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The impending war against Iran thread

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The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:38 pm

The impending war against Iran thread

Iran - General Mousavi - How U.S Will be Dealt With if They Attack Iran. (English Subtitles)

Iran - Brigadier General Abdolrahim Mousavi speaks about Iranian defence

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:46 pm

The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:15 pm

Why Is The United States Sending Scrap Heap Ships To The Persian Gulf?

Just last week, I and many others, reported about how the US Navy is deploying its absolutely obsolete and outdated aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) to the Persian Gulf region as a "show of force" against the peaceful nation of Iran. Many other bloggers have already picked up on this ridiculous deployment of a ship that best belongs in a shipyard being torn apart for scrap metal as nothing more than a setup for a false flag attack that would see the criminal Israelis sink the ship and have the sinking blamed on Iran. The net result would be the Americans having their "excuse" to launch a war against Iran itself.

But now, it seems that the US has upped the stakes in the Persian Gulf by sending another scrap heap ship to the region.... According to this article, that comes from YaYaCanada, at, courtesy of Poor Richard's blog (, the US Navy is sending a "mothership" (Austin class amphibious transport dock ship), the USS Ponce (LPD-15) to the Persian Gulf. Just like the USS Enterprise, the USS Ponce is due to be decommissioned shortly, and deploying this lame duck ship in harms way raises more questions about the possibility of a deadly false flag operation coming up. I have that article right here, and I do have some comments to follow: ... -heap.html

Saturday, January 28, 2012More US scrap metal headed for Persian Gulf
USS Ponce joins USS Enterprise in Persian Gulf

By YaYaCanada

How much clearer could it be that a false flag event is planned?
Further to our earlier discussion about the US having found a way to dispose of its scrap metal and at the same time create a pretext (with the help of Israel?) for WWIII, here is the latest news report (bolding mine):

Pentagon deploys ‘mothership’ to Persian Gulf as tensions with Iran escalate

The Pentagon is rushing a “mothership” to the Middle East to be used by commando teams as unrest in the region heightens, reports The Washington Post.

The U.S. Navy is planning to refit the USS Ponce, an amphibious transport docking ship, which was about to be retired and decommissioned.

The Ponce was commissioned in 1971 - it's now over 40 years old. Wikipedia reports:

On 2 December, 2011, Ponce came home to await decommissioning on 30 March, 2012, when she would be towed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and be placed with the mothball fleet

And now "she" is headed to the Gulf. How much clearer could it be that a false flag event is planned?

Stop The False Flag Attack On The U.S.S. Enterprise

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:19 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Just last week, I and many others, reported about how the US Navy is deploying its absolutely obsolete and outdated aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) to the Persian Gulf region as a "show of force" against the peaceful nation of Iran.

The Iranians have expressed an interest to convert it into a super tanker… 8)
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:07 am

Inspectors from the UN's nuclear watchdog say Iran seems committed to resolving all nuclear issues. The statement comes after a three-day visit by the IAEA, which Tehran's called "constructive". Experts have been attempting to verify the peaceful nature of Iran's atomic programme. The West has recently stepped up economic sanctions against the Islamic state, suspecting it of developing nuclear weapons. Washington's intelligence chief has warned of an increasing likelihood that Iran could attack America or its allies. The U.S. is beefing up its military presence in the Persian Gulf, by sending a third aircraft carrier to the region. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern says people have been misled into thinking Iran is a clear and present danger.

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:26 pm

The similarity between what is happening now with Iran and the USA/Israel and what happened prior to the two Gulf wars is incredible and yet the ‘sheeples’ are still willing to believe that what the main stream media tells them is the truth. And the EU Politicians seem to be just as gullible for the lies and misrepresentation distributed by the US/Israel. The threat in this region is not Iran, never has been and this crisis has very little to do with the nuclear threat or Iran’s Uranium enrichment.

The biggest threat to peace and stability in the Middle/Near East is the USA and Israel, in fact they are the biggest threat to World peace. The USA and Israel are one and the same ‘organisation’ as they both have the same ‘Management’. The head Office is in Tel Aviv and the ‘factory’ in the US and does what head office tells them. It is a case of the tail wagging the dog .... big time! There are also significant aspects of this crisis that you will not find in the main stream media and like most of the facts and detail you have to go and look for it.

When the US and its Allies attacked Afghanistan one of the objectives was to secure the route for a pipeline between the Caspian Basin oil/gas fields, via Turkmenistan to Pakistan and India, that pipeline had to go through Afghanistan. It had to because the only other route was through Iran which was closed off to the US oil giants because of US sanctions which have been in place for some 30 years. The US pipeline is referred to as TAPI.

In the meantime the Iranians, who are far smarter than the Americans, realised that it was much easier to run a pipeline from Iran (Bandar Abbas) along the coast and feed Iranian oil/gas to Pakistan and India, knowing full well that the American pipeline could never be secured against the Talliban. The proposed Iranian pipeline by-passes Afghanistan and can very easily be extended to transport oil from the Caspian Basin. AND ..... all the Countries in the region are Islamic and see the Americans as the Great Satan. But the Americans want that pipeline ..... in fact the Americans NEED that pipeline.

It was planned for the US to invade Iran, as General Wesley says in the video, some years ago but the Iranian pipeline has accelerated the need to impose regime change in Iran, just as they did in Iraq. It is not just their greed for other peoples natural resources that drives US agression. Before the first gulf war there were few US oil giants in Iraq, now it is all US oil Companies and the aim is to keep Europe out of the oil/gas equation.

Another little know aspect is that Iran was doing a deal to supply the gas and oil to Pakistan for payment in Gold and local currency instead of the ‘Petro-dollar’. The same deals are being done with other countries including China, Venezuela and Brazil. When the US oil companies developed the oil fields in Saudi and the surrounding countries they demanded that the oil be sold in dollars and excess dollars should be invested in US Government bonds. This has dominated the market for years and has made the USA rich. The Iranian deal is a direct threat to the US economy because if oil is sold in anything other than Petro-Dollars the US dollar will plummet and the US economy will do likewise.

Colonel Ghadafi was also doing deals in Europe to supply gas/oil for payment in Gold and the Euro and we all know now, why the US got the stupid Europeans to do their dirty work for them and initiate a regime change.

This whole subject is very, very involved and goes right back to late 1800’s. A very good but lengthy video (7 hours) that starts from the time when the oil that floated down Oil Creek in Pennsylvania was crudely refined into Kerosene for oil lamps to replace expensive whale oil, through a time period of over a hundred years and up to the recent times. A really informative documentary if you want to understand the background to Oil, Money and Power (US Style)!!!
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:05 am

UK in range of Irans missiles says Deputy PM Clegg

Iran is developing a missile with a 6,200-mile range capable of reaching Britain, it was revealed yesterday.
The rogue state’s new weapon could also deliver an attack as far away as America’s East Coast.
Israel’s deputy prime minister Moshe Ya’alon made the chilling claim as his country’s military chiefs revealed Tehran had stockpiled enough enriched uranium to produce four nuclear warheads.
Nick Clegg last night expressed concern that the U.S. and Israel would ‘take matters into their own hands’ and launch a military strike against Iran.
The West fears that Iran will equip its missiles with nuclear devices.

Defence sources in Tel Aviv predicted there could be a strike against the Iranian regime as early as this summer.
Yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: ‘I worry that certain countries might take matters into their own hands.’

Iran insists it is developing atomic technology for civilian purposes.
Military chiefs in Israel announced that Tehran had stockpiled enough enriched uranium to produce four nuclear bombs.

Asked if he was concerned that Israel would attack Iran, the LibDem leader said: ‘Of course I worry that there will be a military conflict and that certain countries might take matters into their own hands.’

He said Britain had been attempting to demonstrate that ‘there are very tough things we can do which are not military steps in order to place pressure on Iran.’

Last week the European Union agreed to tougher economic sanctions, including an embargo on Iranian oil exports, over its failure to abandon its nuclear programme.

Iran threatened to retaliate by closing the Strait of Hormuz, which channels one-fifth of the world’s crude oil, prompting Britain to warn it would send military reinforcements to the Gulf if the international waterway was blocked.

The Royal Navy already has five ships there with HMS Daring, one of its sophisticated new Type 45 destroyers, on its way.

Mr Clegg refused to speculate if Britain would ‘participate’ in military action. But he said: ‘Of course, in a situation like this you don’t take any options off the table.

‘When you are involved in a major standoff with a country which appears to have a... hostile intent on these issues, of course you don’t do that.’

Meanwhile, Israel’s deputy prime minister Moshe Ya’alon told a security conference that Iran was successfully building long-distance ballistic missiles.

He said the weapons, with a range of 10,000km (6,200miles), were ‘aimed at America, not us’ although a missile that could be fired such a distance could also strike Britain.

Mr Ya’alon said: ‘Such a non-conventional regime should not have such non-conventional capabilities.’

He told the annual Herzliya national security conference in Israel that an Iranian military compound that mysteriously exploded on November 12 last year was developing long-range missiles.

At least 17 people, including a general, died in a blast on the base around 20miles west of Tehran. Iran said an ammunition dump had exploded but the destruction was widely blamed on foreign intelligence services.

Major-General Aviv Kochavi, Israel’s chief of military intelligence, said that Iran could make four atomic bombs by enriching uranium it had already stockpiled.

He said that from the moment Iran’s spiritual leaders ‘give an order... to speed up production of the first nuclear explosive device, we estimate it will take about a year to complete the task.’

Read more: ... z1lSthDhGD
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:34 pm


Your post proves two things:

• You have mastered the art of ‘cut-and-paste’.
• Some people will believe anything.

Do you not have the mental capacity to detach propaganda from reality?

All the rhetoric against Iran is coming from one source .... ISRAEL , who in turn are supported without question by the USA. Apart from the direct threat from Israel, the US threat to Iran is from US bases and battle groups in the Gulf, not the US mainland.

Why would Iran want to develop an ICBM (a rocket with a range of 10,000km) when the threat is around 1500km distant? The threat to Iran is from Israel not the US mainland so, why develop an ICBM to attack the USA, when you have only enough enriched Uranium to maybe assemble four atomic warheads in twelve months time? (according to a, no doubt exaggerated, claim by the Israeli’s) Your supposed target has some 10,000 nuclear warheads, many of them Hydrogen/Plutonium, and the means to deliver them. Only an idiot would dream that up and the Iranians are far from being idiots.

This is all PR and Propaganda that the Israelis had to develop after the PR disaster in Lebanon (Sabra & Shatilla Massacres) in 1982. All this is a mind conditioning process for ‘sheeples’ (including many gullible western diplomats) to justify Israel’s threat to attack Iran. They need a reason, real or imaginary, and this garbage is no different to the claims by Bush/Blair to justify the Second Gulf War on the perceived WMD that Iraq had, .

As a simple example of US/Israeli hypocrisy; Today, on the BBC World News, the US Representative on the UN Security Council has deplored the application of the Russian and Chinese veto on a UN resolution against Syria. They have exercised the veto because they regard the action by the UN as regime change, and object! This moral indignationby the UScomes from a country which has, since 1972 up to 1997, applied its veto 32 times on UN Resolutions applied to Israel and, in addition, Israel has 65 UN Resolutions against it since 1972, that it has ignored. Seems to me like a case of ‘Pot and Kettle’!!!!!

Come on, get wise, the MSM is feeding the ‘sheeples’ propaganda and they just swallow it whole. No matter what source you use for information you can never be sure it is the truth. You need to source information, disseminate what you find out and come to your own conclusions. I am afraid that quotes/pastes from the Daily Mail, should be taken with a pinch of salt unless you can verify the facts elsewhere. In this case their ‘quotes’ were from Haaretz (an Israeli Daily Newspaper) so have some credibility.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:18 am

Robin Hood wrote:Yialousa,

Your post proves two things:

• You have mastered the art of ‘cut-and-paste’.
• Some people will believe anything.

Do you not have the mental capacity to detach propaganda from reality?

All the rhetoric against Iran is coming from one source .... ISRAEL , who in turn are supported without question by the USA. Apart from the direct threat from Israel, the US threat to Iran is from US bases and battle groups in the Gulf, not the US mainland.

Why would Iran want to develop an ICBM (a rocket with a range of 10,000km) when the threat is around 1500km distant? The threat to Iran is from Israel not the US mainland so, why develop an ICBM to attack the USA, when you have only enough enriched Uranium to maybe assemble four atomic warheads in twelve months time? (according to a, no doubt exaggerated, claim by the Israeli’s) Your supposed target has some 10,000 nuclear warheads, many of them Hydrogen/Plutonium, and the means to deliver them. Only an idiot would dream that up and the Iranians are far from being idiots.

This is all PR and Propaganda that the Israelis had to develop after the PR disaster in Lebanon (Sabra & Shatilla Massacres) in 1982. All this is a mind conditioning process for ‘sheeples’ (including many gullible western diplomats) to justify Israel’s threat to attack Iran. They need a reason, real or imaginary, and this garbage is no different to the claims by Bush/Blair to justify the Second Gulf War on the perceived WMD that Iraq had, .

As a simple example of US/Israeli hypocrisy; Today, on the BBC World News, the US Representative on the UN Security Council has deplored the application of the Russian and Chinese veto on a UN resolution against Syria. They have exercised the veto because they regard the action by the UN as regime change, and object! This moral indignationby the UScomes from a country which has, since 1972 up to 1997, applied its veto 32 times on UN Resolutions applied to Israel and, in addition, Israel has 65 UN Resolutions against it since 1972, that it has ignored. Seems to me like a case of ‘Pot and Kettle’!!!!!

Come on, get wise, the MSM is feeding the ‘sheeples’ propaganda and they just swallow it whole. No matter what source you use for information you can never be sure it is the truth. You need to source information, disseminate what you find out and come to your own conclusions. I am afraid that quotes/pastes from the Daily Mail, should be taken with a pinch of salt unless you can verify the facts elsewhere. In this case their ‘quotes’ were from Haaretz (an Israeli Daily Newspaper) so have some credibility.

Are you another crazy Jew?

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:38 am


Are you another crazy Jew?

Some who read my post might accuse me of being anti-semitic, which would be wrong but to call me ‘a crazy Jew’ .................... words fail me, at least words you would understand!!!!!

I did feel quite sorry for you as you seemed to get a lot of stick for your posts but, if you can make such an incredibly stupid comment after reading my post, you ARE obviously not too bright.
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