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Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:53 am

I don't understand all the outrage with Enhanced Interrogation techniques either.

Anyone who has undergone military service has undergone Enhanced interrogation Training. That's right American, British and Australian parents who have sons and daughters serving in the US, British or Australian military. Your Son and daughter has undergone Enhanced Interrogation Training which also includes Non Toxic Chemical and Biological Agents and gassings. yes you are put in gas chambers too where you can't friggin breathe. Sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, exposure to heat without water and also water boarding and dunkings. Hot cold and even severe hunger.

If its ok for our own, then its ok for the enemy too.

Stupid people! :roll:

All the media are good for is for highlighting their own "Moral Outrage" even though they themselves have no morals.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:00 am


In reply to your last eight posts: Crap, more crap, even more crap1 It is all in your mind ..... read the papers, scan the internet, watch the TV ......... what you are in is a fantasy World of your own making!
Yeh he (Putin) is an Atheist alright.

He was baptised at birth by his Mother in 1952 and has ALWAYS been a declared Christian. ..... Do you never check before you spout your rabid anti-Putin/Russian opinion?
Must be ships like the Kuzentsov. we should see the smoke from Paphos any day now after 43 years.

The Kuznetsov and its escorts are back in Northern Russian waters. Having been escorted through the Channel by what is left of the British Navy, at great cost to the UK taxpayer ...... and guess what .... it didn’t break down once! The Russians thanked the UK Navy but did say that they knew the way home and didn’t really need their help! :D
Syria is a shamozzle. It is a country that will never see any stability for 20 years.

Thanks to Russia, Turkey and Iran, it is on the way to a comprehensive political settlement. YOU know, that settlement YOU kept crowing about but failed to achieve ..... and Assad is still President and looks like remaining so until the Syrian people decide otherwise. Oooop’s ... another of your dreams that failed to come true. :oops:
You want to see results, then look no further than Iraq and the Northern Syrian Coalition controlled third.

When the coalition in the form of US Special Forces turned up to help the Kurds ..... they chased them off and threatened to kill them. It is controlled by the Kurds ..... not your coalition, in a proposed agreement it will remain an autonomous region of Syria.
Coalition is well on the way to splitting Syria into pieces.

Don’t think so! YOU lost .... remember? YOU are no longer a player, just an observer.
And there is zero chance of defeating ISIL in Syria. The good news is that ISIL will be on your side of the border not ours.

ISIL or whatever they call themselves, will have their ability to wage a military campaign degraded to the point where they can only operate as a covert terrorist outfit relying on Islamic Extremists World wide, to promote terror against civilian targets ..... including Australia I might add.
America's allies will NEVER join any US/ Russian alliance under any circumstances.

More wishful thinking! YOU need the US far more than they need YOU.
The Australian and French Military......
:lol: :lol:
What a joke ......... they are the equivalent of a pimple on an elephants bum! You are just hired help, just minor participants ..... the US is the majority shareholder and Trump is now the CEO. He is now talking to the UK; I thought you said your Prime Minister would be the first to be invited to the White House. YOUR FIRED!
And then Turkey shuts down the gas pipeline! God damn!

..... and Putin turns up the volume and they back-off .... again. Turkey needs Russia ... the same does not apply the other way round. Erdogan is not trusted by NATO and he has few (No) friends!
Cyprus is a Western Country, member of the EU, ally to Israel and allies to most Coalition countries.

Cypriots are friends with anybody that has a nice fat wallet!
There will be nothing temporary about it.

That depends on the wording of the current suggestions, proposed by Russia as the basis for a new Syrian Constitution. I can’t see them asking you for your opinion .... so far you have always got things dramatically wrong!
In fact, I predict a split from Syria itself, not even some kind of BBF
Dream on .... see above!
How this interests pootin is anyone's guess because i can't see any benefit to Syria or Russia, only negatives because the Americans now end up with a client and within 100 kms of Russia's bases. A win for USA but I don't know about the Russians. Kurds end up with all the resources too.

They Kurds have made it very clear they are not a US client state. The Kurds have no air power, or hasn’t that occurred to you. Having Kurds between Syria and Turkey is a great advantage, certainly to Assad? Syria remains whole and he has a buffer between him and Turkey. Syria still retains the oil and gas resources. Autonomy is not the same as being independent. It will be Russian and European countries that will benefit, not the US as it will be Russia and EU countries that will rebuild the Syrian infrastructure YOUR actions since 2011 have destroyed.

I suggest you read the reports by Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley, both of whom have spent many months in Aleppo (before and after its liberation) as well as other parts of Syria. Believe me, the US and its allies have very few friends among the Syrian people. They blame the US and its coalition for all their woes because they have supported the terrorists.

BTW: Tulsi Gabbard a US Senator has just returned from Syria. Went to both Damascus and Aleppo and met Assad ....... guess what, she agrees with Bartlett and Beeley, condemns the western press for the lies ..... and confirms there is not and never has been a ‘moderate terrorists/opposition’. The Syrian people say they are ALL terrorists. So much for your previous opinions?
It could be the only way to prevent Coalition from directly annihilating the regime's forces. That is what would have happened.

In your dreams ..... the US wouldn’t dare ..... they would fear what the Russians would do in response. Do you ever use your brain or is it just too full of crap?
it could still happen too. in fact, another major war will occur in the near future, certainly within Trump's term in office. one involving Iran and Hezbollah too
More wishful thinking ..... how on earth do you manage to come to these fanciful conclusions by just reading MSM headlines and your secret high level informants .... that nobody else seems to listen to?

Now Trump has ordered the creation of safe zones in Syria for refugees. Note ..... NOT a no-fly zone!
As I said previously, Trump has some good ideas but doesn’t have a clue how to implement them. What is he going to do ...... put up a million signs declaring it a ‘Safe Zone – No guns allowed’? That will be as effective as the signs around me that declare ‘This Area is a Game Reserve – No hunting allowed’? He will need to put thousands of US boots on the ground to enforce them! Somehow I can’t see that happening.

Trump Orders ‘Safe Zones’ in Syria Despite Fears of Deeper U.S. Involvement in War.

Note! The origin of this article is The Washington Post!!!!!
Last edited by Robin Hood on Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:13 am

Without even reading your long post I will take the liberty of replying to your assumed nonsense.

History remains the best judge and the outcomes are there for all to see.

Whilst the Coalition never covered itself in glory with the mistaken intelligence of WMD which led to Iraq 2003, it can't be blamed for ISIL which was formed in Syria and merely took advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq (which we created) and also because of similar criminality of the Iraq Governments against Sunni peoples within Iraq as the Syrian regime (although nowhere near as bad).

The Coalition however has addressed many issues and its war against ISIL is achieving great success as it stands today. in all likelihood, ISIL will be comprehensively defeated in Iraq and the Iraqi Security Forces will be able to stabilize the country with peace and security with Coalition help and aid. But there are no 52+ militias in Iraq. So the situation in Iraq isn't as bad as it is in Syria and that says something about Syria and the regime. Only ISIl and they are on the way out.

The offensive in Mosul is proceeding according to our plans, albeit with some anticipated difficulties along the way which were completely expected and planned for. What we don't do is proceed with a scorched earth policy like you war criminals did!

Situation in Syria however is far more dire. In the end, Iraq was our worse but is now our best advertisement and even our operations in Mosul pale into insignificance compared to the carpet bombing of Aleppo. We have rules of engagement, transparency and our forces are accountable and they carry the flags of all our countries and their behavior has to pass the pub test back home or else.

We are on top of our game. You aren't and neither will you have peace in Syria.

Our approach has born real fruit and in a sensible and sustainable manner which will bring peace, stability and prosperity to Iraq. we are in a far better position than your side is in Syria and the history books will not lie. In 10 years time, iraq will be an economic powerhouse, but Syria won't exist as you know it today.

BTW, your links are again from non credible sources. i do not even open them. You are a propagator of fake news. You develop your own thesis and look for sources that agree with you. A week ago, you found a source that purported that the Coalition was in alliance with DAESH.

Well, you're an IDIOT to say the least!
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:29 am

it's easy to say cypriots are with whoever has the fattest wallets. well then, fine! That would be the EU right?

Cyprus is with the EU! say it and accept it!

And since it is with the EU, it is also with the USA right?

they have the fattest wallets as Pootin is pretty well skint. Soon he will be begging for the embargoes to be lifted, and I wonder what leverage the Coalition will gain out of that.

trump already ruled out the easing of the embargo. it sounds like Trumpey isn't able to do anything with pootin after all.

Do you think Israel had anything to do with that? What about Theresa may, Australia, Japan, Germany, France or GOP? Did he get the Pentagon and CIA riot act yet or what? We will never know because he will never reveal which ear got chewed first!
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:31 am

Paphitis wrote:Without even reading your long post I will take the liberty of replying to your assumed nonsense.

History remains the best judge and the outcomes are there for all to see.

Whilst the Coalition never covered itself in glory with the mistaken intelligence of WMD which led to Iraq 2003, it can't be blamed for ISIL which was formed in Syria and merely took advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq (which we created) and also because of similar criminality of the Iraq Governments against Sunni peoples within Iraq as the Syrian regime (although nowhere near as bad).

The Coalition however has addressed many issues and its war against ISIL is achieving great success as it stands today. in all likelihood, ISIL will be comprehensively defeated in Iraq and the Iraqi Security Forces will be able to stabilize the country with peace and security with Coalition help and aid. But there are no 52+ militias in Iraq. So the situation in Iraq isn't as bad as it is in Syria and that says something about Syria and the regime. Only ISIl and they are on the way out.

The offensive in Mosul is proceeding according to our plans, albeit with some anticipated difficulties along the way which were completely expected and planned for. What we don't do is proceed with a scorched earth policy like you war criminals did!

Situation in Syria however is far more dire. In the end, Iraq was our worse but is now our best advertisement and even our operations in Mosul pale into insignificance compared to the carpet bombing of Aleppo. We have rules of engagement, transparency and our forces are accountable and they carry the flags of all our countries and their behavior has to pass the pub test back home or else.

We are on top of our game. You aren't and neither will you have peace in Syria.

BTW, your links are again from non credible sources. i do not even open them. You are a propagator of fake news. You develop your own thesis and look for sources that agree with you. A week ago, you found a source that purported that the Coalition was in alliance with DAESH.

Well, you're an IDIOT to say the least!

You never read my reply ..... that figures, that is why you never seem to learn by your own mistakes. Well, unlike you I will read and reply to your post later. But at a quick skim it is full of your opinion with absolutely no back up at all ...... credible or otherwise! Unlike you I will provide some back-up to support my opinion. :roll:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:42 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Without even reading your long post I will take the liberty of replying to your assumed nonsense.

History remains the best judge and the outcomes are there for all to see.

Whilst the Coalition never covered itself in glory with the mistaken intelligence of WMD which led to Iraq 2003, it can't be blamed for ISIL which was formed in Syria and merely took advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq (which we created) and also because of similar criminality of the Iraq Governments against Sunni peoples within Iraq as the Syrian regime (although nowhere near as bad).

The Coalition however has addressed many issues and its war against ISIL is achieving great success as it stands today. in all likelihood, ISIL will be comprehensively defeated in Iraq and the Iraqi Security Forces will be able to stabilize the country with peace and security with Coalition help and aid. But there are no 52+ militias in Iraq. So the situation in Iraq isn't as bad as it is in Syria and that says something about Syria and the regime. Only ISIl and they are on the way out.

The offensive in Mosul is proceeding according to our plans, albeit with some anticipated difficulties along the way which were completely expected and planned for. What we don't do is proceed with a scorched earth policy like you war criminals did!

Situation in Syria however is far more dire. In the end, Iraq was our worse but is now our best advertisement and even our operations in Mosul pale into insignificance compared to the carpet bombing of Aleppo. We have rules of engagement, transparency and our forces are accountable and they carry the flags of all our countries and their behavior has to pass the pub test back home or else.

We are on top of our game. You aren't and neither will you have peace in Syria.

BTW, your links are again from non credible sources. i do not even open them. You are a propagator of fake news. You develop your own thesis and look for sources that agree with you. A week ago, you found a source that purported that the Coalition was in alliance with DAESH.

Well, you're an IDIOT to say the least!

You never read my reply ..... that figures, that is why you never seem to learn by your own mistakes. Well, unlike you I will read and reply to your post later. But at a quick skim it is full of your opinion with absolutely no back up at all ...... credible or otherwise! Unlike you I will provide some back-up to support my opinion. :roll:

It would be a grave mistake to read your replies because it is full of rubbish and fake news.

I responded many times with credible links but even that was never good enough for you because you insist with propagating the most ridiculous nonsense such as your recent nonsense that the Coalition never targeted DAESH OIL convoys or infrastructure from Syria.

Well that is friggin insane, because the targeting of Oil Refineries, and wells, as well as convoys of any kind are well documented. Even humble cars were blown up with countless drone strikes, presumably because ISIL members were inside.

Australia once even disclosed that it had completely destroyed the main oil refinery near Raqqa and that its aircraft are regularly targeting any facility which allows DEASH to economically sustain itself.

The Coalition has destroyed hundreds of convoys, even mere cars and pick utility trucks.

You also insinuated that the Coalition is in alliance with DAESH.

Well I am sorry, but you are a friggin unit! Anyone can do a google search with Coalition ISIL Ally as the seach phrase and come up with so many sources and fake news sites. You look for whatever agrees with your POV.

The Coalition's war is multi faceted and three dimensional. Pootin's is 2 dimensional. We have the best Security and Spy agencies on the planet with the most sophisticate counter terrorism and surveillance operations networks known to mankind. We monitor transactions at the molecular level being transferred from one account to another and across borders and jurisdictions and we decipher the information to place individuals and corporations on our watch lists and we follow the money and their interactions with a global reach. THAT is why we are so successful at thwarting their terrorism attempts and choking their money and recruiting supply. That is how we are winning in Iraq. ... ?r=US&IR=T ... es/5775032
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:39 pm

Let’s take the tail-end links on your latest post first? This demonstrates clearly how you read headlines only and never read what you actually link to. This is why your opinions have no authority or credibility.

What did I say? “ .......the US bombed Dash convoys only after Russia entered the conflict and started attacking them.”

Your first ‘credible’ link .... dated 29/12/16 which of course means it is irrelevant to the argument:
Watch a US-led coalition airstrike destroy part of ISIS' oil network near the Iraq-Syria border

....... which you didn’t even read anyway.

More credible, I would have chosen ....... NYT – Nov 2015 – although again it is after Russia entered on the side of Assad.

Even then: ‘Steps-up’ its attacks. The truth is, until Russia showed the way the US coalition had only half heartedly taken on the Daesh convoys, this NYT article supports that statement. US media had to use Russian Videos (which they claimed were of the US airstrikes )..... because there were none of US airstrikes, because there had been no US airstrikes! This observation was supported by the then US Secretary of State Kerry who was recorded admitting the US had allowed Daesh to grow stronger hoping they would topple Assad. Then the Russians arrived, the whole scenario changed for the coalition ...... the rest is history!

Your second ‘credible’ link:
ABC Australia - Before and after aerial pictures of US Air Strikes on IS Syria oil refineries

You have to be kidding me! :D THAT’s an OIL REFINERY ! :lol: :lol: Have you ever seen a refinery? No wonder YOU dropped so many bombs and got nowhere in four years. You bombed the desert, which is why you recorded no civilian casualties, maybe just the odd ISIS camel! Once again, you skim the headlines and post the link.

Your third ‘credible’ link:

Time Magazine: U.S. Bombing of ISIS Oil Facilities Showing Progress

Another coalition idea of an oil refinery! Looks like a patch of desert with a couple of trailer skeletons left to rot in the sun. Again, the headline suited your vision so you posted the link without reading it! A couple of quotes from the article itself ..... remember this is YOUR link .... not mine: :roll: :lol:

• “Washington and its allies conducted a modest air campaign against mostly motley targets, ranging from “fighting positions” (basically, fancy desert foxholes) to “berms” (ridges of desert dirt). They were, in fact, largely pounding sand.”

• “The bombs barely struck ISIS’s economic aorta:”

• “Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told Congress earlier this month that the U.S.-led alliance had spent 15 months attacking largely small-scale” oil facilities before stepping up attacks in late October. Hitting those modular refineries didn’t do much.”

• “And tight rules designed to reduce civilian casualties kept them from bombing hundreds of oil tankers ISIS used to ship oil.”

• “So for the first time on Oct. 21, (That was after the first Russian attacks) the U.S.-led coalition dropped leaflets warning ISIS drivers to flee before bombs began destroying hundreds of their trucks. That was three weeks after Russia began bombing rebel groups, occasionally including ISIS, inside Syria.”

……… and so on! :roll:

Who’s the proven idiot now then? Boy do you make yourself look stupid with your links? They have shot you in both feet and the head! :lol:

The primary focus of Russia was, from the first day was to support Assad to drive the terrorists back. This they achieved with resounding success. Your coalition has nothing anything like equivalent to show for their intervention. Nothing to do with the coalitions capability …… but they are fighting an illegal war in Syria for political and commercial ends. They have now more or less given up!

According to the BBC News. the US and Russia are to discuss joining forces to destroy Daesh ..... they didn't mention you or Australia! :roll:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:14 pm

Without even reading your long post I will take the liberty of replying to your assumed nonsense.

That’s clever ... commenting on an assumed guess at what you didn’t read! How dumb is that? Your credibility is plunging into negative territory.
History remains the best judge and the outcomes are there for all to see.

Precisely ........ and in Syria that is already coming out. Bartlett, Beeley, Gabbard and many, many others are bringing the messages from the Syrian people into the light of day and it does not look good for YOU.
Whilst the Coalition never covered itself in glory with the mistaken intelligence of WMD which led to Iraq 2003, it can't be blamed for ISIL which was formed in Syria and merely took advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq (which we created) and also because of similar criminality of the Iraq Governments against Sunni peoples within Iraq as the Syrian regime (although nowhere near as bad).

YOUR coalition screwed up big time. It was not mistaken intelligence it was downright lies, they knew it, the intelligence people told them it was not verified, so did the UN but Bush and Blair et al, the real war criminals, went ahead anyway.

ISIS was formed in Iraq and quickly spread to Syria. You are confusing the anti-Assad terrorists with Daesh. Easily done as they are more-or-less the same bunch of Islamic head chopping, raping, murdering terrorists. History shows us that .... how they so love their videos.
The Coalition however has addressed many issues and its war against ISIL is achieving great success as it stands today. in all likelihood, ISIL will be comprehensively defeated in Iraq and the Iraqi Security Forces will be able to stabilize the country with peace and security with Coalition help and aid. But there are no 52+ militias in Iraq. So the situation in Iraq isn't as bad as it is in Syria and that says something about Syria and the regime. Only ISIl and they are on the way out.

Daesh will NEVER be comprehensibly defeated in Syria or Iraq or any where else come to that.... they will just ‘shape shift’. Iraq has been almost constantly enveloped in YOUR wars since 1990, the coalition ‘help and aid’ has generally come in the form of sanctions and more and more violence ....... and has ruined the country for centuries to come with US depleted Uranium munitions. At least Syria will not have that to cope with ? In spite of everything you say about Assad, most of it totally unsubstantiated of course, he is STILL the choice of the Syrian people! after five years of war. He has ended up better off than Churchill did after WWII !
The offensive in Mosul is proceeding according to our plans, albeit with some anticipated difficulties along the way which were completely expected and planned for. What we don't do is proceed with a scorched earth policy like you war criminals did!

We don’t know what is happening in Mosul, there is no independent coverage, only info from the coalition and the Iraqi military. Just think how you would have progressed if the Russians and their allies were supplying and supporting Daesh, as the coalition was doing in Syria ........ particularly evident in Aleppo? They could then have had their ‘White Helmets’ and the ‘Iraqi Observatory of Human Rights’, a tee shirt salesman based in St. Petersburg, telling the World what was going on.
Situation in Syria however is far more dire. In the end, Iraq was our worse but is now our best advertisement and even our operations in Mosul pale into insignificance compared to the carpet bombing of Aleppo. We have rules of engagement, transparency and our forces are accountable and they carry the flags of all our countries and their behavior has to pass the pub test back home or else.

Your forces may well be accountable but the Governments they work for are most certainly not. More propaganda ..... Aleppo was never ‘carpet bombed’ ..... see what the people who lived there through the conflict have to say. Why, if what you claim is true, why do the liberated Syrians express their thanks to the Russians and Assads forces ........ and not your coalition funded White Helmets and your ‘moderate terrorists?
We are on top of our game. You aren't and neither will you have peace in Syria.

Unlike you, I am not personally involved! As Milti has told you many times, we are mere observers and express opinions. You are the only member of the Forum who conducts a personal war! But the Syrian conflict is now being comprehensively addressed, politically .....and without any US or coalition input. That says a lot.
Our approach has born real fruit and in a sensible and sustainable manner which will bring peace, stability and prosperity to Iraq. we are in a far better position than your side is in Syria and the history books will not lie. In 10 years time, iraq will be an economic powerhouse, but Syria won't exist as you know it today.

The Syrians are sitting down and talking a comprehensive political settlement ..... are YOU ? YOU are still carpet bombing Mosul, are still not even into the City proper and progress is slow .... very slow. Raqqa is very much on the back burner and is a Kurdish operation I believe.

Syria was a peaceful secular country with a fairly buoyant economy, just like Libya and even Iraq, until YOU decided YOU needed a regime change. YOU did the same in Ukraine and look at the mess YOU created there? YOU instigated an extreme right wing fascist coup, didn’t get the Russians driven out of Sevastopol as planned, or get Ukraine into the EU or NATO, collapsed their economy and then abandoned them. Yes the history books will tell the real story ..... it has already started in Syria as the truth begins to rise to the surface. Do YOU honestly believe Assad could survive as he has, through six years of war without the backing of the Syrian people?
BTW, your links are again from non credible sources. i do not even open them.

Live in ignorance then ........ the first on Putin was Brother Nathanael, a great and amusing US based Orthodox priest ........ the second was The Washington post. Yours were all MSM, but are credible ......... even though they didn’t support your opinion. OK. I except their credibility because they supported me not you!
You are a propagator of fake news. You develop your own thesis and look for sources that agree with you.

Is the following what you call ‘fake news’?
A week ago, you found a source that purported that the Coalition was in alliance with DAESH
Do you remember that guy Kerry? He was the US Secretary of State at the time and he said, and it is a matter of HISTORIC and validated record, that the US allowed Daesh to grow so that they would eventually overthrow Assad. Thanks to Russia it didn’t happen. Instead of annihilating them when they were weak and YOU had the chance, YOUR coalition members (Saudi/UAE and other Arab States ) with the full backing of the US Administration, helped them grow ever stronger by supplying weapons, including chemical weapons, whilst the US coalition avoided bombing them, they just bombed the desert instead. I think that could reasonably be called ‘.... being in alliance’ ? YOU were complicit in their crimes. YOU supplied the gun ..... and they pulled the trigger.

As for ‘fake news’ if you have been following events in the US over the last few weeks, it has become more than obvious that the ‘fake news’ creators and distributors, are the MSM and your Deep State. Trump I think will gradually flush them out, at least I hope so, and will do it from within. There are plenty more whistle blowers out there that will delight in dealing the dirt on their bosses. Maybe he will use his torture techniques on those that are exposed and who will, in turn, gradually drive the dirt to the top of the pile. Or maybe they will try to kill him, which of course would definitely NOT be a good idea ..... unless they want to create a martyr!
Well, you're an IDIOT to say the least!

Look in the mirror ..... now THAT is an idiot! :roll:
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:09 pm

Paphitis:t would be a grave mistake to read your replies because it is full of rubbish and fake news
Really? How do you know that .... you claim you don’t read my posts and only reply on what you think I might have said. I am afraid it is you that soaks up the rubbish as your constant failures clearly demonstrate.
I responded many times with credible links but even that was never good enough for you because you insist with propagating the most ridiculous nonsense such as your recent nonsense that the Coalition never targeted DAESH OIL convoys or infrastructure from Syria.

Unfortunately for you and unlike you, I do read your links not just the headlines, which is all you read.

Well, the bit about the Daesh Oil convoys you proved me right with your own links. Again, as you don’t read others posts, you missd the bit about ‘.... after the Russians intervened in the conflict.’ You therefore went off at half-cock as you invariably do and provided credible links that shot down your own argument!
Well that is friggin insane, because the targeting of Oil Refineries, and wells, as well as convoys of any kind are well documented. Even humble cars were blown up with countless drone strikes, presumably because ISIL members were inside.

You also blew up a lot of sand and camels, until Russia showed you how to blow up convoys. Until then your attempts had borne little fruit. Again, proved by your very own links. You have also killed numerous Daesh leaders, including Bagdadhi ..... several times over! :roll:
Australia once even disclosed that it had completely destroyed the main oil refinery near Raqqa and that its aircraft are regularly targeting any facility which allows DEASH to economically sustain itself.

I am surprised the Australians managed to find it ..... navigation is not their strong point! :roll: Now maybe you are, but that is just making available more contracts for Russia and the EU when they come in to rebuild them. Because the Kurds do not like the US coalition, they have often made that clear.
The Coalition has destroyed hundreds of convoys, even mere cars and pick utility trucks.

Well done! Better late than never I say? :roll:
You also insinuated that the Coalition is in alliance with DAESH.

No, I didn’t insinuate anything, I stated it as a simple proven fact ! They are in an alliance with Daesh .... see previous post Re; Kerry’s confirmation and the fact proven to be so by Kerry own words.
Well I am sorry, but you are a friggin unit! Anyone can do a google search with Coalition ISIL Ally as the seach phrase and come up with so many sources and fake news sites. You look for whatever agrees with your POV.

No, I am far more detailed in my searches than you obviously as I look for articles and reports that are credible and the more links to sources, the more likely I am to read them. I know which sources are usually credible and which are most likely fake or false/distorted news, as it’s the same sites every time that spread the dodgy news.
The Coalition's war is multi faceted and three dimensional. Pootin's is 2 dimensional. We have the best Security and Spy agencies on the planet with the most sophisticate counter terrorism and surveillance operations networks known to mankind. We monitor transactions at the molecular level being transferred from one account to another and across borders and jurisdictions and we decipher the information to place individuals and corporations on our watch lists and we follow the money and their interactions with a global reach. THAT is why we are so successful at thwarting their terrorism attempts and choking their money and recruiting supply. That is how we are winning in Iraq.

A lot of hot air, self praise and boasting once again but as you say history eventually tells us the truth. In spite of all that, YOU have been outwitted and out manoeuvred at every end and turn in Syria by Putin, the Assad/Russian coalition and their allies. Who knows how many terrorist attempts you thwart ..... it is the ones you don’t thwart that show up the weaknesses and there have been quite a few.

Well, you carry on ‘winning’ your endless war in Iraq......... seventeen years and still counting? You will get there eventually maybe, but there again, maybe not? Seventeen years, nearly as long as the other war you were ‘winning’ in Afghanistan! :roll:

Your highly credible links already dealt with.
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Re: Russian and Turkish jets in joint operation over Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:25 am

Tim Drayton wrote:One useful source: ... denied.pdf

Thanks for this source Tim. I am very careful what I read these days and this includes some posts from certain deluded nut-jobs on this website.

Very Insightful link.
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