.............. in this case the banks had deposits just in Cyprus of around 80bn making the % invested around 5%.
I think you are confusing ‘deposits’ with ‘assets’ and they are not the same thing.
In banking what they have out on loan is considered an ‘asset’ because it is money owed to them. Deposits are treated as ‘liabilities’ because that is money they owe the depositors. NPL’s are toxic assets ...... or to you and me, money the banks are never likely to realize and these represent 46% of the loans in Cypriot banks. They do not have 46% of their declared assets!
Assets are always significantly larger than liabilities because of the banking practice of ‘fractional reserve debt’, with a fraction of deposits held as a reserve and the remainder loaned over and over again. With a 10% fractional reserve the banks can multiply the original deposit to a sum ten times greater than the original sum. So, say a deposit is made of €1000 into a single account, the banks can create €10,000 from the to loan out or in other words, a single deposit/liability of €1000 become an asset of €10,000. So the 5% you quote is a very significant drop and would be equal to 50% of their reserves! Then consider that the fractional reserve in some cases has been as low a 1% i.e. for every €1 deposited the bank can create €100............ is it any wonder the banks are continually in the s**t?
You only have to see a dip of 1% and the banks fail to meet the deposit fractional requirement of 10% retained as a reserve. This is the point where banks require bailing out (
or in Cyprus’ case bailing-in) because they need to rebuild the reserves to maintain the required fractional 10% level. What they are ‘losing’ is actually money they created out of thin air.
It gets even better! They start with a customer’s deposit of €1000 into their account and end up making that into €10,000 which they lend out at interest, let’s say at 5%pa. So they make 5% on €10,000 which equates to €500 ................. a 50% mark up on the actual money on deposit in one year.
So who are the mugs? We get sod all on our deposits and the bank make a very nice 50% then, when their gambles fail to pay off they screw us again to bail them out of the s**t hole they dug for themselves.

And ..... absolutely NOTHING has been done to correct this since the 2008 collapse .... everything for the banks is back to normal and they are already creating the next financial disaster!