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Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Europe

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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:00 pm

Maximus wrote:Turkey is a hypocrite, Erdo disagrees with what Putin is doing in Ukraine but he is doing the same thing in Cyprus, Syria, Libya and commits daily incursions in the Greece's airspace.

They are all fucking super-hypocrites!

I hope Russia starts nuking them all to smithereens for they have more stockpiled nukes than the rest of planet put together.

Start with the biggest hypocrites... the US, UK, and France and work your way down.

Oh and a special delivery to Brussels! But I’d love to catch those fuckers at around 10:00am while they’re in session!
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:39 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Everything can be negotiated if countries are willing to do so, depending what one would gain from the other by giving something to each other, so yes, if Greece wanted, they could on some islands close to Turkey can just claim 12 nm as territorial waters and claim EEZ on the others, just to give Turkey more sea area and to be “neighbourly”, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these discussions do take place between Greece and Turkey. The question is, what does Greece want back in return? Perhaps for Turkey to withdraw from Cyprus would be my best guess, but I don’t see any deals coming to fruition.

France and UK have some understanding to the best of my knowledge over the Guernsey & Jersey islands. ... omic-zones



And there is the problem, why are you allowing Greece to do anythiong with Cyprus, they can fuck off. The RoC on the other hand is welcomed to do a deal and ask for both the Army and the guarantees to be removed and I for one will support that

Well for one, Greece too is a Guarantor Power to Cyprus and secondly, I don’t think Turkey has anything else which they can offer to Greece, except for Constantinople perhaps, for them to give Turkey more sea area legally. :wink:

We are not talking about something that legally belongs to Greece like one of the islands er asre talking about something which has not been signed by Turkey so they cannot actually extract any resources without an agreement. May I propose that 50 of the sea is given to Turkey and Turkey from that point on is friends with greece. A small price to pay for friendship. Trust me not having Turkey as an enemy is very valuable.

I don’t think Greece is that desperate to make friends with Turkey by trying to buy them off in the form of giving up 50% on their EEZ. Turkey does not need to be signatory to UNCLOS for Greece to agree with other countries maritime border, which are mainly Cyprus, Italy and Egypt at the moment since Libya’s temporary government allowed itself to be blackmailed by Turkey to make an illegal maritime border agreement with, which no one else recognizes, including the Libyan parliament which did not ratify the illegal agreement. At the moment it seems it is Turkey who is knocking on everyone’s doors begging them to be friends with. I wonder at what cost. No doubt Turkey is doing a lot of bending over at the moment to them, and now she is stuck between NATO, EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine ! :wink:

I don't think you fully understand how the law of the sea works. It gives fuck all to anybody. It proposes a formula and when there is a dispute, it suggests the disputing parties sort their dispute out. 97% is the Greek claim, it is what they have calculated, disputing country being Turkey, till she agrees to Greece's claim Greece gets fuck all and with that mentality that's all she is going to ever get.

BTW Greece can get what ever agreement she likes with any other country, She still needs the agreement of Turkey in the Aegean sea. Good luck to her with the 97% claim. You can see what she has had so far and you can be sure she will get 100% of exactly the same in the future too. In Cyprus we call that goullouri.
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Kikapu » Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:49 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Everything can be negotiated if countries are willing to do so, depending what one would gain from the other by giving something to each other, so yes, if Greece wanted, they could on some islands close to Turkey can just claim 12 nm as territorial waters and claim EEZ on the others, just to give Turkey more sea area and to be “neighbourly”, and I wouldn’t be surprised if these discussions do take place between Greece and Turkey. The question is, what does Greece want back in return? Perhaps for Turkey to withdraw from Cyprus would be my best guess, but I don’t see any deals coming to fruition.

France and UK have some understanding to the best of my knowledge over the Guernsey & Jersey islands. ... omic-zones



And there is the problem, why are you allowing Greece to do anythiong with Cyprus, they can fuck off. The RoC on the other hand is welcomed to do a deal and ask for both the Army and the guarantees to be removed and I for one will support that

Well for one, Greece too is a Guarantor Power to Cyprus and secondly, I don’t think Turkey has anything else which they can offer to Greece, except for Constantinople perhaps, for them to give Turkey more sea area legally. :wink:

We are not talking about something that legally belongs to Greece like one of the islands er asre talking about something which has not been signed by Turkey so they cannot actually extract any resources without an agreement. May I propose that 50 of the sea is given to Turkey and Turkey from that point on is friends with greece. A small price to pay for friendship. Trust me not having Turkey as an enemy is very valuable.

I don’t think Greece is that desperate to make friends with Turkey by trying to buy them off in the form of giving up 50% on their EEZ. Turkey does not need to be signatory to UNCLOS for Greece to agree with other countries maritime border, which are mainly Cyprus, Italy and Egypt at the moment since Libya’s temporary government allowed itself to be blackmailed by Turkey to make an illegal maritime border agreement with, which no one else recognizes, including the Libyan parliament which did not ratify the illegal agreement. At the moment it seems it is Turkey who is knocking on everyone’s doors begging them to be friends with. I wonder at what cost. No doubt Turkey is doing a lot of bending over at the moment to them, and now she is stuck between NATO, EU, USA, Russia and Ukraine ! :wink:

I don't think you fully understand how the law of the sea works. It gives fuck all to anybody. It proposes a formula and when there is a dispute, it suggests the disputing parties sort their dispute out. 97% is the Greek claim, it is what they have calculated, disputing country being Turkey, till she agrees to Greece's claim Greece gets fuck all and with that mentality that's all she is going to ever get.

BTW Greece can get what ever agreement she likes with any other country, She still needs the agreement of Turkey in the Aegean sea. Good luck to her with the 97% claim. You can see what she has had so far and you can be sure she will get 100% of exactly the same in the future too. In Cyprus we call that goullouri.

I don’t even know if Greece has actively has done any drilling anywhere in the Med or the Aegean.

It is not to say she won’t, now that she has signed a defense pact with France and renewed the USA one. She is also a NATO member with the Article 5 in her back pocket. :wink:
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Maximus » Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:05 pm

Lordo wrote:I don't think you fully understand how the law of the sea works. It gives fuck all to anybody. It proposes a formula and when there is a dispute, it suggests the disputing parties sort their dispute out. 97% is the Greek claim, it is what they have calculated, disputing country being Turkey, till she agrees to Greece's claim Greece gets fuck all and with that mentality that's all she is going to ever get.

BTW Greece can get what ever agreement she likes with any other country, She still needs the agreement of Turkey in the Aegean sea. Good luck to her with the 97% claim. You can see what she has had so far and you can be sure she will get 100% of exactly the same in the future too. In Cyprus we call that goullouri.

Its you that doesnt understand how the law of the sea works. Its a law, it proposes a formula to eliminate countries EEZ's. Turkey cant take it to court, because the court will recognize the law of the sea and judge in favor of Greece and Cyprus, who are abiding by it. But this is the problem isn't it Bordo! Turkey is trying to take the law in to her own hands and refuses to go to arbitration because she knows her claim is as solid as the fluff wedged between your sweaty arse crack.

But, lets say the stench coming out of your mouth is the truth. You need to go and brush your rotten teeth by the way and stop reading those Turkish comic books. Greece can get whatever agreement she likes with any other country, like Cyprus and Egypt, then why is Turkey searching for gas in her exclusive economic zone?

In fact, Greece isnt searching for any gas. Is she? The only country that has been sailing up and down the med trying to extract gas are the Turks. So whatever is applicable to one must be applicable to the other. And if the neighboring countries dont agree, then turkey should stop immediately.

Do you see how you still manage to stick that goullouri up your jack side? :roll:
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:19 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:I don't think you fully understand how the law of the sea works. It gives fuck all to anybody. It proposes a formula and when there is a dispute, it suggests the disputing parties sort their dispute out. 97% is the Greek claim, it is what they have calculated, disputing country being Turkey, till she agrees to Greece's claim Greece gets fuck all and with that mentality that's all she is going to ever get.

BTW Greece can get what ever agreement she likes with any other country, She still needs the agreement of Turkey in the Aegean sea. Good luck to her with the 97% claim. You can see what she has had so far and you can be sure she will get 100% of exactly the same in the future too. In Cyprus we call that goullouri.

Its you that doesnt understand how the law of the sea works. Its a law, it proposes a formula to eliminate countries EEZ's. Turkey cant take it to court, because the court will recognize the law of the sea and judge in favor of Greece and Cyprus, who are abiding by it. But this is the problem isn't it Bordo! Turkey is trying to take the law in to her own hands and refuses to go to arbitration because she knows her claim is as solid as the fluff wedged between your sweaty arse crack.

But, lets say the stench coming out of your mouth is the truth. You need to go and brush your rotten teeth by the way and stop reading those Turkish comic books. Greece can get whatever agreement she likes with any other country, like Cyprus and Egypt, then why is Turkey searching for gas in her exclusive economic zone?

In fact, Greece isnt searching for any gas. Is she? The only country that has been sailing up and down the med trying to extract gas are the Turks. So whatever is applicable to one must be applicable to the other. And if the neighboring countries dont agree, then turkey should stop immediately.

Do you see how you still manage to stick that goullouri up your jack side? :roll:

But surely there is nothing stopping Greece from taking Turkey to court as she is blocking her rights. I wonder why they have not done so.

You stupid boy. How can you take to court if one party has not signed up to the law.

Were you born stupid or did you grow up to be one.

Turkey does not need to do no shit, and she has prevented both Greece and Cyprus for extracting anything from the sea. Go figure.

in case you want to read it, you are welcome to it.
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Maximus » Thu Feb 24, 2022 10:33 pm

Greece has suggested numerous times to go the court about it but Turkey wont agree or go to deal with the problem she has. She chooses gunboat diplomacy instead.

Just because you dont agree with "abc" law, that doesnt mean that you cant be taken to court. If you think you have a strong defense, by saying you dont agree with the law, then go and argue it. But dont expect that to go in your favor. You seriously have got no brains pal.....

The world is in pretty bad shape at the moment, because of imbeciles that think like you.
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:44 pm

Maximus wrote:Greece has suggested numerous times to go the court about it but Turkey wont agree or go to deal with the problem she has. She chooses gunboat diplomacy instead.

Just because you dont agree with "abc" law, that doesnt mean that you cant be taken to court. If you think you have a strong defense, by saying you dont agree with the law, then go and argue it. But dont expect that to go in your favor. You seriously have got no brains pal.....

The world is in pretty bad shape at the moment, because of imbeciles that think like you.

How can you go to court about a law Turkey has not signed up to. gavole mavre

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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 25, 2022 12:49 am

Turkey does not recognize more than 12 nm EEZ to any island (in fact that's what they so generously acknowledge for Cyprus) even if the island is a Country by itself. They think EEZ and continental shelf should be measured from the nearest mainland! I guess the Turks should go tell the UK they are an island, and have no right to North sea oil, only Norway has, because Norway is the nearest mainland!!!
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:08 am

Vromo Bordo has been watching too many interviews of erdo on TRT world saying Turkey has rights under international law. :roll:

That's the irony of it all, erdo is blatantly acting illegally under international law.

But it's enough for numbskulls like koullouro vromo bordo to come on here using the length of a coastline as the basis of an argument. Even though Turkey doesn't have a longer coastline than Greece.

He's got a brain as his profile picture and it says use it.. :lol:
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Re: Erdogan says Turkey, Israel can jointly bring gas to Eur

Postby Lordo » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:58 am

Maximus wrote:Vromo Bordo has been watching too many interviews of erdo on TRT world saying Turkey has rights under international law. :roll:

That's the irony of it all, erdo is blatantly acting illegally under international law.

But it's enough for numbskulls like koullouro vromo bordo to come on here using the length of a coastline as the basis of an argument. Even though Turkey doesn't have a longer coastline than Greece.

He's got a brain as his profile picture and it says use it.. :lol:

Stupid man, how can anybody break an international law if they have not signed up to it.

Even in a normal court of law if you did not know somethong was a crime, you cannot be punished for it.
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