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Are there two nations in Cyprus?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Saint Jimmy » Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:50 am

I don't think they are racist towards anyone but Turks - and Turkish Cypriots
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Postby erolz » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:25 am

magikthrill wrote:
Whilst I shareErolz point 0f view holehertedly but Piratis is out of tune with the status quo in Cyprus .

Of course you do. He has the same opinion as you only he's a much more sane and rational person!

more assumptions? ;)

Really this thread is going no where (useful or good). :(
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Postby KELEBEK » Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:32 am


I fail to see how the Orthodox Church is brain washing people. What was the bishop of Morphu preaching? Was he preaching 'death to the Turks' or was he preaching peace with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots?

maybe not Bishop of Morphou, but others certainly are, Bishop Nikiforos for one.
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Postby uzan » Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:00 pm

I am doing this. In school I used to argue all the time with the religion teachers. In elementary school some kids used to call me muslim because of that. Still, while this is a society problem, I disagree that it is a main problem for the relations of the two communities, and you should not use such thing as an excuse to promote division or anything undemocratic.[/quote]

You are missing my point again and for you to behave this way can only be due tothe possibility of you being so nationalistic that you can not see the woods from the trees. Let's analyse the experience you encountered at your elementary school: You were obviously a sceptic child and an intelligentone which resulted for you to grow up as an athist or agnostic I am not sure what but I understand it tobe that you are a non believer. I do not hold that against you. The kids whocalled you "MUslim" were obviously anti islam they prabably implied that you were bad. This is what I am trying to indicate that the Gc s are broaght up predominantly to think ETHNOCENTRICLY. iT ISA SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS BUT it has been proven that the The Greek Ed Dept in the nameof history teach childre to hate Turkish poeple. Ihave a first hand experience of this and same as you I used to question the teachers on such matters and I used to be told off
as I was regarded as one being pro Turkish. My dear friend don't be ashamed to find out the truth about some of the negative aspect of your culture. All nations have that. It is healthy to be aware of such things providing you try to correct them and you have already made a start by denouncing Geeek Orthodoxy. Hope we meet one day to debate face to face and in that event I am certain that we will get on very well and even become good friends.I may even then give you the chance to F.... ME. :lol: :lol: :lol: dO HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR OTHERWISE YOU ARE AT RISK OF BECOMING CLINICALLY DEPRESSED IN THIS TROUBLED WORLD.
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Postby Piratis » Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:09 pm

Where did I say that our culture is perfect? There are problems that have to be corrected.

But the reason that many people do not like Turks is not the church, but the fact that Turkey threw 1/3rd of these people out of their homes, and they currently occupy part of our country.
Do you think that French people liked the Germans when the Germans occupied their country during WWII?

So don't try to throw the blame somewhere else because it fits your purpose.
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