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Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Linichka » Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:59 pm

"But I would bet that most women actually cook a proper meal, no matter how simple, "

Somewhat sexist, eh, RH?!
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:15 pm

Linichka wrote:"But I would bet that most women actually cook a proper meal, no matter how simple, "

Somewhat sexist, eh, RH?!

Maybe but I think has a ring of truth! I am often surprised at what some people fill their baskets up with in the supermarket ......... pre-cooked food seems to be the order of the day with the mums from the base but I have to say not so much by the Cypriot's. My wife cooks in batches for twenty people ........ then freezes them in take-away containers but I count that as being home cooked. :wink:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:22 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's UK Column News, including a conversation with investigative journalist Eva Bartlett, recently returned from North Korea

Quite a fascinating video, thank you for posting it.

Looks like I was thinking on much the same lines although I didn't realise that the city was actually a place where people walked without police/army following their every move. The idea that they have no freedom is also a myth as well. I like the work Eva Bartlett (and Vanessa Beeley) do, it was them mainly that exposed all the media lies about Aleppo.

I've added the site to my reading list! :D :idea:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:57 pm

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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:41 pm

A load of garbage mate.

That's NOT her arm with the "I love Bashar" message. It’s pretty obvious from the sleeve too!

That image was pinched from this twitter account belonging to some (Iranian?) girl…

Direct media link on twitter…

Talk about FAKE NEWS… :lol:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:35 pm

I note that you don't express an opinion of your own? I find her accounts credible .....just based on common sense alone.

The UN says 600,000 Syrian refugees have returned to Syria. Of these some 40,000 have returned to eastern Aleppo and with Assad's assistance as well as that of Russia are rebuilding their lives. It is Russia that is flying in tons and tons of aid and building the medical facilities ...... not the opposition or their sponsors! If the criticism of her reporting as this article suggests, is just Regime propaganda ....... why have all these refugees returned to areas that are now under Assad's control instead of heading for the rebel held areas where obviously they would be safer, or staying in the refugee camps ...... most of which are in the Government held areas of Syria ?

Why are Assad's forces being welcomed into liberated areas, like Deir Ezzor, instead of the inhabitants leaving with the rebel/terrorist forces?

One of the comments pointed out, as I have, that the life expectancy of any journalist in opposition occupied areas, that does not support the Assad opposition forces ..... is very short. Therefore the only source for all the anti-Assad accusations and evidence is provided by the opposition, which is backed by the US coalition governments. All the UN and so called official sources get their information from these rebel embedded sources such as SOHR and the White Helmets.

Not exactly a neutral origin. The article is just ever so slightly anti-Assad :roll: ..... and it shows as they attack the messenger and not the message ! :roll: :wink:

In my simple mind that says they will promote completely unverified/unverifiable reports from opposition and terrorist sources. I prefer to take more note of that which makes sense, than to most of the sources the article links to. But that is just my choice ...... but so far the evidence exposed by investigation and professional analysis after the events, appears to support the Assad regime version of events than that propagated by the opposition ..... and Daesh.

As for her trip to NK? I would suggest that it was based on what she saw and the people she spoke to? She didn't seem to think they were to any great extent limited but they obviously were to some extent. Again, the reality on the ground seems to differ greatly from the 'official' version of North Korea under KJU. Who is right, as with Syria, will all come out at some time in the coming months. :wink:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:41 pm

...wish this was in the proper topic on Syria, good stuff indeed.
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:13 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...wish this was in the proper topic on Syria, good stuff indeed.

But we did cover this in the thread on Syria, several times.

STUD introduced a critical report of a video by Eva Bartlett that she made regarding Syria in UN press conference, presumably to show that even after visiting North Korea, her opinions were those of a nut case and to show she was no more than an Assad loving conspiracy theorist. So she has to be a nut job. What it shows, at least to me, is that the same distortive claims by this Pulse Media blog are now going to made against anything published on North Korea that does not comply with the US's version/vision of the country.

The problem I have with just taking these criticisms as valid is that Eva Bartlett has been to Palestine/Gaza, to Syria several times and has now visited North Korea ......... her detractors get their info from anti-Assad opposition sources and terrorists but have never actually been to these places. There is no 'opposition' in NK ..... the only anti-regime sources are those that have left the country so will be biased anyway.

Difficult these days to work out who is the more believable ...... I have my own views. Just as the OP says ....... "....there are two sides to every story!", you just have to draw your own conclusions. :wink:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:53 am

This opinion, backed by historic evidence, by Robert Parry, will apply just as much to events in North Korea as it does now to events regarding Syria. It is the same MO repeated every time to justify yet another ‘humanitarian’ war.

Echoes of Iraq-WMD Fraud in Syria - By Robert Parry

Just as the West ignored signs in 2002-03 that anti-government Iraqis were fabricating WMD claims, evidence is being brushed aside that Syrian jihadists have ginned up chemical attacks.

The New York Times and other Western media have learned few lessons from the Iraq War, including how the combination of a demonized foreign leader and well-funded “activists” committed to flooding the process with fake data can lead to dangerously false conclusions that perpetuate war.


But the journalistic (and intelligence) point should have been that the West was fooled in Iraq by self-interested “activists” flooding the Times, the CIA and the world with fake information — so many bogus walk-ins that they overwhelmed whatever half-hearted process there was to weed out lies from truth. The Syrian “opposition” appears to have adopted a similar strategy in Syria with similar success.

Given the history, scepticism should be the rule in Syria, not credulity
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Sep 13, 2017 7:53 pm

So another well know independent investigative journalist and two colleagues visits NK and is surprised to find it was nothing like what they had been led to believe. Now either they have been misled by ‘The Regime’ or they have been misled by the ‘US/Western’ regimes. Interesting to note that the subject of the US occupation of Sth. Korea and the massacres they carried out (Regime change ... yet again) after WWII raises it’s head again. You can check all this out, it is historically correct, and make your own mind up as to who is probably telling the more accurate story.

What We Saw in North Korea Goes against Everything Western Media Wants Us to Believe - By Tim Anderson

In the current stand off between Washington and North Korea, western governments and media almost invariably present the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) as a crazed aggressor.

Yet the recent confrontation comes 72 years after Roosevelt and Stalin divided the colonised Korean people at the 38th parallel, and 60 years after the US brought nuclear weapons to the peninsula. The US military still occupies southern Korea and, in the current climate, the reunification summits of 2000 and 2007 seem a distant memory.

Rarely do we listen to the North Korean side. Yet it should be no surprise that they have a distinct perspective on the successive Japanese and American attacks, invasions and occupations that have defined their past century. Even when UN commissioned 'human rights' reports are prepared, it is not thought necessary to get the North Korean view, or even to visit the country.
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