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Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

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Re: Russia bomb UN AID Convoy

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:11 pm

Again, let's get back to the OP ............ :roll:

A reason why UN investigations are so often flawed? Their credibility depends on their sources …….… the White Helmets have been proven to be an integral part of Al-Nusra …… hardly a reliable source for accurate information as the article explains. The comments on the article are worth reading too.

Although, you heard this on here first ! :wink: Read the posts on just the first page. :roll:

A Flawed UN Investigation on Syria - By Gareth Porter

The March 1 report by the United Nations’ “Independent International Commission of Inquiry” asserted that the bloody attack on a humanitarian aid convoy west of Aleppo City on Sept. “ 19, 2016, was an airstrike by Syrian government planes. But an analysis of the U.N. panel’s report shows that it was based on an account of the attack from the pro-rebel Syrian “White Helmets” civil defense organization that was full of internal contradictions. ... -on-syria/

A Paphitis OP ....... the US coalition was too quick to accuse and as was said at the beginning of this thread, what was seen in the evidence provided by the White Helmets at the time of the attack, was that it was very obviously NOT an air strike. Like the SARIN attacks it seems the likely culprits were the US backed terrorists. So ....... looks like Paphitis got it all wrong again? :roll: :lol: :lol:
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