Robin Hood wrote:You really are a ‘

……….. Putin is always behind anything associated with Russia you can drag up as being dodgy!
Do you really think this guy is any threat to Putin?
Think about it? Can you put yourself up for the position of President of Cyprus, even as the local Mukhtar or even go for a job in the civil service?
NO …… because you have to meet certain criteria ! At least in Russia and Cyprus the people get to vote for their President ………. In the UK the people don’t even get the opportunity to vote for the PM, neither do the MP’s the people voted into Parliament. It is a small group within ‘
The Party’ greatly influenced by a rather shadowy elite in power behind the scenes that make the decision !
So stop being so juvenile and look at the article. He failed to meet the requirements he needed to go for it ……… so, like you, he puts the blame on Putin.
Navalney got locked up because he broke the Law not because he and his mates were any threat to Putin …….. he and his mates were just shit stirrers financed by the US ……… you know …….. like the so called Revolution of Culture in Kyiv! A lot of good that did Ukraine!
You've never been slow to complain about abuse, but TBH that's not really an unusual post from you. It's sneeringly contemptuous. Then of course, when you find yourself on the receiving end you adopt the life-long "victimhood" persona and complain bitterly. You seem to be quite myopic in that respect. That is - you simply can't see it.
Of course the man's no threat to Putin. Just like Navalny. Even if he stood, his votes would be negligible by comparison. Nevertheless, what Vlad clearly won't want in these difficult times is any sort of measured public display of anti-war sentiment. A focus for such voters. Because of course, the entire country is behind his "special military operation" (journalists have been jailed there for calling it a war). Without Nadezhin, anyone who disagrees, or who has concerns about what's going on in Ukraine, simply has no one with any credibility at all to vote for.
In the UK, Party Leaders and thus PMs have always been the remit of the ruling political group. It works both ways. Thus the Brown/Corbyn/May/Johnson disasters. Were Sunak to start having opposition election contenders thrown in jail on trumped up charges or rejected from the ballot on clear technicallity "fixes" you might have a point. Were the UK Parliament like the Duma, clearly a rubber stamp for the ruling dictator, another. Despite your (as ever) conspiritorial shadowy "ruling elite", the UK Parliament is often a totally chaotic reflection of it's democratic legitimacy.
If you read about what's happened to Navalny it's tragi-comic. He was a serious focus for anti-Putin sentiment and has suffered for it. Far more than his so-called law breaking has warranted. He strikes me as a sort of Russian Mandela.
I don't know why you people have a problem acknowleging the fact that Vladimir Putin is a pretty ruthless, oldy-worldy totalitarian Dictator. He's been in power for 22 years and, having changed the Russian Constitution, looks set to continue to be so until he either drops dead in the saddle or someone a bit more savvy than the late Prigozhin comes along. A man whose violent death was of course nothing to do with VP. Examples of Putin's ruthlessness are legion, but not something your "independent" sources tend to deal in of course. Nor your good self. Who has always seemed to me to be a great admirer of the icon, whilst concurrently pouring vitriol on western "fascists". A strange conundrum. TBH, I find it all a bit "Alice in Wonderland".
In the UK this year you will end up with either Sunak or Starmer. In the US it's beginning to look like Biden or (legalities allowing) Trump. Neither choice giving a warm feeling. Then, there will be another round in 2029. In the US with neither Biden/Trump participating, this year's victor disallowed from entering the fray due to the Constitutional two term limitation. In Russia, just like Iran and North Korea, nobody with any sense is going to put money on anybody but the current incumbents (or in Iran "approved" contender) winning.