Oh what a dork!
The video released by the Russians is Infra-red.
It always looks like it's night but it isn't! The fact the released footage is from Russia's night surveillance of the convoy immediately before they bombed it further incriminates the Russians because the Syrians probably don't have night capabilities anymore.
It also detects heat and humans because it picks up temperature changes which is why engines appear very bright.
Yes you are a dork ................
Another revelation from our Forum military analyst and expert ..... and he has got it wrong again!

The video released by the Russians is NOT infrared! That is obvious to anyone who has seen an infra red image ........ the hoods of the terrorists 4WD towing the mortar, is not ‘bright’, neither are the engines of the trucks. You cannot see people because it is NOT picking up IR but ordinary optical images. The cabs of the trucks are PAINTED white, the loaded area is covered with tarpaulins .... and that is what we see.
To show what rubbish you spout ..... you can see the shadows cast by the sun on the ground by the buildings, walls and trees ..... as well as the trucks themselves. By the length of shadow cast it would appear to be around mid/late morning! Are you now going to tell us the shadows were cause by moonlight?

Infra Red sees differences in the amount of radiated of heat ........ not temperature changes!
Can you never get anything right? So once again you see what you think you see and get it all wrong! Watch the video again .............
The image I originally referred to is the one taken by The White Helmets where the idiots are watching the vehicles go up in flames from maybe 200m............... and the White Helmets shouting ‘Alahu Akbar’. FYI: These White Helmets are associated with Al-Nusra (or whatever they now call themselves) and seem to always appear within minutes of these events ..... almost as if they knew in advance they were going to happen!

Then, immediately after this ‘air strike’ they set up their camera and lights to make their close up of the damage. So they are either extremely dumb knowing the Russians have their target zero’d in or, far more likely, it was the US supported terrorists, that fired the trucks ....... after removing the contents! Note again, no blast damage to the trucks and no pile of smouldering debris in the back of the truck.
You have a propensity for ignoring what you see if it does not fit your story ..... and just run with the story as you see it from your obviously flawed analytical techniques.

The UN Sec. General has accused those that attacked the convoy as ‘cowards’! The UN and most other member countries of the UN, are distancing themselves from the US line that the Russians did it. The only ones blaming Russia are the US, led by Kerry ..... who, once again, claims irrefutable proof and like every other time he has made this claim, he will never present the proof. He has even admitted he lives in a parallel Universe! Is it the same one you live in Paphitis, I have to ponder?

So far the Russians have by far the most plausible explanation of the ‘who done it’ and, unlike the US, present the evidence to prove it. Anyone looking at those pictures and seeing the aftermath of an air strike has to be seriously stupid.
As I suspect you have never been closer to a war zone than the pictures you see on TV ....... FYI: this is what happens when you target a vehicle from the air!