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Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

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Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:33 am

Well it seems Assad wasn't involved in bombing the UN Aid Convoy.

It was the Russians. Oh Dear Pootin!

Looks like War Crimes all round.
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Kikapu » Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:20 am

Paphitis wrote:Well it seems Assad wasn't involved in bombing the UN Aid Convoy.

It was the Russians. Oh Dear Pootin!

Looks like War Crimes all round.

I'm sure it was a "mistake"! :wink:

Too many of those "mistakes" are going around these days in Syria. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:46 am

Well the coalition may make some more "mistakes" in the future.

All it takes is a misplaced coordinate or 2 from an AWACS and Boom goes Assad's military!

But isn't it interesting. Coalition is willing to own up to its "mistakes" but Pootin denies everything. Does this tell you something?
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:28 am

But isn't it interesting. Coalition is willing to own up to its "mistakes" but Pootin denies everything. Does this tell you something?

Yes it does ..... with the evidence so far available the finger points more toward the US supported terrorists than it does President Putin's air force. Boy you really are a sucker for propaganda.

These are photos from many sources showing the aftermath of this ‘air’ attack. Take a good look at them!

Do these pictures look like an airborne attack? Have you ever seen videos of an air borne attack? Did you see the damage such an attack can do .... it’s devastating annihilation of everything within a considerable area? It can take-out a dozen vehicles with one missile! How did the Russians manage to bomb the trucks without damaging the power lines above and the supporting power poles? How did they manage to bomb the trucks and leave the contents scattered around on the ground with no signs of scorching/burning, craters, collateral or blast damage? Clever people these Russian Pilots!

Looks more like damage from hand grenades or RPG’s to me.

The US reason for accusing Russia is that it was a ‘double-tap’ attack ..... which was too sophisticated for the Syrian Air Force! Visiting the same place within 20 minutes is too difficult for Syrian pilots? :lol: :lol:

The evidence supports Russia’s claim that it was a ground attack, not an air attack. Even the videos on the BBC show rebels shouting their war cry ‘Alahu Ackbar’ during the raid, filmed by the White Helmets ...... who just happen to be on the scene again, like they seem to be at all these so called atrocities. Suspicious that, and their helmets and flack-jackets are always so clean and shiney! :o

Sorry mate but I would need more than the US’s accusation to even consider it to be an air raid ...... let alone by the Russians. Ask yourself the sensible response ........... ‘WHY?’ before you cast accusations. CUI BONO?

Once again the US throws out anti-Russian accusation of war crimes without a shred of supporting evidence. Or maybe the RAAF gave the Russians the coordinates ..... and the Aussies have already demonstrated how inaccurate there information is, and therefore it was just another unfortunate accident? :roll:
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:49 am

More drivel from the man who claims to be smart enough to see through the MSM (except when quoting verbatim from the gut wrenchingly right-wing Daily Mail and Daily Express) yet swallows everything the Putin propaganda machine churns out hook, line and sinker.

By the way, I checked that link and many, perhaps even most, of the pictures there were not of that attack. When you google something and it offers you a page of pictures, very frequently most of those pictures are not actually of the thing you googled.
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 21, 2016 7:59 am

Well there is no point addressing someone who subscribes to the theory that the West and its Coalition is always wrong, that the West will conduct a False Flag to justify war, or that our media is somehow corrupted or biased yet swallow anything and everything from Pootin's mouth pieces.

The west don't bomb children with Chemical weapons.

Oh we have evidence al right. We know who was flying and who bombed the convoy! We are always watching and we are all seeing!

Initially I assumed Assad. But apparently not!
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:49 am

Tim Drayton:
More drivel from the man who claims to be smart enough to see through the MSM (except when quoting verbatim from the gut wrenchingly right-wing Daily Mail and Daily Express) yet swallows everything the Putin propaganda machine churns out hook, line and sinker.

Always ready to stick the knife in and attack the messenger rather than the message! :roll:

You have no opinion of your own ...... only what you get from your selected sources of information.

BTW: MSM includes ALL main stream media, not just Western media. Therefore Haaretz, Sputnik, Israeli Daily News etc. (all of which I read) are MSM. I prefer to read in-depth articles with plenty of links to their sources on independent news sites that post articles by credible journalists that are independent because they refuse to toe the corporate editorial line. You often find the REAL story with all the evidence follows the MSM by a day or even longer, after the event.

By the way, I checked that link and many, perhaps even most, of the pictures there were not of that attack. When you google something and it offers you a page of pictures, very frequently most of those pictures are not actually of the thing you googled.

Once again you need to apply a bit of common sense, something you seem sadly lacking in!

Look at the ‘time’ stamp when the photos were posted, that will give you a clue so that you can select those that are within the time span since that attack took place and look like ‘An Aid convoy’! I could not readily find photos on a site dedicated just to that single incident. My same logical conclusions, based on what I see on those photos still applies. I note you cannot comment on any of those observations. Why is that? Maybe, because they make sense? :roll: :?:

You show me where they are not well founded. In fact my observations on what is shown in the relevant photos, is far more logical than the US’s unfounded accusations that, the Russians did it because Syrian pilots are incapable of carrying out a ‘double-tap’. The photos show that it was more than likely a ground not an airborne attack.

Therefore President Putin has the right to refute something, dreamed up by the Yanks, for which they have NO supporting evidence. Your problem, along with that of Paphitis, is that you both have your heads sooooo far up the Yanks rectum .... that all you can see is sh*t! :roll: :x
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:08 am

Το μουνή χτενίζεται και ο κόσμος χάνεται!

Come and get us Assad! We are waiting for YOU on your turf and we are NOT leaving! Pull that trigger on one of our planes please. Just do it! You know you want to!
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:33 am

Paphitis wrote:Το μουνή χτενίζεται και ο κόσμος χάνεται!

Come and get us Assad! We are eating for YOU! Pull that trigger on one of our planes please. Just do it! You know you want to!

If it ventures (uninvited) into Syrian air space ........ Putin has Syria's elected leaders authority, the backing of the UN and International Law to blow any of your coalition planes in its air space, to pieces. I just feel sorry for the poor pilots that have been ordered to break international law, unfortunately, 'I was only following orders!' was proved as no defence way back in 1945/46.

An act od aggression against a sovereign country, or an unprovoked attack on the same is a war crime! That list of US/Coalition War Crimes. must be pretty lengthy by now. :roll:
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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 21, 2016 9:37 am

Yes we are in Syrian Airspace. Uninvited too!

Report us to the UN!

But, I don't think we care! Oh no! Which means there is nothing left but to attack!

Not only are we in Syria, but our ground forces control a big chunk of Syria.

Partition anyone? One day Assad will need a VISA from the Kurds but he will be arrested soon as he crosses and off we go The Hague!

Common sense my arse!
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