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And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Londonrake » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:56 pm

Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t care less about the West's tabloid news because Putin, is the GREATEST statesman I’ve ever come across and my sense of judgment is backed by an education that is most likely way higher than yours…

…and if I were you, I’d be more concerned about the US and Britain’s INCESSANT crimes against humanity right around the world (ME & Africa predominantly) which you’re obviously completely ignorant of (or turning a blind eye) so don’t come and tell me “he’s a dictator” thinking that you’ve found a fault while keeping silent about the MILLIONS of murders that your FILTHY CRIMINAL country is responsible for.


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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:14 pm

My late father-in-Law was in Government, not as a civil servant and not quite at the highest level but very high, in the Soviet Union under Gorbachov, as one of the architects of Perstroika and Glasnost, and then after he went, in Russia under Yeltsin.

His commentary on what went wrong was enlightening, but he had no time for the gangsterism that developed under Yeltsin, of which he saw Putin's rise to power (and wealth) as a part. He could have been a part of It and ended up very dishonestly rich, and likely after that very dead, and he went back to a relatively lowly position in Academia. He had no time for the man.
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:21 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I couldn’t care less about the West's tabloid news because Putin, is the GREATEST statesman I’ve ever come across and my sense of judgment is backed by an education that is most likely way higher than yours…

…and if I were you, I’d be more concerned about the US and Britain’s INCESSANT crimes against humanity right around the world (ME & Africa predominantly) which you’re obviously completely ignorant of (or turning a blind eye) so don’t come and tell me “he’s a dictator” thinking that you’ve found a fault while keeping silent about the MILLIONS of murders that your FILTHY CRIMINAL country is responsible for.


That's why it's always such a pleasure to exchange opinions with you and why so many seek to do it so often. Actually, there's a queue.

Always staying on thread, your modesty and eloquence are humbling. You invariably express unwavering respect and have enviable patience when it comes to other members' points of view. Everything you post is always soundly reasoned, expressed politely and with humility

And alcohol-free of course.

A credit to this thriving forum.

Be it known to you that it’s excruciatingly ANNOYING to see Brits pointing their finger at Russia/Putin to those of us who cannot stomach your double standards, your callous contempt of all things different to you and particularly 3rd world nations, your infamous barbarism, cruelty and pillaging, your overall narcissistic tendencies… and all the while pretending to be above and beyond everyone else on the planet… so excuse me while I fetch an extra-large barf bag.
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:50 pm

so typicaly abusive of you...
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 23, 2017 6:56 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:so typicaly abusive of you...

Only a Brit would consider other’s reluctance to tolerate Bitish double standards, as “abusive”! :lol:

That’s extreme narcissism… :?
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Londonrake » Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:Be it known to you that it’s excruciatingly ANNOYING to see Brits pointing their finger at Russia/Putin to those of us who cannot stomach your double standards, your callous contempt of all things different to you and particularly 3rd world nations, your infamous barbarism, cruelty and pillaging, your overall narcissistic tendencies… and all the while pretending to be above and beyond everyone else on the planet… so excuse me while I fetch an extra-large barf bag.

The absolutely inevitable - but always eagerly anticipated - Get Well descent into the standard racist rant. As predictable as the sun (and glass) rise.
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:24 pm

I think for the time being I will sit this one out! As STUD says I am so far up Putin's ass, I see daylight every time he opens his gob. But I see that as an enlightened view ...... if I had my head up Trumps or any Western leaders ass, all I would see would be s**t. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Londonrake » Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:55 pm

To make sweeping assumptions, based upon race, isn’
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:59 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Be it known to you that it’s excruciatingly ANNOYING to see Brits pointing their finger at Russia/Putin to those of us who cannot stomach your double standards, your callous contempt of all things different to you and particularly 3rd world nations, your infamous barbarism, cruelty and pillaging, your overall narcissistic tendencies… and all the while pretending to be above and beyond everyone else on the planet… so excuse me while I fetch an extra-large barf bag.

The absolutely inevitable - but always eagerly anticipated - Get Well descent into the standard racist rant. As predictable as the sun (and glass) rise.

Good, decent people don’t point their finger at others while their own government is committing crimes left right and center!

Good, decent people would CONDEMN their government’s criminal acts and demand that they adopt a law abiding and responsible stance on the planet instead of encouraging them with their callousness and utterly shameless finger-pointing at others thus exhibiting their double standards.

Neither you nor Stud are “good decent people” but typically British rotten scoundrels to the bone!
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Re: And there are no Russian Soldiers in Ukraine?

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:36 pm

The two-faced British clowns seem to have done a runner on us! :roll:

You know I’ve never felt a loathing as great as I do of hypocrisy… always have ever since I was a kid (I don't know what triggered it) and it’s just as well I’m not in any position of power because I would execute hypocrites in a heartbeat!

Have a look at places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Libya… what in God’s name do you think you’re doing there you criminal CUNTS?

Who the fuck do you think you are? You think you are God?

There are toddlers for fuck’s sake… toddlers stumbling in rubble crying from your bombings and your supplies to terrorists and your countless meddling everywhere, and every other filthy horrible thing you inflict on poor defenseless nations.

How is a toddler going to survive in rubble? Will hunger get to it first, the bitter cold at night, or infections from its wounds? Ha?

What chances did that baby ever have… and all because it’s of the “wrong” color or the “wrong” religion, or some other “wrong” reason that doesn’t fit it with your country’s selfish and inhumane aspirations.

Ha fuckers? Ever thought about them or are you too busy enjoying the good life in safety and with finger-pointing at Russia as your pastime?

You sub-human pieces of shit! :evil:
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