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America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:32 pm

B25 wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Kerry has just told Russia that it will cut all communications with Moscow and all terrorist cooperation.

There will be no cooperation or coordination with the war against DAESH and Al Nusra as well.

There is absolutely no reason for the coalition to even be talking to Moscow or Coordinating anything. Coalition to do its own thing!

To be cooperating with War Criminals makes us potentially complicit to these crimes.

About time!

Turkey is getting the proverbial subliminal green light to further deepen itself in Syria and embolden itself to shooting down a ruskie jet..

With any luck, they might just do that and then Russia can turn these MFs to glass.

Russia is unable to turn anything into glass.

You would think there would be a reaction when the Coalition bombed the shit out of Syrian Armed For Es but once again nothing at all.

What else must we do to inspire Pootin?
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:35 pm

Maximus wrote:Its Turkeys neck on the chopping board. Who's side are you on, NATO's or Russia's? either way, you are getting plucked.

NATO's through and through.

Coalition all the way. The other side are War Criminals.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 3:38 pm

We are in Syria right now. Without an invitation from the War Criminal. We don't need one.

Up to Pootin to show his bravado now. We are in his lap dog's lounge suite with our feet up.

We also do not recognize the Regime. It's legitimacy is now invalid and there is nothing that can change this. It's over!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:We are in Syria right now. Without an invitation from the War Criminal. We don't need one.

According to International Law you need either an invitation from Assad or a UNSC mandate. You have neither ..... you are committing war crimes!

Up to Pootin to show his bravado now. We are in his lap dog's lounge suite with our feet up.

Don't get too comfortable! This is the sort of arrogance you continually display.

We also do not recognize the Regime. It's legitimacy is now invalid and there is nothing that can change this. It's over!

Assad is recognised by the UN and other International bodies as the legitimate elected President of Syria .....and your arrogance will not change that. Aleppo is about to fall to Assad ..... we will then find out all about your terrorists.

Well .....Lavrof sees it differently to you. He said in a BBC special interview with Stephen Zackur that it is the US that has broken every agreement and has done NOTHING to separate their 'moderate' terrorists from the Al-Nusra/Al-Qaida variety, He also pointed out that, until Russia entered the conflict one year ago and bombed the hell out of the ISIS convoys of oil being sent to Turkey, the US did nothing about dealing with ISIS.

The first thing to do is separate these terrorists and THEN they would avoid the bombing. Then Russia/Assad will dispatch the head choppers to Paradise!!!!!!

You should watch the interview....... and learn that there are always two sides to a story! :roll:
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:32 pm

And what is the UN going to do to us?

You heard the UN Secretaries speech a couple of weeks ago. It doesn't look like the UN give a toss about Assad and believe he is a War Criminal.

Therefore we have free license because no one will hold us to account for violating Syrian Sovereignty whilst Assad remains unaccountable to his War Crimes.

So we will make ourselves very comfortable because we do not recognize Assad's legitimacy or authority over Syria.

As for Pootin, well he has entered a quagmire now and we will never allow any respite for him or his lap dog. We have control over 30% of Syria and it doesn't appear Pootin has the balls for direct conflict against the Coalition.
Hence no military solution. What now?
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:29 pm

Whilst Assad remains unaccountable to his crimes, the coalition will also remain unaccountable for its presence in Syria.

Make no mistake about it. The world is NEVER going to condemn the coalition.

We are seeing unprecedented barbarity and none of it is due to the coalition's presence.

There can never be a coalition withdrawal now for as long as the Kurds maintain control over Northern Syria. If the rebels are destroyed, our troops enter Northern Syria to strengthen its defences from the regime.

In fact, I doubt there can ever be withdrawal full stop. What will happen is another Korea type peace treaty between North Syria and South Syria.

Plus, we will get access to the Mediterranean.

Think about it! The coalition is not leaving Syria. It's not possible to grant Pootin such a victory.

If you think the coalition is simply going to withdraw without a comprehensive peace settlement, then you're all deluded.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:46 pm

We will be talking about Syria for many more years to come people. This problem is not going away. The coalition will never allow that. This is the red line in the sand.

Only way Pootin can ever get his victory of sorts is with a comprehensive settlement that will see the coalition's exit. Won't happen for as long as Assad remains.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby miltiades » Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:34 pm

Paphitis wrote:We will be talking about Syria for many more years to come people. This problem is not going away. The coalition will never allow that. This is the red line in the sand.

Only way Pootin can ever get his victory of sorts is with a comprehensive settlement that will see the coalition's exit. Won't happen for as long as Assad remains.

Who says this ?
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby B25 » Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:45 pm

Paphitis wrote:We will be talking about Syria for many more years to come people. This problem is not going away. The coalition will never allow that. This is the red line in the sand.

Only way Pootin can ever get his victory of sorts is with a comprehensive settlement that will see the coalition's exit. Won't happen for as long as Assad remains.

Paphiti, by your logic then you aporove of Turkey getting comfortable in Cyprus and nothing anyone can do.

So its ok to violate another's sovereignty? Because that's what you're saying.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Maximus » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:13 pm

He does not realise what he is saying, that is the irony. He is one of the must uninformed or illinformed people on the situation in Syria. He is just regurgitating what he hears kerry say on the TV, right down to the "we" without a second thought. :lol:
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