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Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Postby bigfatlondonboy » Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:15 pm

thanks for that michael..maybe when i relocate to cyprus in the summer i can see first hand before passing any judgements.
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Postby pumpernickle » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:35 pm

bigfatlondon boy

these people are either too busy herding sheep from one undulating field to another to bother anyone, or they'll be serving you Mai Tai cocktails and calling you sir.
screw 'em. the aint worth the respect of a reply.

all the best mate.
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Postby Michael » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:25 am

Thank you for that Pimpernickle. Herding sheep is an honourable profession. I prefer to be a Sheppard then a Judas. At least Judas got his thirty pieces of silver. What did you get from your Turkish friends, a backgammon board and the clap? And I don’t mean applause. You sad wretch.
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:39 pm

reeled in like a kipper.

too easy.
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Postby Kenneth » Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:22 pm

Hehe... I was also quite scared about this subject when I arrived here. But until now I have only seen it discussed in this forum. that was quite a relief 'cause I would like to be neutral in this case.
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Postby Michael » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:16 pm

pumpernickle wrote:reeled in like a kipper.

too easy.

. How can you reel in a kipper? Was that whist the Mr Herring was at the fishshop being split open and smoked?
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:19 pm

You're Danish not Swiss!

Which reminds me, import your bacon from your homeland, it's not up to much out here. Rather grissly and fatty, and lacking in texture. Good lamb though.

Nah, you wont here people talk about it, seriously. That would involve 'intellectual debate' and the engaging of one's brain in a sensible fashion....... (as opposed to rants amongst associates in nicotine stained cafes surrounded by old men with mustaches and cyprus coffee.)

its a world apart. people dont talk about the cyprus problem in society. and when it is discussed, it is by the same people to the same people............or cab drivers who talk about the orange groves they once owned in famagusta before '74...

hmmmm. yeah. I started to get sceptical after the 15th testimony.

which is the cypriot equivalent of the taxi driver from clapham who reckons he 'knew the krays'. Which is a claim made by pretty much every single cab driver over the age of 60. They're either all telling the truth, or there is some crazy embellishment of the truth going on.
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Postby Michael » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:31 pm

Stop crying in your coffee. For a foreigner you presume to know allot about Cyprus
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Postby pumpernickle » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:13 pm

I know more than you'l ever know. No? I know. I know, it's hard to know everything, when you're not always in the know. Just say no to those who say they know and the answer is no.
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Postby lysi » Tue Mar 07, 2006 11:07 am

Pimpernipple, just wanted to ask you have you escaped from a british mental hospital ?
Some of your posts are insane and if you are on the run from the nut house then we will understand why you say such daft things.
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