Londonrake wrote:I submitted the OP and pointed out the glaring hypocrisy in the two stances. Since then you've done nothing but twist/turn and obfuscate, rather than acknowledge or explain the inconsistency. The option of leaving it alone was of course ridiculous. If anybody dares post on "your" subjects then they have to be dealt with.
It isn't up to you to challenge me to answer anything when you yourself act in such a manner and I am certainly not going to be dragged into the morass of Syrian or Ukrainian events in this thread. They have their own.
It's dead simple.
You have consistently provided justification under International Law for Russia's involvement in Syria. However, you have consistently rejected the same law, condemning their involvement in the Ukraine.
That's hypocrisy. Pure and simple. You have an abiding penchant for it.
Everything else you're posting here is just chaff and your usual MO, repeatedly bludgeoning somebody into walking away, then claiming it as their being "shot down".
I will try to make it simple for you to understand ...........
Russia is in Syria at the invitation of its elected government ........... that makes their presence legal under International Law.
Russia was in Crimea with the agreement by treaty of the elected Ukraine government ............. that makes their presence legal under International Law.
So ..... they didn't invade!
The Crimea had autonomy and their own elected local government. An unelected anti-Russian and fascist ‘
government’ threatened to change the status quo of Crimea and also to renege on the agreement with the elected government for the continuation of Russia’s lease on the naval base in Sevastopol for another 25 years.
This unelected government was not and still is not a legal entity under International Law as it was put into power by a foreign inspired coup d’état. It should not have been recognised under International Law anyway. The people of Ukraine have never voted for this government. This is why they are trying to exterminate the ethnic Russians. Because another election that included those in Eastern Ukraine, including Crimea, will reverse this situation and a pro-Russia government will be the result.
The Russians responded to protect both their own interests legally and to protect the population but in doing so broke the terms of their lease, NOT International Law. The people of Crimea voted by an overwhelming majority to leave Ukraine and by referendum to ask Russia to take them back as an independent state within the Russian Federation. This Russia did ...... and the Russians are therefore in Crimea at the invitation of the democratically elected government of Crimea.
Unlike the illegal presence of US coalition military in Syria, the Russians achieved regime change with the cooperation of the Crimean people and without
ANY loss of life or destruction of property or infrastructure. The only refugee problem the Russians had was the thousands of Ukraine forces that decided they were better of laying down their arms and remaining in an independent Crimea.
Now .... just where is this HYPOCRISY you keep spouting about ..... quite frankly I don’t see any!
However, if you start looking at how the International Laws are applied by the ‘
exceptional and indispensable’ Western alliance nations under the US umbrella............... well, that’s another story! The hypocrisy cup doth overflow ...... BIG TIME !