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Battle Of Afrin.

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Re: Battle Of Afrin.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:44 pm

By the way, Daily Sabah rag has it's head so far up Turkey's ass, all their so called journalist have a brown ring stain on their necks. Reading their articles gives one huge nausea. Despicable bunch of cock suckers.
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Re: Battle Of Afrin.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:51 pm

Kikapu wrote:I think the Americans are ready to punish the Turks, starting in Syria before moving into Turkey, now that they have finally, with the help of the Russians, they got Turkey into Syria, acting alone to clash with the Americans and the YPG if the Turks get past Afrin heading to Manbij, which is where the Americans are. If one American is killed there due to the Turks action, I would expect B-2s to come in and take out the Turk's tanks, leaving them to face the YPG face to face. American Jets are already in the skies of Syria, so I don't think Turkey will be sending it's jets anywhere near Manbij.

IMO: I can't see a direct conflict between Turkey and the US! Think about it. All the US wants is to occupy the NW/W part of Syria around Manjib to dominate the oil fields and to try and secure a route from Israel to the gas pipelines to Europe. The US won't give a shit who it is they use as the occupier, so from their point it will be easier to leave the Kurds to their fate and put up with Erdogan. Same as if the US does that eventually Assad and Russia will want Turkey to cease their illegal occupation and Turkey will then switch again and the US will not want a face to face confrontation with Russia. I think Putin will feel the same. The big problem is the squeaking hinge (Netanyahu) in Israel!!!!

Don't forget the US base in Turkey has a lot of hardware and facilities on it ...... I honestly can't see the US wanting to give that up. Again ..... the US will do what the suits the US ..... loyalty and promises don't enter the equation.

Boomerang ..... I agree with you they have a full battle group in the Med and again I cannot see them using it to attack Turkey. You are right again that they don't need boots on the ground but a war cannot be won on air power alone ..... surely the US proved that in both Nth Korea and Vietnam and even more recently in Iraq and Syria, in fact in any war they have been involved in since WWII. ( Excepting for Grenada and Panama) One thing for sure is that air wars on ground targets destroy infrastructure and homes and kill disproportionally high numbers of civilians as we have seen in Mosul and Raqqa, and to a lesser degree, in Aleppo.

Erdogan is very unreliable as a ally, he is like the Americans, he will bend which ever way suits him. :roll: :wink:
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Re: Battle Of Afrin.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:56 pm

The conflict between Turkey and the USA will come via a proxy war in Syria. Turkey and Russia does not want the Americans in Syria at all, but the Americans are going to stay there at the "invitation" by the YPG, which is why the Americans need to secure an autonomous state for the YPG, starting from where they are now in the NW of Syria, eventually making their way to the Med along the Turkish border. It is a long way to cut across Syria to connect any oil pipeline to Israel from where they are now. It will be much easier to control the whole northern part of Syria to reach the Med. The Americans instigated the present Turkish reaction in Syria, and the Americans hope that Turkey pushes to Manbij to enter into a Proxy war with the Turks. NATO alliance means nothing in Syria, as Turks will be seen as the aggressors by the other NATO members as the Americans will just be defending themselves along with the YPG. This has been long time coming, and the Americans finally got the Turks where they want them, in Syria acting on their own and not acting within any coalition.
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Re: Battle Of Afrin.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:27 pm

As for the American Assets in Incirlik, it has been at the mercy of the Turks since 2001 when and where it can be used, so the Americans do not trust the Turks, so they will want to have a base in Northern Syria on "YPG's territory" once it is established by the Americans. How can Turkey be trusted when the first 4 years into the Syrian conflict, the Americans couldn't use Incirlik to combat ISIS, because Turkey was not only helping ISIS militarily, but also with an open door policy across the Turkish/Syrian border for them to come and go. When the tide started turning against the ISIS, Turks did what they do best, change sides and apologized to the Russians for shooting down one of it's jets and a helicopter. Turks did the same in WWII, that they were backing the Germans incognito until few months before certain German defeat, that the Turks joined the winning side. Well, the Americans are not going to play Turkey's game this time, and the Russians are using Turkey for their own benefit. Turkey has been bending over left and right for the last few years in Syria. I'm sure it has a terrible back ache, no? :D
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Re: Battle Of Afrin.

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:48 pm

Quite an informed view, at least I thought so. It very much reflects my own views of the conflict in Syria from day one!

NATO Conflict in Syria Spotlights Illegal US Blundering

Almost lost in the myopic daily news coverage is the salient fact that neither the US nor Turkey should have any military forces operating in Syria. Their presence is a flagrant violation of international law and Syria’s national sovereignty
Washington’s blundering ineptitude is most culpable. It was the Pentagon’s announcement last week that it was setting up a 30,000-strong Border Force using the Kurdish YPG as foot-soldiers that triggered Turkey’s furious reaction.

The question that has to be urgently addressed with the force of international law is: on what legal authority are American forces present in Syria? By what mandate is Washington setting up militia in Syria? Precisely, none.

For nearly seven years, the US and its NATO allies have claimed they are intervening in Syria purportedly to defeat Al Qaeda-linked terror groups – groups which they have in fact been covertly sponsoring for the criminal objective of regime change against the Syrian government of President Assad.

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