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Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Londonrake » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Today I was just thinking. The general hatred of the Nazis towards the Russians was quite extreme. Maybe they had reasons why this was so...

And yet they started out as Allies. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and did some pretty bad stuff in concert. Until Operation Barbarossa that is. Part of Hitler’s losing the plot megalomania.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:26 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Today I was just thinking. The general hatred of the Nazis towards the Russians was quite extreme. Maybe they had reasons why this was so...

And yet they started out as Allies. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and did some pretty bad stuff in concert. Until Operation Barbarossa that is. Part of Hitler’s losing the plot megalomania.

This only proves that Russia can never be trusted in anything.

At this point, I am not so sure that Stalin was better than Hitler. At the very least, they are on par.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Paphitis » Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:38 pm

I mean let's look at this further.

As Stalin and Hitler did some wheeling and dealing, it quickly became apparent to the West in 1945 that Stalin was never to be trusted - that his entire mission was no different to Hitler himself.

Hence the birth of NATO in 1949 to protect Europe from the Soviet menace.

In addition to that, we have a clear example of which side was more good and successful in Germany which was divided into West Germany (US, UK and France) and East Germany (Soviet Union).

West Germany went on to be an economic powerhouse, with one of the best Automotive and Tech industries in the world.

East Germany was impoverished and dark. Even worse than the occupied part of Cyprus.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Maximus » Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
East Germany was impoverished and dark. Even worse than the occupied part of Cyprus.

That is called communism mate, that is why Hitlers National socialist party and Stalin's communist party seemed to have got along at first. They belong to the same side of the political spectrum.

Communism is portrayed as some kind of utopia by western liberal leftists today but it is a dark tyrannical system that eventually impoverishes and abuses people.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Londonrake » Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Today I was just thinking. The general hatred of the Nazis towards the Russians was quite extreme. Maybe they had reasons why this was so...

And yet they started out as Allies. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and did some pretty bad stuff in concert. Until Operation Barbarossa that is. Part of Hitler’s losing the plot megalomania.

This only proves that Russia can never be trusted in anything.

You're confused. It was Hitler that decided to break his "Pact" and invade Russia. Whilst I'm not a great fan, and agree 100% with your comment about Hitler/Stalin, I can't see how Barbarossa was anything to do with Russia being untrustworthy. It was just an (ultimately fatal) facet of Hitler's megalomania.

Russia gets a good press in here, mostly, and the US what seems to me to be an unfairly bad one. Obsessively (often boringly) so, in fact.

Stalin, for instance, as a matter of political dogma, deliberately inflicted starvation on the Ukrainians, ultimately murdering 4 million of them, in order to get rid of their small farms and implement Communist, State-run collectives. At one point 25000 people a day were dying. I think you'd struggle to find something on a par to that act of cold blooded killing during Roosevelt's era. Let's not allow such events to interfere though with the constant turning of the adjacent thread - about the tragic consequences of Russia invading a neighbouring country - into a catalogue US "atrocities".
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Get Real! » Mon Apr 25, 2022 11:18 pm

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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:50 am

As the Nazis came through Greece in WW2, we still do not see similar images in Greece as to what we see in Ukraine.

Sure, the Luftwaffe, bombed and attacked Greece. But Athens and Thessaloniki were left largely intact.

There were instances where the Nazis burned down and entire Pellopnoesian village as a reprisal of a Greek Guerrilla attack. They also killed all the males there - definately a criminal act.

There were 45,000 Australian Troops in Greece as well. So a lot of what happened in Greece is documented and recorded in The Australian War Memorial. Even as allied troops retreated towards Crete, the Germans did not leave a trail of destruction like what we see from Russia in 2022.

I guess that's Germans for you - they would do the most minimum possible and what they do, they will do efficiantly, with meticulous planning and logistics.

Even when they invaded Crete in what was the largest Airborne Invasion in history, the Germans did not deploy scorched earth tactics. They wanted to take Greece probably, not a pile of rubble.

And once again, when Australian, British and New Zealand troops were captured, they were by enlarge treated quite well in comparison to allied troops captured by the Japanese.

This, was the first time a country introduced some standards in the treatment of POWs before the Geneva Convention was even formed, and it was by NAZI Germany.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Londonrake » Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:25 pm

Given events since Feb 24th I think nowadays any rational/reasonable person would acknowledge that the Nazi swastika has been superseded by


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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby RichardB » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:As the Nazis came through Greece in WW2, we still do not see similar images in Greece as to what we see in Ukraine.

Sure, the Luftwaffe, bombed and attacked Greece. But Athens and Thessaloniki were left largely intact.

There were instances where the Nazis burned down and entire Pellopnoesian village as a reprisal of a Greek Guerrilla attack. They also killed all the males there - definately a criminal act.

There were 45,000 Australian Troops in Greece as well. So a lot of what happened in Greece is documented and recorded in The Australian War Memorial. Even as allied troops retreated towards Crete, the Germans did not leave a trail of destruction like what we see from Russia in 2022.

I guess that's Germans for you - they would do the most minimum possible and what they do, they will do efficiantly, with meticulous planning and logistics.

Even when they invaded Crete in what was the largest Airborne Invasion in history, the Germans did not deploy scorched earth tactics. They wanted to take Greece probably, not a pile of rubble.

And once again, when Australian, British and New Zealand troops were captured, they were by enlarge treated quite well in comparison to allied troops captured by the Japanese.

This, was the first time a country introduced some standards in the treatment of POWs before the Geneva Convention was even formed, and it was by NAZI Germany.

What fuc*king planet are you living on?

"bombed and attacked Greece"!! Ok I guess thats ok then! ... _in_Greece

The above gives a link to 31 pages of massacres and destruction of greek towns and villages.

I can find loads more if you need them

Nothing the Rusdians have done can compare to the murderous acts of the Nazis in Greece.

You really are becoming a dickhead Paphitis
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Lordo » Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:45 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Today I was just thinking. The general hatred of the Nazis towards the Russians was quite extreme. Maybe they had reasons why this was so...

And yet they started out as Allies. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact and did some pretty bad stuff in concert. Until Operation Barbarossa that is. Part of Hitler’s losing the plot megalomania.

Of course they were no allies. Stalin new Hitler had his eyes on Ukraine and Russia so he had an agreement with Hitler to to share Poland buy some time in order to move his war manufacturing into Asian Russia beyond Hitler's reach. Which he did.

The rest is history. It was not Stalin who defeated Hitler it was the Russian winter and that was caused by Hitler attacking Greece to save the skin of the Italians. We also owe gratitude to Tito for delaying Hitler enough so when he attacked it would be winter. Of course whether he did that knowingly or not is another matter. Never the less it did the trick and Russian winter wiped out half the German army.
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