Pyrpolizer wrote:Don't look at Trump for an explanation.
Neither his sanctions would ever have an effect on crazy Kim
He had nothing to do with it.
It was the "Russians".

No. It was the Chinese. Who didn’t want a major conflagration on their border with a Syrian-like influx of refugees, nor to fall out with by far their most important export market. ... 1519923280Before we get the mandatory “MSM” drudgery, the link is just one of many, all basically carrying the same message. That was at the top.
I’m mostly indifferent to Trump and wouldn’t argue with the view he’s a dork. Nevertheless, for 60+ years US administrations have been attempting to rein in NK, getting nowhere. Obama in particular was a disaster. Trump, with his bellicosity and unpredictability has brought this to a head. He appears to have been speaking in a language understood in Pyongyang.
Whether it will actually get anywhere........? IIRC, it’s all fallen apart before on the resident Kim’s refusal to countenance third party verification of an agreement. We can only hope I suppose.
If it works then the usual suspects will just have to move on to supporting some other murdering, nepotistic tyrant. The only qualifying criteria being that they’re anti-West.