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Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:33 am

RichardB wrote:
Paphitis wrote:As the Nazis came through Greece in WW2, we still do not see similar images in Greece as to what we see in Ukraine.

Sure, the Luftwaffe, bombed and attacked Greece. But Athens and Thessaloniki were left largely intact.

There were instances where the Nazis burned down and entire Pellopnoesian village as a reprisal of a Greek Guerrilla attack. They also killed all the males there - definately a criminal act.

There were 45,000 Australian Troops in Greece as well. So a lot of what happened in Greece is documented and recorded in The Australian War Memorial. Even as allied troops retreated towards Crete, the Germans did not leave a trail of destruction like what we see from Russia in 2022.

I guess that's Germans for you - they would do the most minimum possible and what they do, they will do efficiantly, with meticulous planning and logistics.

Even when they invaded Crete in what was the largest Airborne Invasion in history, the Germans did not deploy scorched earth tactics. They wanted to take Greece probably, not a pile of rubble.

And once again, when Australian, British and New Zealand troops were captured, they were by enlarge treated quite well in comparison to allied troops captured by the Japanese.

This, was the first time a country introduced some standards in the treatment of POWs before the Geneva Convention was even formed, and it was by NAZI Germany.

What fuc*king planet are you living on?

"bombed and attacked Greece"!! Ok I guess thats ok then! ... _in_Greece

The above gives a link to 31 pages of massacres and destruction of greek towns and villages.

I can find loads more if you need them

Nothing the Rusdians have done can compare to the murderous acts of the Nazis in Greece.

You really are becoming a dickhead Paphitis

Don't kid yourself arsehole. I ackboewledged that the NAZIs did barbaric acts across Europe and in Greece too. But go through all those links, add up all the victims and do a comparison to Ukraine.

Yiou will find, the Russians have killed more civilians in Ukraine in just 2 months, where as the NAZIs were in greece from 1941 to 1944.

Any intelligent person with any nuance would compare Russia's actions with other wars such as WW2 and maybe Vietnam.

In Bucha, the Russian Military were just indiscruminately shooting citizens on the street as they withdrew in disgrace. Each day we see missiles hitting apartment buyildings, cluster bombs in residential zones, and heavy shelling.

How many Ukrainians civilians were killed so far - 10,000? If we are lucky it will be so few.

I am co paring the Russians to the Germans. It is clear to me that the German Soldiers were far more disciplined and controlled than the Russian Military in Ukraine. I say that based on evidence, Their soldiers were not drugged out or drinking Scapps in the field or took particular sociopathical joy in killing civilians.

I have no doubt also that the Red Army was particularly cruel against German Soldiers on the Eastern Front - far more cruel than the Germans were.

Like it or not, the Russian Army makes a very good comparison to the NAZI Germans. The Russians are a pack of animals and they are even a lot more cruel than the Turkish Military were in Cyprus.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby Kikapu » Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:46 am

Paphitis, you cannot in anyway compare information technology during WWII and today. War during those years with Nazi Germany millions of people were not accounted for aside from the millions which were as dead. Nazi Germans were all over most of Europe, therefore it would be impossible to know everything the Nazis did. We know at least 6 million Jews being murdered in one for or the other by being exterminated, lessons learned from the treatment of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during WWI. You can paint the Russian army in Ukraine all you want, just not paint them of being worse than the Nazis. That would be an injustice to all those who were killed by the Nazis.
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Re: Sympathy towards NAZI Germany

Postby RichardB » Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:24 am

Paphitis wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Paphitis wrote:As the Nazis came through Greece in WW2, we still do not see similar images in Greece as to what we see in Ukraine.

Sure, the Luftwaffe, bombed and attacked Greece. But Athens and Thessaloniki were left largely intact.

There were instances where the Nazis burned down and entire Pellopnoesian village as a reprisal of a Greek Guerrilla attack. They also killed all the males there - definately a criminal act.

There were 45,000 Australian Troops in Greece as well. So a lot of what happened in Greece is documented and recorded in The Australian War Memorial. Even as allied troops retreated towards Crete, the Germans did not leave a trail of destruction like what we see from Russia in 2022.

I guess that's Germans for you - they would do the most minimum possible and what they do, they will do efficiantly, with meticulous planning and logistics.

Even when they invaded Crete in what was the largest Airborne Invasion in history, the Germans did not deploy scorched earth tactics. They wanted to take Greece probably, not a pile of rubble.

And once again, when Australian, British and New Zealand troops were captured, they were by enlarge treated quite well in comparison to allied troops captured by the Japanese.

This, was the first time a country introduced some standards in the treatment of POWs before the Geneva Convention was even formed, and it was by NAZI Germany.

What fuc*king planet are you living on?

"bombed and attacked Greece"!! Ok I guess thats ok then! ... _in_Greece

The above gives a link to 31 pages of massacres and destruction of greek towns and villages.

I can find loads more if you need them

Nothing the Rusdians have done can compare to the murderous acts of the Nazis in Greece.

You really are becoming a dickhead Paphitis

Don't kid yourself arsehole. I ackboewledged that the NAZIs did barbaric acts across Europe and in Greece too. But go through all those links, add up all the victims and do a comparison to Ukraine.

Yiou will find, the Russians have killed more civilians in Ukraine in just 2 months, where as the NAZIs were in greece from 1941 to 1944.

Any intelligent person with any nuance would compare Russia's actions with other wars such as WW2 and maybe Vietnam.

In Bucha, the Russian Military were just indiscruminately shooting citizens on the street as they withdrew in disgrace. Each day we see missiles hitting apartment buyildings, cluster bombs in residential zones, and heavy shelling.

How many Ukrainians civilians were killed so far - 10,000? If we are lucky it will be so few.

I am co paring the Russians to the Germans. It is clear to me that the German Soldiers were far more disciplined and controlled than the Russian Military in Ukraine. I say that based on evidence, Their soldiers were not drugged out or drinking Scapps in the field or took particular sociopathical joy in killing civilians.

I have no doubt also that the Red Army was particularly cruel against German Soldiers on the Eastern Front - far more cruel than the Germans were.

Like it or not, the Russian Army makes a very good comparison to the NAZI Germans. The Russians are a pack of animals and they are even a lot more cruel than the Turkish Military were in Cyprus.

Full Name 8 Kingdom of Greece
Alliance Allies - Minor Member Nation or Possession
Entry into WW2 28 Oct 1940
Population in 1939 7,222,000
Military Deaths in WW2 20,000
Civilian Deaths in WW2 400,000
- Civ Deaths from Holocaust 60,000

So your 'plucked out of the air' Figure of 10,000 is more than the deaths from Nazis in Greece in WW2?
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