But the brief of the Dutch investigating Team was to determine WHAT brought down MH17 not WHO, and I don’t think there can be much of an argument that it was a missile and that missile was a BUK! Even the Russians agree with that. A video which shows how that BUK could (most likely) have bought down MH17:
I spent a few hours going through this web site by Bellingcat ..... all associated with the destruction of MH17 and it includes the Bellingcat report the Dutch Safety Board Investigators used.
The site was very complex but at the end of the day actually proved nothing. Most of it is Bellingcat’s hypothesis and when you start looking at it ....... it does not stand up to close inspection. Many of the comments make a mockery of the photos and point out ..... that a certain flower in one picture only blooms in June not July ...... and that the price of fuel shown on a garage forecourt was not the price on the day, but several days previously ...... and I am sure there were many more comments like these, but I got bored with reading it all. It is mainly supposition from open sources and not traceable sources. Certainly it would not stand up as evidence in a Criminal of Court of Law.
I didn’t go through every item and mainly followed this mysterious convoy that was tracked right through Russia to the border with Ukraine, where it appears to drop off the RADAR at that time, and was then later tracked back to the Russian border again. Here is a column of not only BUK missiles (with no system support vehicles) but several civilian vehicles, a low loader and several tanks and armoured vehicles. They were in the area for several days ..........but the Ukraine military were completely unaware of them? That really does take some believing!
If you have a few hours with nothing to do ..............
Another point: There were no reports generally from anyone who saw the exhaust plume. The BUK leaves a very dense exhaust and in the conditions that day would have remained clearly visible for a minimum of at least ten minutes. There is just one photo of a supposed exhaust plume ........ but an RT TV reporter went back to the spot where this photo was taken ...... and weeks later the plume was still there! It was traced to a factory chimney and that was obvious as the two views were identical. But Bellingcat missed that!
So the argument as to who the culprit was, is ongoing. The Russians asked for a full independent investigation from day one but the request was ignored!