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The Korean unification...

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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 28, 2018 3:58 pm

Get Real! wrote:It was the Cypriots… they told Kim that implementing glasnost and perestroika would guarantee him one bitta souvlakia.

You know what? I think that probably would convince Kim too...
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Londonrake » Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:08 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I didn't say it was the Russians.
I said it was the .... "Russians" :wink:

Yep. I knew what you meant. :wink:
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:56 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Don't look at Trump for an explanation.
Neither his sanctions would ever have an effect on crazy Kim
He had nothing to do with it.
It was the "Russians". :wink:

It had nothing to do with the Russians.

It was the Chinese that warned him that he would be all on his own if he provokes the Americans with his missile testing and Nuclear Program.

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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby kurupetos » Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:14 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:I didn't say it was the Russians.
I said it was the .... "Russians" :wink:

You cocky b*stard!

Only RW is allowed to do that! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 29, 2018 6:53 am

IMO: One thing is for sure ..... Kim is NOT going to give up his weapons just to please the US, he is too smart to fall for that on US promises. Both Presidents will demand the US takes their own nukes out of Sth Korea and will insist on a time scale for the removal of US forces from the peninsular when/if the peninsular reverts to being a united Korea.
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:42 am

Kim is on a ticking time bomb.

It is only a matter of time before his "State" collapses. In this information age, tyrants like him and other totalitarian regimes will go the way of the USSR. In the end, north Korea will unify with South Korea.

No one knows when that day will come. It might be in 2 years, it might be in 5 years or 10 years but these regimes are a false hand of cards and before you know it, the North Koreans are going to be asking why can't they watch American soapies, why can't they own a car, why can't they live normal lives and have freedom?

Look at the history. East Germany collapsed, USSR collapsed, North Korea will collapse. You simply can't deny people for long.

The only totalitarian regimes that can survive are free markets like China where people's standards of living are actually increasing.

Fat boy slim rocket man better watch himself because the American Nuclear Umbrella is still in play.

But if he behaves himself like a good boy, we will just wait for this Natural Selection process to take place from within. Tick, tock.
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 29, 2018 12:22 pm

kurupetos wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:I didn't say it was the Russians.
I said it was the .... "Russians" :wink:

You cocky b*stard!

Only RW is allowed to do that! :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol:
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:50 pm

Kim is on a ticking time bomb.

Is he or just on a difficult road to get the two Korea’s back together as a single Nation after nearly 70 years?

It is only a matter of time before his "State" collapses. In this information age, tyrants like him and other totalitarian regimes will go the way of the USSR. In the end, north Korea will unify with South Korea.

Of course they will unify and I think without the assistance of the US but more with advice from China and Russia. The Kim Dynasty will survive but not as it is at the moment but that will come as he gradually gives up certain powers.

No one knows when that day will come. It might be in 2 years, it might be in 5 years or 10 years but these regimes are a false hand of cards and before you know it, the North Koreans are going to be asking why can't they watch American soapies, why can't they own a car, why can't they live normal lives and have freedom?

Yes, the euphoria of the capitalist world of soap operas and MacDonalds will overwhelm them! Just as happened in Poland and in East Germany, reality will then kick in and they will realise this ‘freedom’ has a price. No more free education to University level for all, no more free health service, no more 24hr kindergartens for shift workers children, no more lifetime job security with millions working for the State. Petty crime will rocket and street violence become more prevalent.

Shiny new cars not only cost more than most can afford, they need nice roads too which cost .... so taxes will rise. Some, a small minority, will take to it like a duck to water and become rich beyond their wildest dreams but the vast majority will be likes ducks out of water. People in Poland and East Germany didn’t know how to manage their own lives because the State had always provided. The same will happen to North Koreans.

Talk to many ordinary Poles today and they long for the old days because life changed and a lot of it was not for the better.

Look at the history. East Germany collapsed, USSR collapsed, North Korea will collapse. You simply can't deny people for long.

Yes, but these countries and countries like Russia, India and Iran and several of the old Eastern block countries are in the ascendency ...... things are getting better in general. Countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada or on the plateau and some like many European countries, the Uk included and America, are in a decline in both standard of living and power. Nothing remains the same .... everything changes. For some like China change is rapid for others like Iran, it is slower.

The only totalitarian regimes that can survive are free markets like China where people's standards of living are actually increasing.

Cuba seems to have done quite well in spite of 70 years of US sanctions, the same sort of sanctions that have held North Koreas economy back. But for the masses in rural China they have not seen the same increase in the standard of living as the urban and city areas. Again the same will happen in North Korea.

Fat boy slim rocket man better watch himself because the American Nuclear Umbrella is still in play.

All the time the US presents a threat to Korea only an idiot would give up their nuclear deterrent against US invasion. The US has proved time-and-time gain that any deals they make survive only whilst it suits the US .... the Iran nuclear deal and the numerous nuclear arms treaties they have dumped over the years, are an example. The US does not make a good ‘partner’ ...... Trump was right ‘America first’ it always has been that anyway!

But if he behaves himself like a good boy, we will just wait for this Natural Selection process to take place from within. Tick, tock.

That of course also applies to mighty nations as well ..... as history shows us. :roll:
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:41 pm

Robin Hood wrote:IMO: One thing is for sure ..... Kim is NOT going to give up his weapons just to please the US, he is too smart to fall for that on US promises. Both Presidents will demand the US takes their own nukes out of Sth Korea and will insist on a time scale for the removal of US forces from the peninsular when/if the peninsular reverts to being a united Korea.

Outside of NK you seem to be one of the few people (carefully avoiding the likes of "total idiot", "wanker", etc) who seem to think that the idea of a 3rd generation, Stalinist, paranoid demi-god dictator, who - for instance - has had members of his own family murdered - having the capability to incinerate London/Paris/New York/ et al is a good idea.

I mean is it me? Or, a reasonable conclusion, that the person promoting that idea is a total twat? Is that libelous? Will I get a visit from the Russian/Polish/Cypriot Souni community? :roll:
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Re: The Korean unification...

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:03 pm

...the game is over. He has no way to carry on without a test facility; Jung Un is making the best from a bad (from his point of view) situation.

Nothing else makes sense, what with the speed these efforts for Peace have increased to, what else can change his intentions so completely? Korea will be unified, he will be remembered as the one who unified it; a lie from a liar with another liar (Trump) who gains from this lie himself. For it, they (Trump and Un) may win a Nobel Prize, and why not, the world would be a better place for it; interesting times, indeed.

Kim may even withdraw from power, why not he is a billionaire by now, and North Korea, as things are cannot sustain itself in any case.

...(if it is realised) with America a "winner", the denuclearisation of Iran will be linked to this success.
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