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America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:47 am

Maximus wrote:He does not realise what he is saying, that is the irony. He is one of the must uninformed or illinformed people on the situation in Syria. He is just regurgitating what he hears kerry say on the TV, right down to the "we" without a second thought. :lol:

He is like a clock-work toy. You wind him up, feed him with propaganda ....... and away he goes. He has a seriously deranged mind particularly when it comes to events in Syria. Every thing he spews out is contrary to the facts readily available for all to read and make up their own mind. He doesn't need to do that .... because in his mind, he is ALWAYS right but unfortunately for his argument he can never come up with a reasonable explanation, let alone any evidence to support his views ..... except the propaganda he was fed in the first place ! :roll:
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:18 am

The only deranged people here are you guys who seem to think it is acceptable to condone War Crimes. Not me! Not In a million years!

Even if we were to reverse tables, and it was our sock puppet doing the kinds of crimes Assad has been doing and my country was supporting such debauchery and criminality with the USA, I would condemn it as difficult as it would sit with me. As it turns out, the coalition can hold its head high and I am comfortable with its principled stance in accordance with The Geneva Convention and International Law and above all the values I know the Australian Armed Forces are renowned for.

Make no mistake about it! We are in Syria and we have the entire region under surveillance. A mosquito can't fly without us knowing about it. All of Assad's crimes will be meticulously recorded and we will continue to manhunt such criminals even if it takes us 20 years.

In the meantime, you are the losers in this war. Make no mistake!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:06 am

Paphitis wrote:The only deranged people here are you guys who seem to think it is acceptable to condone War Crimes. Not me! Not In a million years!

Even if we were to reverse tables, and it was our sock puppet doing the kinds of crimes Assad has been doing and my country was supporting such debauchery and criminality with the USA, I would condemn it as difficult as it would sit with me. As it turns out, the coalition can hold its head high and I am comfortable with its principled stance in accordance with The Geneva Convention and International Law and above all the values I know the Australian Armed Forces are renowned for.

Make no mistake about it! We are in Syria and we have the entire region under surveillance. A mosquito can't fly without us knowing about it. All of Assad's crimes will be meticulously recorded and we will continue to manhunt such criminals even if it takes us 20 years.

In the meantime, you are the losers in this war. Make no mistake!

:lol: :lol: :lol: With your unreserved support of your terrorists you are merely proving you are just what you claim not to be!

'YOU' are breaking international Law; 'YOU' breach the Geneva Convention .... every day! It is 'YOU' that started this war and it is 'YOU' that has kept it gong for so many years by supplying arms to terrorists trying to overthrow an elected government. Just like you did in Ukraine!. Left alone Assad would have been able to put down the protest, he gave many concessions and 'YOU' then armed the opposition. It is 'YOU' that keeps shouting 'Assad must go!' and have tried to apply 'YOUR' normal way of achieving regime change ..... and all the chaos, death and destruction that brings.

'YOU' cpouldn't give a flying f**k about the Syrian people ..... this whole rotten mess is because 'YOU' want every thing your way, to suit your agenda. 'YOU' have been doing it for decades ..... and the evidence of that is all around 'YOU' ! :x :x
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:13 am

Well now, not all rebels are terrorists and even if they were, Assad and Pootin are killing innocent civilians and using illegal weapons and Chemical Weapons to do so. Aid has never been able to enter.

We know who the War Criminals are and who biolating The Geneva Convention and International Law. The world is on our side not yours because your side are committing War Crimes and violating the rights of Syrian Peole.

Assad's legitimacy and credibility is non-existent. Ours remains intact!

But since you are convinced otherwise, then I am sure Obama, Theresa May, Hollande and Turnbull would be willing to stand for their alleged violations of Internationalal Law in The Hague as long as Assad and Pootin are willing to join them. We can put your theory to the test if you like. But I don't think Assad has the balls. Because he is guilty and he knows it.

We do not recognize Assad's legitimacy. He is now a wanted criminal and that means he has lost!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:26 am

And yet it is only the Coalition countries and many more providing all the aid and arguing for ceasefires in order to get aid through
Both Assad and the Russians have been getting aid through for many months ..... but not enough because your trerrorists keep attacking the convoys.
It is the coalition that is highlighting all the violations of International Law and highlighting every War Crime. Yes we care for the Syrian People. A big chunk of the Syrian people are fighting for their lives and seem more willing to die than to live under Assad. Why is that?

It is coalition that is flaunting International Law and committing war crimes every day. 7m internally displaced Syrian people have fled to Government controlled areas. From Eastern Aleppo alone, 600,000 fled to Western Aleppowhen your terrorists moved into it. 200,000 are being held as hostages and human shields by your terrorists.
Is it because they can't even vote? Is it because more than 10,000 Syrians are tortured as Political prisoners? Is it because they can't get jobs and feed themselves? What motivates them and what provides the Jihadist groups with fertile recruitment opportunities? Is it simply just because of an ideology or did the Arab Spring commence peacefully only to for protesters to be shot from the air.

Syria has a secular constitution, most people get a vote. The proof (once again) of these crimes has never come to light .... it’s all hot air. The Syrians had a fairly buoyant economy before YOU decided they needed regime change! Most of these Jihadi’s are not Syrian nationals, they are foreigners. This is not and never has been, a civil war .... it is an insurgency backed by y the US and its criminal partners. That alone is a war crime!
Who is using Chemical Warfare against Syrian people? It's not the coalition let me give you the tip!

Certainly YOUR terrorists use them. Proven beyond a shadow of doubt. The accusations against Assad have yet to be proved ..... again the US has irrefutable evidence, it just seems they are very reluctant to put it on the table. What are they hiding?
The coalition is not as interfering as many seem to think. In the end, everyone is free to forge their own destiny. We are unwilling to maintain our client states with anything other than aid and help. If they are unsustainable, we demand changes and they need to stand on their own 2 feet. We give enough rope but they can also hang themselves like Mubarak.

What a load of Bollox! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:20 pm

Bollox is what you are spouting!

My position is a principled one. As I said, I would condemn the coalition more than I condemn Assad and Pootin if they were committing War Crimes like those committed by the regime. The reason is very simply. I expect the coalition to maintain the higher moral ground. They are doing this as everyone can see. Using Nuclear Weapons, or Chlorine Gas, Napalm, Phosphate, Cluster Bombs, or Barrel Bombs is unacceptable. Targeting Hospitals and civilians is unacceptable. Besieging any city, even DAESH held Raqa and not allowing aid through such as medicine, and food is unacceptable. Killing civilians is unacceptable.

You are biased and swallow what you are fed from Pootin's and the regime's mouth pieces.

My sources are diverse. I don't just rely on Western Media but obtain information from official sources, NGOs, SDF, social media sources from inside Aleppo. The evidence is all there. War Crimes are being committed. No country outside of Iran, Syria and Russia are denying this.The UN are not denying it as evidenced by the UN Secretary General's speech. The vast majority of the world is on our side.

As such, Assad no longer has legitimacy. We do not recognize his authority. He has lost and his destiny awaits and it won't be a happy future for him. We are in Syria and there is nothing that can be done.

Assad lost the war when he used Chlorine Gas against civilians. We won't let go now ever! We have our target man.

The only thing left now is to switch on your S400/S300 radar. We will never risk any of our airmen. Just remember that. We will have no problems with directly bombing Tartus. If it helps, the Wedgetail can issue the coordinates by mistake.

Let's go all the way!

Does Pootin have the Kodja!
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:22 pm

Paphitis wrote:Bollox is what you are spouting!

My position is a principled one. As I said, I would condemn the coalition more than I condemn Assad and Pootin if they were committing War Crimes like those committed by the regime. The reason is very simply. I expect the coalition to maintain the higher moral ground. They are doing this as everyone can see. Using Nuclear Weapons, or Chlorine Gas, Napalm, Phosphate, Cluster Bombs, or Barrel Bombs is unacceptable. Targeting Hospitals and civilians is unacceptable. Besieging any city, even DAESH held Raqa and not allowing aid through such as medicine, and food is unacceptable. Killing civilians is unacceptable.

You are biased and swallow what you are fed from Pootin's and the regime's mouth pieces.

My sources are diverse. I don't just rely on Western Media but obtain information from official sources, NGOs, SDF, social media sources from inside Aleppo. The evidence is all there. War Crimes are being committed. No country outside of Iran, Syria and Russia are denying this.The UN are not denying it as evidenced by the UN Secretary General's speech. The vast majority of the world is on our side.

As such, Assad no longer has legitimacy. We do not recognize his authority. He has lost and his destiny awaits and it won't be a happy future for him. We are in Syria and there is nothing that can be done.

Assad lost the war when he used Chlorine Gas against civilians. We won't let go now ever! We have our target man.

The only thing left now is to switch on your S400/S300 radar. We will never risk any of our airmen. Just remember that. We will have no problems with directly bombing Tartus. If it helps, the Wedgetail can issue the coordinates by mistake.

Let's go all the way!

Does Pootin have the Kodja!

It is all in your mind! :roll: You may have high morals but you are totally incapable of understanding where the crimes are being committed and by whom. I have always posted my sources and very few are of Russian origin. I have given you many and asked you to provide your sources and, just like the US, you never do provide evidence because you have none. You only have what you reconstruct from the Daily news papers ..... which is where most of your accusations come from.

Take just the UN Convoy that was attacked:

Show me a single piece of evidence that clearly shows that the convoy was bombed from the air. Just a few pictures that actually show the craters (where the bombs missed the target) or where a truck shows signs of total destruction by a direct hit. I have seen nothing at all that supports your conspiracy theory ........ irrespective of who did it. I only see trucks with minor damage or simply burnt out, some parked with the contents strewn upon the ground and several empty trucks, also burnt out. Show just a single verifiable photograph that shows the result being that of an air attack!

If you can't put-up ..... then shut-up! :roll:
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:53 pm

"Russia warns it will shoot down alliance jets..." ... es-air-st/

I expect nothing less than the US shoving its tail between its legs and wondering off... :)
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:53 am

Get Real! wrote:"Russia warns it will shoot down alliance jets..." ... es-air-st/

I expect nothing less than the US shoving its tail between its legs and wondering off... :)

Somehow I don't think so. The Coalition isn't going anywhere.

Russia was given a warning about turning the systems on. Coalition made a statement that it takes the safety of its Airmen seriously.

In other words, turn the radar on and point it in our general direction, they will be forced to pre-emtively attack before a missile is even fired.

So turn them on and see what happens. put it to the test if Pootin has any balls.

I'm actually predicting that Russia is going to turn it on in the hope that the Coalition strikes so it has something to bitch and moan about. I expect the Coalition will give him something to bitch and Moan about.

Coalition aircraft even fly within range of these missiles. cat and mouse, is my guess.
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Re: America threatens Russia it will cut all communications

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:00 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Bollox is what you are spouting!

My position is a principled one. As I said, I would condemn the coalition more than I condemn Assad and Pootin if they were committing War Crimes like those committed by the regime. The reason is very simply. I expect the coalition to maintain the higher moral ground. They are doing this as everyone can see. Using Nuclear Weapons, or Chlorine Gas, Napalm, Phosphate, Cluster Bombs, or Barrel Bombs is unacceptable. Targeting Hospitals and civilians is unacceptable. Besieging any city, even DAESH held Raqa and not allowing aid through such as medicine, and food is unacceptable. Killing civilians is unacceptable.

You are biased and swallow what you are fed from Pootin's and the regime's mouth pieces.

My sources are diverse. I don't just rely on Western Media but obtain information from official sources, NGOs, SDF, social media sources from inside Aleppo. The evidence is all there. War Crimes are being committed. No country outside of Iran, Syria and Russia are denying this.The UN are not denying it as evidenced by the UN Secretary General's speech. The vast majority of the world is on our side.

As such, Assad no longer has legitimacy. We do not recognize his authority. He has lost and his destiny awaits and it won't be a happy future for him. We are in Syria and there is nothing that can be done.

Assad lost the war when he used Chlorine Gas against civilians. We won't let go now ever! We have our target man.

The only thing left now is to switch on your S400/S300 radar. We will never risk any of our airmen. Just remember that. We will have no problems with directly bombing Tartus. If it helps, the Wedgetail can issue the coordinates by mistake.

Let's go all the way!

Does Pootin have the Kodja!

It is all in your mind! :roll: You may have high morals but you are totally incapable of understanding where the crimes are being committed and by whom. I have always posted my sources and very few are of Russian origin. I have given you many and asked you to provide your sources and, just like the US, you never do provide evidence because you have none. You only have what you reconstruct from the Daily news papers ..... which is where most of your accusations come from.

Take just the UN Convoy that was attacked:

Show me a single piece of evidence that clearly shows that the convoy was bombed from the air. Just a few pictures that actually show the craters (where the bombs missed the target) or where a truck shows signs of total destruction by a direct hit. I have seen nothing at all that supports your conspiracy theory ........ irrespective of who did it. I only see trucks with minor damage or simply burnt out, some parked with the contents strewn upon the ground and several empty trucks, also burnt out. Show just a single verifiable photograph that shows the result being that of an air attack!

If you can't put-up ..... then shut-up! :roll:

The crimes are being committed by the side who is using Chemical weapons, and bombing innocent civilians in Aleppo with barrel bombs.

It is Assad/Pootin who are doing this, not the Coalition.

our forces are in syria to stay. You can consider them to be given an invitation from the soon to be declared Kurdistan republic. That makes them already a superpower.
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