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Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:04 am

The independents all seem to on the same lines with North Korea. The problem can be solved by talking ..... not threats of war, no matter which side makes them! :roll:

The Russia-China Plan For North Korea - By Pepe Escobar

Moscow has been busy building agreements that would extend Eurasian connectivity eastward. The question is how to convince the DPRK to play along

It’s all about the Trans-Korean Railway

In sharp contrast to the Trump administration and the Beltway’s bellicose rhetoric, what “RC” proposes are essentially 5+1 talks (North Korea, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea, plus the US) on neutral territory, as confirmed by Russian diplomats. In Vladivostok, Putin went out of his way to defuse military hysteria and warn that stepping beyond sanctions would be an “invitation to the graveyard.” Instead, he proposed business deals.

Largely unreported by Western corporate media, what happened in Vladivostok is really ground-breaking. Moscow and Seoul agreed on a trilateral trade platform, crucially involving Pyongyang, to ultimately invest in connectivity between the whole Korean peninsula and the Russian Far East.

Full article :

Another rational opinion from John Pilger ....... really it is all down to common sense when you find out what the background is to Korean history, certainly since 1945.

Dangerous Times: North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident By John Pilger and T.J. Coles

T.J. Coles: What is the threat from North Korea?

The threat is from the United States, which for more than two generations has bullied and provoked North Korea.
The U.S. continues to provoke North Korea with military exercises near its borders. It also fails to live up to diplomatic agreements. Western media continue to distort the chronology of cause and effect, inverting reality to claim that North Korea is provoking the West. John Pilger, author of "The Coming War on China," talks to T.J. Coles about the situation.

Full interview:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby boomerang » Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:52 pm

There is a doco called the 7 sisters....4 it....

It kinda exlpains everything that's happening in the world today...
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:06 pm

boomerang wrote:There is a doco called the 7 sisters....4 it....

It kinda exlpains everything that's happening in the world today...

That was an interesting video. Having worked in Iran, SA and Algeria I could relate to it. The guy who produced it sure knows his history!

Although they mentioned 'money' several times they seemed to miss the significance. It was an absolute master stroke of the US to get the Saudis and then other oil rich states to agree to price and sell oil only in dollars. At the end of the day it is even more about 'money' than it is oil/gas.

Money was needed to start the ball rolling and the US banks provided all the oil companies needed to explore and drill for oil and then to process it. I worked for a large US oil/gas construction company in the ME for some years. The process is ..... the US managing contractor raises the finance as loans from such as the World Bank but on behalf of the client State/Company. They are paid stage payments according to contractual milestones ..... and then the client has to start paying the loan off. The contractor (Oil Company) always made sure they got paid by getting paid directly by the bank.

When the banks can produce the dollars ad infinitum out of nothing for these projects, effectively the US was getting all the oil it needed for nothing. Any other country that needed oil, which most do, had to get hold of dollars and that meant selling their goods/services/resources in dollars as well.

In Korea that is now under threat as it was in Iraq, Libya, Syria, but different. The intent lead by China and Russia is to run a rail line from South Korea, through North Korea and link up to the Russia, China/Iran ..... new silk road. Venezuela has stopped using the dollar ..... so mark them down for US humanitarian intervention (War) as well. The dollar is now seriously under threat with gas/oil now selling in other currencies, even the Yuan and Rouble exchangeable for Gold.

So the problem in North Korea is not so much KJU but the US. NK won't fire first ..... China says it will not protect them. The US can't attack first because China has said it would then protect NK. If the US launches a pre-emptive attack, conventional or nuclear they will be up against not only China but Russia and many other States as well. So effectively a stale mate ...... the only option is to talk and Trump rules that out, even though negotiation/dialogue is a requirement of the latest lot of UN sanctions.


I thought this was an interesting article on the history of events in Korea immediately after WWII, Again the official story clashes with recorded events at the time.
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:44 pm

North Korea is All Smoke And Mirrors!

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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Linichka » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:12 pm

That's what I think, too. Kim is just chest-beating and bellowing.
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:38 am

Deleted ..... double post :oops:
Last edited by Robin Hood on Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:43 am

Linichka wrote:That's what I think, too. Kim is just chest-beating and bellowing.

Ken O'Keefe is right in what he says and I think he speaks for not only the silent majority in the US but those all over the World.

What KJU has is a deterrent ..... and it is working! He intentionally makes a lot of noise but his threats are always conditional i.e. IF he is attacked, The US threats are to destroy NK if KJU does not do what the US tells him to do. KJU has no intention of attacking anyone, (NK hasn't attacked anyone since 1953, unlike the US ), because he has EVERYTHING to lose by doing so. The US knows that if it decides to attack they can wipe NK off the face of the Planet ......... but at what cost? NK is not the problem ..... the problem is the US! :roll: :x
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:26 pm

Coming from someone who is a recently retired US Senator, Ron Paul he makes a lot of sense ...... maybe HE should have stood for POTUS, although he has stood previously. He certainly has a much better grip of the situation and enough diplomatic skills to calm things down, than the present incumbent will ever have!

How to End the Korea Crisis - By Ron Paul

The descent of US/North Korea “crisis” to the level of schoolyard taunts should be remembered as one of the most bizarre, dangerous, and disgraceful chapters in US foreign policy history.

President Trump, who holds the lives of millions of Koreans and Americans in his hands, has taken to calling the North Korean dictator “rocket man on a suicide mission.” Why? To goad him into launching some sort of action to provoke an American response? Maybe the US president is not even going to wait for that. We remember from the Tonkin Gulf false flag that the provocation doesn’t even need to be real. We are in extremely dangerous territory and Congress for the most part either remains asleep or is cheering on the sabre-rattling.

Now we have North Korean threats to detonate hydrogen bombs over the Pacific Ocean and US threats to “totally destroy” the country.

Full article:
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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:50 pm

Britain makes battle plans for war with North Korea: Top brass could send new aircraft carrier before it's even had flight trials
Mon, 09/10/2017 - 5:10am — legitgov

Britain makes battle plans for war with North Korea: Top brass could send new aircraft carrier before it's even had flight trials

--A senior Whitehall source said: 'We have plenty of ships to send' | 08 Oct 2017 | The Armed Forces are preparing for a potential war with North Korea, sources have revealed. Officials have been instructed to draw up plans for how Britain would respond if war broke out with Pyongyang amid heightening tensions between the West and leader Kim Jong-Un. One option involves deploying Britain's new aircraft carrier - due to be handed over to the Navy later this year - before she has undergone flight trials. Details of the secret operation plan have emerged after Donald Trump warned that 'only one thing will work' when it comes to dealing with North Korea, which has continued nuclear and rocket tests despite widespread condemnation.

Read more:- ... a-war.html

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Re: Nth Korea .. there are two sides to every story!

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Oct 09, 2017 4:24 pm

Top brass could send new aircraft carrier before it's even had flight trials

It will have the aero-dynamic qualities of a very large house brick! :lol: :lol: :lol: ..... and as a carrier it is planned for just 12 aircraft at the moment ..... and those will be borrowed from the US!

Fallon is a prat! Has anyone asked Parliament yet if the people want to go to war on behalf of the US ......again?

Baby Face is no threat to the UK but for 65 years the North Koreans have been continually threatened by the US ..... that is why he has his nuclear toys ...... and they have worked. The US will not dare to touch Korea. Nobody but Trump wants it and going by reports on his mental status I can't see him remaining in the job for long. :roll:
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