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The Donald J Trump Thread

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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 13, 2018 9:41 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...i have said the same myself (without your (as much) enthusiasm); but recently i feel he has exposed himself, issues like net neutrality, and this, as though America does not need the trust and respect of a whole continent like Africa, of people with the same yearnings for trust and respect.

...did you know that Creole originated in Haiti, and that slaves found their Freedom here, first.

He is fake news if he is so careless, a man it's said who never swears; we wonder what pussy he squeezed among many issues as a private person if you are to believe the news he calls fake.

...and yet a dialog is open, Haiti, Africans have, at this moment his attention, he has theirs', that as a result is the fact; you see, i'm still rooting for him.

I believe he knows a lot of things RW and a lot more than the majority of us. I really do not take him for the fool the liberal media are trying to portray him as. I also believe he would eat Robert De Niro and Oprah for lunch. He overwhelmed Hillary Clinton who was a career politician.

I also do not believe he is saying that the USA doesn't need friends in Africa. USA will always have friends and partnerships in Africa and elsewhere.

I think what he is saying is what most Americans want aside from city hipsters of New York and LA. They don't want immigration from the Middle East, Africa, or Mexico. It's pretty fair enough and I agree 100% with this all the way. I would vote for Trump.

Melbourne has an issue with Black gangs comprising of African youths. Why? The do gooders blame unemployment. But when the Greeks and Italians were unemployed, they didn't form gangs. They formed businesses and got on with it. I reckon melbourne will have Trump.
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:51 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:Norway? What was it that Trump said during the elections about them; i don't remember but he sure pissed them off.

You might be thinking of Sweden. Trump made a laughing matter of himself when he, with his well known foolish rhetorics said "Look at what happened last night in Sweden" incorrectly suggesting that a terror attack had taken place in February 2017. The baffled swedes answered "What really happened here last night? Well we have a musical festival just started. Apart from that not much, really!". This guy will scatter fake news like noone else.

The reason why the moron managed to remember the name of some smaller European nation was only because the Norwegian PM just visited him in the oval office. In a joint press conference with the PM, the lunatic boasted of the US' sale of 'F52 aircraft' to Norway. The funny thing is that F52 only exist in the 'Call of Duty' game. Is this where he seeks inspiration?
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:30 pm

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:Norway? What was it that Trump said during the elections about them; i don't remember but he sure pissed them off.

You might be thinking of Sweden. Trump made a laughing matter of himself when he, with his well known foolish rhetorics said "Look at what happened last night in Sweden" incorrectly suggesting that a terror attack had taken place in February 2017. The baffled swedes answered "What really happened here last night? Well we have a musical festival just started. Apart from that not much, really!". This guy will scatter fake news like noone else.

The reason why the moron managed to remember the name of some smaller European nation was only because the Norwegian PM just visited him in the oval office. In a joint press conference with the PM, the lunatic boasted of the US' sale of 'F52 aircraft' to Norway. The funny thing is that F52 only exist in the 'Call of Duty' game. Is this where he seeks inspiration?

That is what you've been fed by the liberal media who hate him!

But here are the facts. He said:

“You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden".

This caused some controversy as there was no terrorist attack in Sweden in recent years as opposed to the other countries which had terrorist events.

However, what he was referring to crimes involving immigrant Muslim communities in Sweden. There was a FOX News article about Sweden and crime and that was what he was referring to. He was also referring to Germany for allowing 4 million Syrians into Europe. And yes indeed, look at them now...

He was talking about refugees.

And Trump was talking about the F-35 deal with Norway and got mixed up and called it an F-52 deal. It really isn't that much of a big deal, but the liberal media will always turn it into a big deal

What will bring everyone undone is the economy. Trump is making the liberal media look very silly. Why? Because he is delivering results by preaching and doing what is an anathema to globalization.

The globalization elites had their chance, now its time to see if protectionism will work for the USA.
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:42 pm

And that folks is WHY people are disillusioned with politicians. It's because politicians are not giving the people what they want or need.

If you ask any swede or German on the street, I guarantee you that the vast majority will agree with Trump. If you ask Brits, they too will agree with Trump.

Ask Australians, and they will agree with trump. Ask Americans and of course they will vote him in as their President.

Why? because he is the anti politician that gives the people what they want.

he is the politician that stops political correctness in its tracks. All good things unless you want to be in a Nanny State.

He is now US President! 8)

Trump is everyone's best friend. If trump is defeated and bought down by the Hollywood Elites and the liberal media, then democracy is only for the elites and not for the average unemployed blue collar man in the rust belt who has basically said ENOUGH!!
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:05 pm

Every day there is at least 1 negative article about Trump. The vast majority of them are indeed FAKE NEWS and just stupid hype.

Why? Because they are pissed off he got elected. They all predicted Hillary in a landslide but they were all wrong and they can't fathom this.

Today's special FAKE NEWS bullshit from The Australian was that Trump paid a woman (adult film star) he had an affair with $1 million in hush money to keep quiet.

But what makes matters worse, is that WSJ reported that Trump only paid $130,000 in hush money. So which one is it boys and girls? :roll:

I mean he gives a toss if Trump had an affair and cheated on Melania anyway? Most of us don't believe it is a real marriage anyway since Melania probably married Trump for the power and money.

I was out having lunch with 4 American Colleagues yesterday. 3 from Arizona and 1 from Michigan. All educated and very reasonable and nice people. All of them were Trump voters. All of them. They absolutely love him.

So Trump had sex. So what. No one is buying it. and he didn't leave any stains on her dress either. :lol:

I mean seriously! The next thing that will make the news is that Trump farted in public! :lol:
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:38 pm

I think in the end trump will turn out to be a disaster for the US but as a result the rest of the world will be freed from US aggression and hegemony. It is happening already. Internal force from the people will pull the whole US system down and it will be triggered by another, and really bad, Global financial collapse.

The US now spends more of its money on defence than the rest of the world combined. Just as I asked Paphitis about Australia and their military, defence against what and who? By far the most active aggressors on the Planet are the US and its allies.

IMO: The Russians and the Chinese with allies like Iran, are going to topple the US from their pedestal and the EU will turn away from the US as well. The future is to the East not the West. The American people will eventually turn on their leaders and the 0.1%.
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:And Trump was talking about the F-35 deal with Norway and got mixed up and called it an F-52 deal.

Not a big deal? If such 'simple mistakes' happened ones, yes I would agree. The fact is that it happens too many times to this self declared genius. He is not a focused. He is a loose canon aboard.

By the way; I happen to know much more about the Swedish society than you could possibly pick up from your preferred media. No matter what way you try to defend and angle his statement: Trump did not know what he was talking about
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:25 am

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:
Paphitis wrote:And Trump was talking about the F-35 deal with Norway and got mixed up and called it an F-52 deal.

Not a big deal? If such 'simple mistakes' happened ones, yes I would agree. The fact is that it happens too many times to this self declared genius. He is not a focused. He is a loose canon aboard.

By the way; I happen to know much more about the Swedish society than you could possibly pick up from your preferred media. No matter what way you try to defend and angle his statement: Trump did not know what he was talking about

No it's certainly isn't a big deal at all.

These little mistakes COST NOTHING, and he isn't an expert in everything let alone American Fighters.

It's like me commenting on things like Roses or Tulips yet not knowing much about the different species.

Trump has experts behind him to navigate him through the different fields.

he mixed up F-35 with F-52. The liberal media are scraping the bottom there.
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:32 am

Robin Hood wrote:I think in the end trump will turn out to be a disaster for the US but as a result the rest of the world will be freed from US aggression and hegemony. It is happening already. Internal force from the people will pull the whole US system down and it will be triggered by another, and really bad, Global financial collapse.

The US now spends more of its money on defence than the rest of the world combined. Just as I asked Paphitis about Australia and their military, defence against what and who? By far the most active aggressors on the Planet are the US and its allies.

IMO: The Russians and the Chinese with allies like Iran, are going to topple the US from their pedestal and the EU will turn away from the US as well. The future is to the East not the West. The American people will eventually turn on their leaders and the 0.1%.

You don't have a clue because the rest of the world (allies) is obligated to spend 2.2% of GDP on weapons and that works out to be a lot more than America's expenditure which btw is 2.5%

And the world is free to do what they want, it's just the vast majority choose to have alliances with the USA through organizations such as NATO and be covered under its security blanket.

Only idiotic countries choose to stay outside of NATO, EU, ANZUS, SATO etc and they pay a price for that too. it's the most stupid thing of all to not be a signatory to one of these Security Treaties.

In the end, the USA lets everyone do as they please. Much like Turkey which is now choosing Russia and getting its fingers burnt there.

No one trusts Russia. They fear Russia and for good reason. They are ALWAYS violating International Law. No one trusts China either. They are attempting to steal the EEZ of all their surrounding neighbors. The USA has NEVER done this to ANY country. see the difference! In fact, the USA is a staunch defender of UNCLOS. It therefore applies UNCLOS everywhere.

Even with Trump, the entire world has embraced the USA as always. We have all been through a lot with the US and fought with their troops in World Wars and we trust them. They are our people. European Irish, Kraut, Anglo Saxon and joined to the hip with Canada, Australia, UK, New Zealand and the EU in its entirety as well as NATO.

Russia does NOT have friends like this and NEVER will under Pootin. FACT! European countries do not like him. EU do not like him. NATO do not like him. Israel do not like him and NEVER will. So you will be waiting a long time.

We all vote with our feet. WE WANT USA, NOT RUSSIA OR CHINA!

I mean who on earth is going to forego USA for Russia? Will it be NZ, Australia, Japan or South Korea? Will it be Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK, Sweden? Will it be Norway, Finland, Austria or Canada? No it won't be. It will never happen so keep dreaming.

We are together AT ALL TIMES! And we choose to do this as independent countries because we understand each other very well.

And not only that, but if Trump gets the chance to implement his economic policies, then we may see an economic revival that is unprecedented.

And btw, I have said this before. USA has been the best superpower ever in history. The British was one of divide and conquer as well as Conquest.

Name me one country the Americans took over and occupied indefinitely! The world will rue the day USA is replaced be any other.
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Re: The Donald J Trump Thread

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:23 am

That's right snowflakes, the USA has never invaded, conquered and occupied one single country. Not one! Russia on the other hand has annexed Crimea and before than South Ossetia.

Britain must have occupied 60 odd countries in its heyday! :lol:

Do you see now how much better the American Irish/Krauts are to the warmongering Anglo Saxons. :lol:
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