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In Praise of the Dead

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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:36 pm

Why dont we have a ...poll and see which members consider who as malaka. You or I. By the way, you did post your tombstone, shall I search for it ??
General wewe Malaka, unlike you I love my Cyprus, where as you love Greece. I do t want my island destroyed, I dont want, as you stupidly said hundreds or even thousand of children dying in a conflict with
Turkey. My suggestion to you is to clear off and DONT fucking cone back you fucking idiot.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:42 pm

miltiades wrote:Why dont we have a ...poll and see which members consider who as malaka. You or I. By the way, you did post your tombstone, shall I search for it ??
General wewe Malaka, unlike you I love my Cyprus, where as you love Greece. I do t want my island destroyed, I dont want, as you stupidly said hundreds or even thousand of children dying in a conflict with
Turkey. My suggestion to you is to clear off and DONT fucking cone back you fucking idiot.

Yes why not. You be my guess and start that poll.

Just like an idiot, you seem to be well familiar with these type of polls and I rest my case.

You my friend are just an idiotic MALAKAS! Soft in the head. Just because you were seeing a Belarussian girl, you switched sides. Schnauzer was correct about you. You are a very weak man and you will sell out on your values and you talk about my views.

You supported Russia and by extension Iran and Hezbollah. Your compass re-alligned to point to the Southern Pole plus or minus the going Magnetic Declination for Cyprus. You went polar opposite. About face into complete stupidity.

And to make matters worse, you actually believe Russia played a role in defeating ISIL. get it through your thick head. It was the Coalition that fought ISIL and their allies on the ground. We took over most of the land they occupied too.

And tell me, what is the reasoning behind your dismissive ridicule of the CNG? What's that all about? Do you honestly believe there is going to be a solution because you are willing to suck on Turkish Dicks? Do you honestly think anything will change because you go to kyrenia and have a coffee with your Turkish mates?

So start the pole in your own wording.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:57 pm

Another idiotic post by General wewe Malakas. Not that I have to prove anything, I have always supported the west but unlike you stupid not BLINDLY. I have said many times that the West made a dreadful
error in going to Syria. I have repeatedly stated that Syria can NEVER be governed democratically, just as the rest of the Muslim world. Not supporting the West in this instance does not infer that I support either Assad , Russia or Iran. You on the otber hand blindly and in a very naive fashion blindly support each act.
You are a first class fucking idiot
Now fuck off, dont come to Cyprus since you dont like it and good riddance General wewe Malaka.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby Paphitis » Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:07 pm

miltiades wrote:Another idiotic post by General wewe Malakas. Not that I have to prove anything, I have always supported the west but unlike you stupid not BLINDLY. I have said many times that the West made a dreadful
error in going to Syria. I have repeatedly stated that Syria can NEVER be governed democratically, just as the rest of the Muslim world. Not supporting the West in this instance does not infer that I support either Assad , Russia or Iran. You on the otber hand blindly and in a very naive fashion blindly support each act.
You are a first class fucking idiot
Now fuck off, dont come to Cyprus since you dont like it and good riddance General wewe Malaka.

No you haven't MALAKAS. You do not support the West or the EU.

You betrayed the West and went with the enemy that wants to destroy the EU and bring Europe to its knees. You have supported the enemy that now stands between Cyprus and the natural Resources within its EEZ.

You have undermined your argument it isn't funny anymore.

This was never about democracy you silly man. Do you honestly thing the Coalition wants to turn Syria into another California? No it doesn't. They can have a dictatorship if they want. They don't have to have elections. And we were never prepared to tell them what to do. They can do whatever they like. And it can remain with Russia, we couldn't care about that either. And we would have left Syria by now as well. We got dragged into the war. We were unwilling to get involved but ISIL kept making threats that their jihad will reach Washington and The Vatican as they were using blunt kitchen knives to behead our citizens on YouTube. We were only suppose to fight ISIL but then Assad used Sarin in Ghouta. That is when we went against Assad.

It was about justice. Assad, is a war criminal. More than half of all Syrians didn't want him. So what the Coalition wanted was a National Unity. That means, Alevi and Sunni together in a combined administration. There is nothing wrong with that. But instead, we have many years of war and no peace treaty. It isn't going to end very well at all. You might not even witness the end of this war. Maybe I won't either. it's going to go for that long.

You are blind. You do not know what you are on about. You know nothing about Syria and still believe that Russia beat ISIL. Coalition got rid of them and they did that with their ground allies and it could under no circumstances cooperate with either Assad or Russia. We do not have the same rules or regulations. Our rules of engagement are far more stringent because we are answerable to our own people and our Western Parliaments. We have standards. high Standards, because we have real democracy not a window dressing democracy like Russia does. Our Governments fall, whenever they dissapoint the populace. War Crimes would be a big disappointment and an embarrassment to our people and our flags.

Pootin and Assad are not for us. We can never spit on them even if they were on fire. Not even piss on them.

Listen old fart, there is a certain amount of prestige being a New Zealand or an Australia. These are good countries, with good leadership which have standards way beyond Pootin. Do you want to know what they signed up for? they signed up to fight ISIL. They fought ISIL and they won the war. You abandoned them and went with the enemy that is fucking with everyone shamelessly and wants the EU destroyed. You support a criminal that used Sarin Gas and barrel Bombs against his own population. How can you even talk about ISIL? Do you think ISIL was more evil that a government that uses Sarin and barrel bombs on its own people? Where are your ethics? A Government that has Ghouta under siege for a few years now, with children eating grass to survive.

It is about Russia Vs USA/EU/NATO. It's a proxy now. This is the new type of warfare, and it will keep going on and on. it isn't going to end in Syria. We will probably have this war for the next 25 odd years. This war can nly end with the demise of Pootin. And it is a type of warfare that suits Russia because the West has standards and is not at liberty to do what pootin does.

Pootin once made a speech about his feelings on the collapse of the soviet Union. He called it the greatest travesty ever. he is a Soviet resurrectionist. he is also out for revenge. Pootin has big plans, and its not going to be very good for so many countries around him.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 04, 2018 5:52 pm

Around 70 people from the Turkish occupied village of Ashia, who were murdered by Turkish soldiers during the 1974 invasion, are believed to be buried in a landfill in Dikomo. According to testimonies, the remains were transferred there from the village of Ornithi. The relocation took place between 1995-1996 according to testimonies.

Nestoros recalled that there was a commitment on behalf of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side to appoint a group to collect archive material that would be sent to the CMP after it had been declassified.

“Commitments to such an investigation into the archives of the Turkish occupation forces were also given by the Turkish Cypriot leader. I am also aware that the archives of the Greek army are being studied by a team and we are expecting the release of archive material,” Nestoros told CNA.

He noted, however, that the most important information on burial sites is held by the Turkish army, who reportedly have organized mass burials of the dead who were collected from the battlefields during the 1974 Turkish invasion.

‘’These sites of mass burials have not yet been identified, except in the case of burial in the occupied Trachonas village, where in 2015 the remains of 36 people were identified,’’ Nestoras said.

He said that the cooperation of the Turkish army is important and the CMP needs this cooperation and is asking for it in order to deal to the maximum extent with the issue of missing persons. ... -in-ashia/

...moved to what became a garbage dump, although the CMP is not mandated to find this answer, i ask why?
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 08, 2018 7:21 pm

...only Turkey remains, in fulfilling its promise to provide the help which the CMP really needs; access to the information still withheld.

Cypriots are missing, whether Turkish or Greek, if we are seriously looking at the facts it is clear, "Turks" and "Greeks" are criminals and cowards because for the most part they were never busy killing each other, mostly they murdered those not like "them". is hard to be Cypriot, here we can draw the line; I am Greek but no "Greek". I ask you, are you no better than a "Greek", a "Turk"? ... 00-to-cmp/

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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:24 am

An excavation will begin on Monday at a site in Strovolos, Nicosia for the remains of two Turkish Cypriots missing since 1964, CNA has learned. ... g-persons/

...for the record.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:16 am

...more excavations.

Nestoros said the information concerns seven Greek Cypriots who were last seen in the area of Trachonas, Omorphita, and Neapoli, three Nicosia suburbs next to each other.

The CMP was also carrying out a dig in the Nicosia suburb of Strovolos in the south in search of a well that may contain the remains of Turkish Cypriots missing since the intercommunal strife in the 1960s.

The CMP is using aerial photographs taken by the British just a few days after the fighting started in 1963.

The photographs provide the experts with indications about the wells that were open at the time.

In a related development, the Turkish army has also provided aerial photographs from 1974, which will be studied in a bid to find leads concerning missing persons.

The pictures were taken before and after the invasion, in the summer of 1974. It is the first time investigators were granted access to the material. ... trachonas/
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:15 am

Presidential Commissioner warns Committee on Missing Persons risks closure
CNA - Cyprus/NICOSIA 30/10/2018 12:36

Presidential Commissioner Photis Photiou has warned that the Committee on Missing Persons is faced with the danger of closure due to the lack of new evidence, while the fate of the majority of missing persons in Cyprus is yet to be determined, and has called on Turkey to finally cooperate in order to put an end to the ordeal of relatives.

According to a press release issued by his office, Photiou was addressing on Monday evening an event marking the Cypriot Missing Persons Day, in London.

Despite locating a significant number of remains of people included in the initial list of missing persons and identifying by way of DNA testing their identity, “we find ourselves faced with the immediate danger of cessation of the work of the Commission, as the success ratio of exhumations and location of remains has dropped abruptly.

...most have not been found, it says.
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Re: In Praise of the Dead

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:54 am

According to the Cyprus New Agency (CNA) an excavation started on Thursday in Sysklipos, a military area in Dikomo in the north, to locate the remains of Greek Cypriots missing since 1974. Remains were located in the area previously so it was decided to expand the excavations in hopes of locating more.

A second new excavation started on Monday in an area between the Nicosia suburbs of Strovolos and Lakatamia, after information that the remains of four or five Turkish Cypriots that have been missing since 1964 are located there.


Another excavation will begin on Monday in Sinta, in the occupied part of the Famagusta. ... r-missing/ ... g-persons/

...another related article, but from a few months ago.
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