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Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:52 pm

I refer the Honourable Member to my previous posts.

I have no interest here in discussing events within the Ukraine, or Syria They are matters worthy of dedicated threads.

The International Law position regarding Russia's annexation of part of that country though is quite clear. So is that of the UN.

I would here add that another of your little habits is a tendency to quote UN resolutions in support of your views, as authoritative, whilst (again) contemptuosly rejecting those which don't accommodate your prejudices. I absolutely guarantee to any Member reading this it will surface at some point in the future.

Here again we see your constant, frantic need to bring US "equivalence" into every possible thread. This isn't about the US. It's about your desperate attempts to maintain the double-think of 2 contradictory positions. Straight out of Orwell's 1984.

Posting links is also completely nugatory effort wrt yourself. It doesn't matter how auspicious the source might be, If it/they don't echo your views then, of course, they must be wrong. You never, ever post anything at all that's not 100% correct. True?

People must also have cottoned on to the fact by now that another thing you will never do is apologise. No matter how wrong you are about something. I should know. The most that can be expected is silence on the matter, to ignore it or an attempt to collapse a discussion into a macro-debate on semantics.

I've always regarded stubborn pride as quite a destructive characteristic. It certainly tends to result in a trail of failed relationships. You end up a bitter character, seeking solace by playing the "big man" on Forums. :lol: :wink:
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:47 pm

Londonrake wrote:I refer the Honourable Member to my previous posts.

Oh dear .... I feel another personal attack coming on ....... he must have run out of Gin! :roll:

I have no interest here in discussing events within the Ukraine, or Syria They are matters worthy of dedicated threads.

Then why start a thread on Russia, Ukraine and International Law with several references to Syria ? Or were you just trolling?

The International Law position regarding Russia's annexation of part of that country though is quite clear. So is that of the UN.

I would here add that another of your little habits is a tendency to quote UN resolutions in support of your views, as authoritative, whilst (again) contemptuosly rejecting those which don't accommodate your prejudices. I absolutely guarantee to any Member reading this it will surface at some point in the future.

Here again we see your constant, frantic need to bring US "equivalence" into every possible thread. This isn't about the US. It's about your desperate attempts to maintain the double-think of 2 contradictory positions. Straight out of Orwell's 1984.

But they are not contradictory, I have explained to you in detail, obviously difficult for you to get your head around. It is the wests selective application of International Law that causes many of the problems. How am I supposed to identify perceived contradiction when you can't even explain what that contradiction is?

Posting links is also completely nugatory effort wrt yourself. It doesn't matter how auspicious the source might be, If it/they don't echo your views then, of course, they must be wrong. You never, ever post anything at all that's not 100% correct. True?

No it is not true! When dealing with those of your mentality, it is difficult to present an argument because you ridicule the poster, any sources and any authors that say anything contrary to your opinion. You have the same narrow mental vision that the average Jihadi has. They are just like you ..... no tolerance for any other view other than their own. The only difference ..... they wear sandals and you wear boots!

People must also have cottoned on to the fact by now that another thing you will never do is apologise. No matter how wrong you are about something. I should know. The most that can be expected is silence on the matter, to ignore it or an attempt to collapse a discussion into a macro-debate on semantics.

Don't speak for others, they really don't need your smug condescending advice and guidance.

I've always regarded stubborn pride as quite a destructive characteristic. It certainly tends to result in a trail of failed relationships. You end up a bitter character, seeking solace by playing the "big man" on Forums. :lol: :wink:

But I can honestly say I don't seek solace in a Gin Bottle! Was it not your drinking habit and then lying about it, that kicked off all your nastiness and vindictive reactions at every opportunity?

You really are a nasty spiteful little man, that chases his victim from forum to forum. How sad have you nothing better to do? You started this thread and two others on this forum simply to troll, you are looking for an argument and you are ceaseless in its pursuit, you seem to derive a perverted pleasure from it.

Told ya :lol: ..... nothing at all to do with his thread just an excuse for more personal 'compliments'. and expressions of his 'admiration' of me ..... it comes easier to him than making a valid point on his own OP. Poor old fool !

I repeat ......... :arrow: :x
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Londonrake » Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:01 pm

I refer the Honourable Member to my previous posts on this matter.

The subject being the use of International Law by yourself as a foundation principle for Russian involvement in Syria, contrasted with the self-same law condemning their actions in the Ukraine. That law however being in some way different, malleable, inadmissible. Apparently it's just an example of the West's "selective application" of International Law. So, Syrian involvement = good International Law. Ukraine involvement - bad International Law. You don't reference the UN. I take it their condemnation = bad resolution, whereas others more to your taste = good resolution.

After your earlier complaint about "personal attacks" I posted a whole page of yours on Mr Paphitis. Actually, I could have posted several. Those = good personal attacks?. My pointing out your hypocrisy = bad personal attacks? I'm getting the idea now.

There's something about me being a Jihadi? it all gets a bit surreal there. Although, it does remind me of the time when you (absolutely seriously!) decided that I worked for some secretive Mossad outfit, dedicated to promoting Zionism on the internet. :lol: :lol: :lol: Brilliant stuff! Total, barking paranoia.

You don''t ridicule sources or authors? :lol: You almost daily ridicule "the MSM". Anything that comes from it, the paper that brought Nixon down, those that are currently banned from White House press briefings, are dismissively swept aside. NO! The truth you see is over here - in this little fringe outfit I've found. Yes, yes, I know it's completely full of anti-US stuff but you see................... it's the truth. :roll:

Yes, of course I ridicule some of the sources you use. They're absolutely stuffed with people like you. Mouth foaming, anti-West, conspiracy theory types. I've even investigated some of them in the past and found a couple of regular contributors who could quite reasonably be described as bonkers.

You certainly don't need any lessons from me on "spite and vindictiveness" and I'm not just talking about words on a computer screen. My attitude has always been (and I've regarded it like most as an unwritten golden rule) that which is said on a Forum stays on a Forum. That isn't yours though, is it? Trying to convince yourself that it was all just something to do with gin is self delusion. That was a bit of a black day - ehh? You should really learn to get a grip of that side of your character. It'll bite you in the bum.

Much of what you post on is a matter of personal grudge. You have more chips on your shoulder than can be found at Harry Ramsdens.

You want to dictate the terms and conditions of all discussions you become involved in. To dominate them. It's a form of bullying, although I've never met somebody less suited to be one.

I don't need to chase you. Wasn't it you that followed me from CL? :? To be my pal of several years. :lol:

I wasn't aware of giving any "condescending advice and guidance". :? Moreover, I haven't spoken for anybody else. You though keep talking about "We" and "Us". Like I've intruded on something personal and exclusive. It's a public Forum.

You earlier talked about my "seething". Not true - at all. (well, the 6 quarts of gin a day help there of course. When I'm not out raining death and destruction on hospitals and baby bottle factories that is :roll:). I think anybody who reads what you've just written can decide well enough for themselves who's seething around here.

A simple, quiet apology and friendly handshake once upon a time - ehh?. See what I mean about stubborn pride?
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:20 am

I won’t respond to your usual ad hominem attacks as they have become par for the course on every thread ......... :roll:

If this were a real Court hearing and with your presented argument being that for the prosecution, as the representative for the defence, I would rise in Court at 10.00 and would be sipping a cappuccino in the Coffee Shop by 10.30 ! :D

The reason being? Your case would be thrown out of Court because the charge you make was preceded by a string of illegal actions that, if they had not happened, the case you are trying to make would not have occurred as the Russian actions were fully compliant with International Law otherwise.

It really is as simple as that. Your accusations would be inadmissible in a Court of Law. :o

Unfortunately, whilst in a civil case you would be awarded with my clients costs and damages ........ reparations is something rarely granted in an international legal action .......... maybe the International Courts do not have that power? :roll:
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:14 am

Robin Hood wrote:I won’t respond to your usual ad hominem attacks as they have become par for the course on every thread ......... :roll:


ad hominem attacks are par of the course of your usual postings.
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:25 am

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I won’t respond to your usual ad hominem attacks as they have become par for the course on every thread ......... :roll:

ad hominem attacks are par of the course of your usual postings.

Nothing sensible or intelligent to add then? :roll: That's par for the course too! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:30 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I won’t respond to your usual ad hominem attacks as they have become par for the course on every thread ......... :roll:

ad hominem attacks are par of the course of your usual postings.

Nothing sensible or intelligent to add then? :roll: That's par for the course too! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

no it's not par of the course. My links are official credible links. UN Links too. You should try it one day.

But whenever i post my official credible links, its Western Propaganda, bias, or Western corruption within the UN or some such thing whilst all your links from Sputnik are according to you the Gospel from God! All from a country that doesn't have freedom of speech and people can't even demonstrate or congregate without the threat of getting locked up. that's why Trump admires pootin. because he wants to do the same thing in America by waging war against its free press and calling the NYT and WP as fake news agents. We know who is FAKE and it isn't NYT or WP. The BAD NEWS for YOU, is that it won't work. America has the First Amendment and the media, and CIA are just waiting for the train wreck. In fact the CIA know that trump colluded with pootin which is WHY Trump is appealing to his base and trying to discredit the NYT and WP who may soon be on the verge of Watergate 2. There are committees investigating TRUMP right now and you can bet the CIA will be divulging everything its got.

I have tolerated pages upon pages of personal attacks from you, and not once did I hit back with the same depravity. NOT ONCE!

Unless you take the white singlet, white socks and sandals as some form of insult.
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:13 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:I won’t respond to your usual ad hominem attacks as they have become par for the course on every thread ......... :roll:

ad hominem attacks are par of the course of your usual postings.

Nothing sensible or intelligent to add then? :roll: That's par for the course too! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

no it's not par of the course. My links are official credible links. UN Links too. You should try it one day.

But whenever i post my official credible links, its Western Propaganda, bias, or Western corruption within the UN or some such thing whilst all your links from Sputnik are according to you the Gospel from God! All from a country that doesn't have freedom of speech and people can't even demonstrate or congregate without the threat of getting locked up. that's why Trump admires pootin. because he wants to do the same thing in America by waging war against its free press and calling the NYT and WP as fake news agents. We know who is FAKE and it isn't NYT or WP. The BAD NEWS for YOU, is that it won't work. America has the First Amendment and the media, and CIA are just waiting for the train wreck. In fact the CIA know that trump colluded with pootin which is WHY Trump is appealing to his base and trying to discredit the NYT and WP who may soon be on the verge of Watergate 2. There are committees investigating TRUMP right now and you can bet the CIA will be divulging everything its got.

I have tolerated pages upon pages of personal attacks from you, and not once did I hit back with the same depravity. NOT ONCE!

Unless you take the white singlet, white socks and sandals as some form of insult.


The only reason you and I are 'enemies' is because I am the only member that tries to converse with you. Many poke fun at you or ridicule you and I am afraid I some times do that out of frustration because I really do not believe any sensible person would act or post the way you do. I often take along time to put a post together because whatever you think I am no fool and I can tell deliberately false news from the real version. Not always easy as often it is not so much what the MSM says that is fake but the fact that they leave out a lot of inconvenient facts which then changes the context of that piece of news..

I sometimes resort to a mild attack and call you names and If that offends you or upsets you I am sorry but you really do ask for it sometimes. But be honest you are not backward in coming forward to ridicule me are you?. You really do make some outrageous claims and whether you like it or not the very sources I have used for years are now the ones many people are turning to. Over the years they have proven to be very reliable and often cover events you will not see reported on the news sheets you seem to favour. The NYTT, WP, The Hill etc. have all been discredited but they will not tell you that, they just go on the defensive, but many of these 'Russian' fake news stories have been retracted ........ but again if published at all they are hidden around the back pages..

Your concept I wear white socks, sandals and a white shirt could not be further from the truth. I wouldn't be seen dressed like that. My jeans are right up to date ..... full of holes and covered in paint/cement and as I said, my favoured footware is boots. :roll: :D .
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:45 am

What nonsense!

yeh I know people poke fun at me and call me all sorts of things, even a "Zionist Dog" but I have never found any of them as insulting as you.

usually the types of attacks I cop on this forum are from people that well are just not all there with their clear antisemitism. My posts are always reasonable and well researched, much more than yours and far more centered than yours with better sources than you. Everyone knows that.

it's usually the ones who poke fun at me who are also the ones that can't put together anything more than a one liner of stupidity. And I know who my friends and supporters are on this forum. I have many. many who think you're an idiot but can't be bothered engaging with you like I do.

For instance, I enjoy far greater support than you do and that is because my posts are more sensible than yours because even if people disagree with my POV, they know that yours borders the incredibly deluded and insane.

yes you should ask around.

There is no one making fun of me except for a couple that call me a Jew and what have you.

You owe an apology. Your ad hominem attacks are consistent and its one page after another whereas you copped none of that from me other than the white socks and sandals joke and a picture of a hummer with its wheels falling off as a meme for all your arguments.

For someone who is constantly berated such as myself (I make myself an easy target) my posts are surely a lot more grounded than your, far more polite and decent than yours. And I am not the hardliner here. YOU ARE! YOU ARE THE FASCIST not me. I am the Liberal. And my views are mainstream. Yours ARE NOT! no one supports Pootin or Assad like you do in the real world. No One.

it's all here in black and white for everyone to see.

And no you do not communicate. Those who call me a Zionist Dog communicate much better than you.
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Re: Russian and the Ukraine (International Law position)

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:57 am

Paphitis wrote:What nonsense!

yeh I know people poke fun at me and call me all sorts of things, even a "Zionist Dog" but I have never found any of them as insulting as you.

usually the types of attacks I cop on this forum are from people that well are just not all there with their clear antisemitism. My posts are always reasonable and well researched, much more than yours and far more centered than yours with better sources than you. Everyone knows that.

it's usually the ones who poke fun at me who are also the ones that can't put together anything more than a one liner of stupidity. And I know who my friends and supporters are on this forum. I have many. many who think you're an idiot but can't be bothered engaging with you like I do.

For instance, I enjoy far greater support than you do and that is because my posts are more sensible than yours because even if people disagree with my POV, they know that yours borders the incredibly deluded and insane.

yes you should ask around.

There is no one making fun of me except for a couple that call me a Jew and what have you.

You owe an apology. Your ad hominem attacks are consistent and its one page after another whereas you copped none of that from me other than the white socks and sandals joke and a picture of a hummer with its wheels falling off as a meme for all your arguments.

For someone who is constantly berated such as myself (I make myself an easy target) my posts are surely a lot more grounded than your, far more polite and decent than yours. And I am not the hardliner here. YOU ARE! YOU ARE THE FASCIST not me. I am the Liberal. And my views are mainstream. Yours ARE NOT! no one supports Pootin or Assad like you do in the real world. No One.

it's all here in black and white for everyone to see.

And no you do not communicate. Those who call me a Zionist Dog communicate much better than you.

In the poll for who posts the most crap ....... you got 5 votes ..... I got 1 (from you)...... can you not use your self proclaimed comprehensive analytical skills to work out that more people, of those that voted, were convinced YOU post more crap than ME? That is a ratio of 5:1.

I think you are too convinced that you are the only one with a valid argument? As I have said to you before you seem to think YOU are the only one in step! I am sorry to have to tell you this ..... but you are seriously disillusioned and both the content of your posts and the way you project your opinion, confirms this in every post ..... even this one! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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