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America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby miltiades » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:25 pm

Turkey, the ....champion of human rights :lol: Is part of this corrupt coalition , let us all throw our support for the coalition!!!

You have to be extremely naïve to believe that the USA, a country I have always supported and always considered as the leading beacon of the western world, is in Syria because of her immense care for the Syrian people. The USA along with the rest of the coalition, Turkey included, are backing the wrong horse, god knows ( ask GR ) why the USA got involved in the first place. Paphitis
is utterly wrong with his assessment of the Syrian conflict.

Only the internationally recognized government of Assad can restore peace and end the suffering of millions of Syrians.
West, you have FUCKED UP"
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:34 pm

Good post, Milty.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Zenon33 » Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:56 pm


Another stupid post-Vietnam hippie.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:47 pm

Lavrof’s BBC 20 min interview:

In a must-watch interview with the BBC, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the Obama Administration has protected and supported Al-Nusra in Syria.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov granted the BBC an exclusive 20 minute interview, probably in an attempt to reach out to not-completely brain dead western television viewers.

The questions asked by the sniveling BBC anchor were predictable:

1. Will you stop murdering babies in Aleppo with cluster munitions and bunker busters?

2. Will you apologize for bombing the aid convoy?

3. Will you apologize for shooting down MH-17?

4. How will Russia survive more sanctions?

True to form, Lavrov very succinctly laid out Russia’s positions on all these “issues”. Oh, and he added a few zingers, like the Obama administration “gave rise and support to Al-Nusra”.

Actually, throughout the interview Lavrov repeatedly points out how the United States has steadfastly refused to distinguish between Al-Nusra and the “moderate rebels”, insisting that they’re all moderate and therefore should not be bombed or hurt in any way.

What Lavrof said is true ..... Al-Nusra are supported directly and indirectly by the US ..... a war crime! A German journalist talks to an Al-Nusra leader ......... who spills the beans on the US arms supplies.

From the BBC more propaganda ..... so the hospital has been bombed has it? That is not what I see! I see blast damage from an explosion outside the hospital. As Lavrof said , they (Russia/SAA) are taking every precaution they can to avoid civilian casualties .......... I think this shows just that.

If the ‘bomb samples’ this joker showed came from inside the hospital there would be very little left standing. So he is telling lies, it was picked up outside the building!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:29 pm

Well it looks like the USA has abandoned all negotiations with the Russians because of its complicity to War Crimes.

In retaliation, Pootin has abandoned his Enriched Plutonium Treaty obligations. What a sooky baby.

The bad guy is on show for all to see, but all thinking persons don't need to think too hard.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:20 pm

miltiades wrote:Turkey, the ....champion of human rights :lol: Is part of this corrupt coalition , let us all throw our support for the coalition!!!

You have to be extremely naïve to believe that the USA, a country I have always supported and always considered as the leading beacon of the western world, is in Syria because of her immense care for the Syrian people. The USA along with the rest of the coalition, Turkey included, are backing the wrong horse, god knows ( ask GR ) why the USA got involved in the first place. Paphitis
is utterly wrong with his assessment of the Syrian conflict.

Only the internationally recognized government of Assad can restore peace and end the suffering of millions of Syrians.
West, you have FUCKED UP"

america is what you stupid old fool? have you learnt nothing from the last 60 years.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:59 pm

miltiades wrote:Turkey, the ....champion of human rights :lol: Is part of this corrupt coalition , let us all throw our support for the coalition!!!

You have to be extremely naïve to believe that the USA, a country I have always supported and always considered as the leading beacon of the western world, is in Syria because of her immense care for the Syrian people. The USA along with the rest of the coalition, Turkey included, are backing the wrong horse, god knows ( ask GR ) why the USA got involved in the first place. Paphitis
is utterly wrong with his assessment of the Syrian conflict.

Only the internationally recognized government of Assad can restore peace and end the suffering of millions of Syrians.
West, you have FUCKED UP"

And yet it is only the Coalition countries and many more providing all the aid and arguing for ceasefires in order to get aid through.

It is the coalition that is highlighting all the violations of Internationak Law and highlighting every War Crime. Yes we care for the Syrian People. A big chunk of the Syrian people are fighting for their lives and seem more willing to die than to live under Assad. Why is that?

Is it because they can't even vote? Is it because more than 10,000 Syrians are tortured as Political prisoners? Is it because they can't get jobs and feed themselves? What motivates them and what provides the Jihadist groups with fertile recruitment opportunities? Is it simply just because of an ideology or did the Arab Spring commence peacefully only to for protesters to be shot from the air.

Who is using Chemical Warfare against Syrian people? It's not the coalition let me give you the tip!

The coalition is not as interfering as many seem to think. In the end, everyone is free to forge their own destiny. We are unwilling to maintain our client states with anything other than aid and help. If they are unsustainable, we demand changes and they need to stand on their own 2 feet. We give enough rope but they can also hang themselves like Mubarak.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:25 pm

miltiades wrote:Turkey, the ....champion of human rights :lol: Is part of this corrupt coalition , let us all throw our support for the coalition!!!

You have to be extremely naïve to believe that the USA, a country I have always supported and always considered as the leading beacon of the western world, is in Syria because of her immense care for the Syrian people. The USA along with the rest of the coalition, Turkey included, are backing the wrong horse, god knows ( ask GR ) why the USA got involved in the first place. Paphitis
is utterly wrong with his assessment of the Syrian conflict.

Only the internationally recognized government of Assad can restore peace and end the suffering of millions of Syrians.
West, you have FUCKED UP"

Btw, it is you who doesn't care for the Syrian people. Or at least the Sunni portion of the Syrian population which has been compromised for decades leading to this war.

The Coalition is quite the opposite. Absolutely there are agendas and the USA and its partners have interests but you need to look at what they are trying to achieve. This war has gone far beyond any price just to achieve some regime change objective.

Now regime change is the only option. It literally is, otherwise we are looking at genocide and ethnic cleaning along sectarian SHIA/SUNNI grounds with over 7 million Syrians now refugees. Most of whom are fleeing from Assad and not DAESH. Most want to go to Western countries or Assad's enemies who want Assad gone. Why?

What we are trying to achieve is a CEASEFIRE. Then get aid through to besieged areas. We have been unsuccessful and now we are not even talking to Pootin because every agreement has been violated and his word or signature isn't worth the paper it's written on as he continues to bomb hospitals and allow his criminal lapdog use Chemical Warfare and Barrel Bombs.

So now, all we can do is what we are able to covertly achieve and even supply militias with arms in order to defend themselves.

If it was up to me, I would be supplying TOW and Stinger missiles. If it was up to me, there would be an intervention force. If there is a direct conflict, then so be it but the world can't just ignore these crimes and sleep easy at night.

We are always willing to recommence peace talks and a transition which just so happens to be the only viable and workable option for Syria.

Assad is destroyed. He can't rule anymore over a people who he has bombed without mercy. It's over!

And the Coalition can not be seen by the tax payer to be in cohorts and making deals with criminals.

We are the only side who has shown any evidence to care for the Syrian people at large and that is evidenced by our actions in Syria and on the world stage at the UN and through the aid we have on countless times attempted to provide and by just simply being present to record and highlight all the crimes.

History will be much kinder towards us. We can at least hold our heads up despite still not going far enough. We have conducted ourselves as I would morally expect from my country which has NOTHING to be ashamed of.

We have some aces up our sleeve as well. Our ground forces control 30% of Syria. We will never allow these areas to fall under Assad. The Kurds are now our clients, and we could form another State if we wanted to. In other words, we can carve Syria up next week. All we need to do is get the Kurds to make a unilateral Declaration of Independence and immediately 5 significant countries will recognize it overnight. This is what is going to happen if things continue as they are.

In other words, Assad and Pootin have lost. There ain't much of Syria left to fight for now. And our client will be better placed.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:48 pm

Simply put, the Coalition has the courage and conviction to admit when it is wrong and when it makes mistakes. Just like in Iraq when we admitted that our Iraqi sock puppet was treading a fine line in doing similar things to Iraq's Sunni population as Assad was to Syria's Sunni population, which undoubtedly contributed to the rise of DAESH in Iraq.

We were quick to condemn our own Sock Puppet in Iraq and we quickly demanded some changes otherwise we are fighting a losing battle against DAESH and eventually DAESH would make more gains. We kill 100 and they recruit 150 more type of thing.

But we got on top of it and controlled it quickly just in the nick of time.

We have the courage and conviction to admit when things are not good and we own it. We then address it!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:12 am

Coalition policy is consistent and simple.

We have our sock puppet in Iraq and Russia has their's in Syria. We are NOT interested in taking that away from Russia. We want a swift end but we also want Assad out of the way and a new unity ticket to take fold or whatever all Syrians decide. Russia can maintain troops and our military will be withdrawn.

When our sock puppet in Iraq was in bed with Hesbollah and causing all kinds of carnage against Sunni villages, our forces and advisors were withdrawn from the Iraqi Security Forces and our feelings about the Hesbollah thugs were passed on to the Iraqi Government which we were always eager to help and support but not if they couldn't control the Hesbollah thugs.

We will never be a party to rape and pillage no matter what. If the Iraqi Government was unwilling to cooperate with Coalition policy with respect to Hesbollah, our material support would be withdrawn. We have no issue with fighting DAESH and Al Nusra but we cannot accept the siege tactics where aid can't get through or the butchering of Sunni Civilians in order to do that.

We consider Hesbollah to be a terrorist group. Therefore, we make no political distinction between then and DAESH as well as Al Nusra even if they support our our very own sock puppet in Iraq. We find it inscrutable if our arms supplied to Iraq end up in Hesbollah hands. In Syria, we do not consider many of the rebel groups to be terrorists. Others we do. We make distinctions. We know that some of these groups are a bunch of goat herders not terrorists, just fighting to survive. Russia makes no such distinctions.

Therefore, we are at an impasse. 400,000 dead Syrians and counting. And we are not responsible. We do not believe in a military solution, just a compromise political solution. If Russia wants Syria that badly, they can have it with the right political arrangements which will end the conflict in a viable way between Sunni and Shia. If there is no political solution, then it is difficult to see how this conflict will ever end and we will move onto our own aces up our sleeve involving the Kurds.

What is clear is that Assad has lost. He is also a War Criminal.
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