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China’s retaliation to US tariffs

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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Apr 04, 2018 5:30 pm

Trump is not too clued up on the history of US trade deals!

He forgets the very unfair trade deal the US did with the Saudi Royal family after WWII. The US would drill for their oil and build the processing plants and make the Saud’s unbelievably rich ....... if they agreed to only sell the oil in US Dollars. Hence the birth of the petrodollar which effectively allowed the US to get all its oil for free but the rest of the World had to follow suit with their exports, sell to the US in dollars, to get the US Petro-Dollar to buy the most essential of ALL commodities ...... energy.

But Chi , Russia and Iran are now threatening the petro-dollar’s dominance of the energy markets. IMO: This could be the underlying reason for Trumps sanctions on China. He already has sanctions on both Russia and Iran and now wants to include China. Trumps action maybe is to try and limit the degradation of the US’s petro-dollar and very one sided and lucrative trade deal .......... all those years ago.

Another better informed observation .........

Trump’s Protectionism: A Great Leap Backward - By James Petras

US Presidents, European leaders and their academic spokespeople have attributed China’s growing market shares, trade surpluses and technological power to its “theft” of western technology, “unfair” or non-reciprocal trade and restrictive investment practices. President Trump has launched a ‘trade war’, – raising stiff tariffs, especially targeting Chinese exports – designed to pursue a protectionist economic regime.

The China-bashers of the western world ignore the developmental experiences of the past two hundred and fifty years, starting with the post-revolutionary United States policy of protecting ‘infant industries’.

In this essay we will proceed to criticize the model underlying the current western attack on China. We will then turn to outlining the experience of countries which overcame backwardness in the course of successfully industrializing their economies.
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Londonrake » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:01 pm

I am sorry to visit upon you a Deja Vue opinion. I imagine you must dread it. The "You always shoot the messenger and don't read the message" responses still ring in my ears.

However, I do not and never will accept anything posted from your favourite "independent" sites.

I've looked into them before, with exactly the same results. They are no more independent than the likes of RT or Sputnik.

You've posted an article by somebody or other called James Petras. Which turns out entirely to be his opinion. I contrast this with the saturation campaign to provide absolute, concrete evidence for the Skripal incident. No evidence is required with this sort of article of course because it conforms to the agenda. So,it has to be gospel. Confirmation bias.

Here's a selection of Mr Petras's articles:

Trump's Protectionism: a great leap backward.

US Technological Transformations and The Narcotic-fueled Genocide of American Workers.

Why the UK, the EU and the US Gang-Up on Russia

US Empire: Global Imperialism and Internal Colonialism

United States: The Political Economy of Massacres

Mapping Trump’s Empire: Assets and Liabilities

The FBI and the President – Mutual Manipulation

Anybody see a pattern here? Yes! Got it in one. These sites are stuffed with liberal, anti-western articles and are about as unbiased as Pravda.

For instance. The demi-god "The Saker" that you often use actually works mainly for "Russian Insider" and claims to live in Florida. Where, if it should be true - and like many of his kind - he will no doubt be making a lot of money, slagging-off the place he lives in (do please try it in Russia, sunshine). Again, it all tends to amount to unsubstantiated personal opinion. I suspect Mr Saker is more likely to work here though:

To me, the man's opinions (because that's what you're getting) aren't worth the server space they take up.

Last edited by Londonrake on Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:21 pm

...interesting article, i have to say.
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:59 am

Londonrake wrote:I am sorry to visit upon you a Deja Vue opinion. I imagine you must dread it. The "You always shoot the messenger and don't read the message" responses still ring in my ears.

However, I do not and never will accept anything posted from your favourite "independent" sites.

I've looked into them before, with exactly the same results. They are no more independent than the likes of RT or Sputnik.

You've posted an article by somebody or other called James Petras. Which turns out entirely to be his opinion. I contrast this with the saturation campaign to provide absolute, concrete evidence for the Skripal incident. No evidence is required with this sort of article of course because it conforms to the agenda. So,it has to be gospel. Confirmation bias.

Here's a selection of Mr Petras's articles:

Trump's Protectionism: a great leap backward.

US Technological Transformations and The Narcotic-fueled Genocide of American Workers.

Why the UK, the EU and the US Gang-Up on Russia

US Empire: Global Imperialism and Internal Colonialism

United States: The Political Economy of Massacres

Mapping Trump’s Empire: Assets and Liabilities

The FBI and the President – Mutual Manipulation

Anybody see a pattern here? Yes! Got it in one. These sites are stuffed with liberal, anti-western articles and are about as unbiased as Pravda.

For instance. The demi-god "The Saker" that you often use actually works mainly for "Russian Insider" and claims to live in Florida. Where, if it should be true - and like many of his kind - he will no doubt be making a lot of money, slagging-off the place he lives in (do please try it in Russia, sunshine). Again, it all tends to amount to unsubstantiated personal opinion. I suspect Mr Saker is more likely to work here though:

To me, the man's opinions (because that's what you're getting) aren't worth the server space they take up.


Good post.

I made reference to "The Saker being hosted in the USA as well, and as you point out, the owner lives in Florida. Well if that is true, people can see the irony.

The many lives in the country he is slagging off. He is thriving under the freedom of speech, human rights and protections of The US Constitution.

No one in our countries will shut down public discourse. In fact, we encourage and open and free society and that is what we all have in the most part in the West,

Now, would it be possible for someone to live in Russia and open a site like "The Saker" but this time be anti Tzar Pootin and supportive of The West? I think if you tried it, your days on planet earth would be numbered, if your site gained an International Following. The threat of course is always implied on account that in Russia many people come to grief for a variety of reasons, most of them journalists and outspoken figures. The Tzar Pootin has taught his people to keep their mouth shut, and that is not conducive to public debate or opening your own blog or forum in Russia like the good people of the USA can do.

And yet again, all these sites only report opinion but pass it on as fact. Do you see the tone of the reporting? They will say there is no proof and then talk about the UK's motive's (and there are no motives) compared to Russia's motives which are off the chart.

When you think about it and break it down, for those of us that look into things, this guy who owns and contributes to The Saker has voted with his feet. He has chosen to live in the USA and host his site in the USA. He is basically saying that the USA is a better country. that he has freedom to say and write whatever he likes in the USA. He is saying that the USA is a true bastion of democracy because the USA lets him do whatever he likes.
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:42 am

Trump’s “logic”… :?

‘When you’re $500bn down you can’t lose’ ... ock-market

Has Trump ever heard of receiverships? :lol:
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 05, 2018 2:37 am

he is right. The USA can't lose.

The USA and others have been raped by China's Cheap labour, to the point where all our industries are relocating to China to manufacture their products cheaply and increase their profit margins.

what Trump is doing is going down the protectionist road, by slapping tariffs on Chinese manufactured products so that US manufactured products have a chance to be competitive.

It is a breath of fresh air or at least an alternative to the free trade liberalization of economies. Other countries will be watching. If this proves to be a great success (and it might) then other countries will follow.

It isn't about just trade or having cheap products. You got to have your people in jobs and working, and if that means slightly dearer washing machines, TVs, and Driers, then so be it. Having millions of people unemployed is a huge liability.
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Re: China’s retaliation to US tariffs

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:18 am


Good post.

I made reference to "The Saker being hosted in the USA as well, and as you point out, the owner lives in Florida. Well if that is true, people can see the irony.

The many lives in the country he is slagging off. He is thriving under the freedom of speech, human rights and protections of The US Constitution.

No one in our countries will shut down public discourse. In fact, we encourage and open and free society and that is what we all have in the most part in the West,

Now, would it be possible for someone to live in Russia and open a site like "The Saker" but this time be anti Tzar Pootin and supportive of The West? I think if you tried it, your days on planet earth would be numbered, if your site gained an International Following. The threat of course is always implied on account that in Russia many people come to grief for a variety of reasons, most of them journalists and outspoken figures. The Tzar Pootin has taught his people to keep their mouth shut, and that is not conducive to public debate or opening your own blog or forum in Russia like the good people of the USA can do.

And yet again, all these sites only report opinion but pass it on as fact. Do you see the tone of the reporting? They will say there is no proof and then talk about the UK's motive's (and there are no motives) compared to Russia's motives which are off the chart.

When you think about it and break it down, for those of us that look into things, this guy who owns and contributes to The Saker has voted with his feet. He has chosen to live in the USA and host his site in the USA. He is basically saying that the USA is a better country. that he has freedom to say and write whatever he likes in the USA. He is saying that the USA is a true bastion of democracy because the USA lets him do whatever he likes.

But of course this is only YOUR opinion ..... :roll: :lol: :lol:
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