erolz66 wrote:You have nothing but your big mouth. Nothing. No arguments. No evidence. No insights. All you have is your ego and frankly its boring me.
I just gave you a good argument and I backed it up with evidence.
Everything is there before your very eyes.
The private sector in Australia is massive and without it the education system in Australia would be in tatters and utterly broken. Plus, they are the benchmark setters cross the board.
What you are doing is scouring the net looking for any horror story you can find to support your argument. However, the reaslity is a very different matter. The reality is that 99.99% of us have never experienced such horror and are likely to never experience such horror.
You on the other hand will ignore all the good contributions these institutions have made to the community and all the great children they have churned out into the community and fixate on a couple of horror stories to support the demise of this sector, which will undoubtedly destroy education in Australia and result in a terrible decline in numeracy and literacy and the decline in standards of education which are otherwise extremely high standard.
You do not care about our children or the education system and your concern is a false concern and more politically motivated. You wish to deny parents the choice and accessibility of sending their children to these establishments.
By cutting off funding, 35% may not be able to attend these schools. Maybe only 10% will afford the fees and the rest will have to go back to Government Schools in crowded classrooms making it worse for them and even more worse for those who rely on the Government Sector.
All your policies are just disastrous!

I will have you know that not all the 35% are rich or even well off. Lots are actually working class people slaving in Fish and Chips shops and so on. Many actually struggle to pay the fees but somehow get by. You have no right to be ruining it for these fine families and taking away their great opportunity and dreams.
And the Government has no friggin right brain washing our kids with utter nonsense such as he and he and her and her couples having surrogate children and teaching them about abortion if they have unwanted pregnancies rather than teaching them to value their bodies and not have easy sex as if we are just animals.
We want our kids to be strong and disciplined and not be in such a hurry to grow up and just enjoy their childhoods. And then to marry into other nice disciplined families who are the same way inclined so that they understand the worth and importance of the family unit. The Government isn't teaching these things anymore and that is why there are so many problems.