Article itself

Very very fascinating readings - seemingly well researched and in any event well argued....
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