I refer the Honourable Member to my previous posts on this matter.
The subject being the use of International Law by yourself as a foundation principle for Russian involvement in Syria, contrasted with the self-same law condemning their actions in the Ukraine. That law however being in some way different, malleable, inadmissible. Apparently it's just an example of the West's "selective application" of International Law. So, Syrian involvement = good International Law. Ukraine involvement - bad International Law. You don't reference the UN. I take it their condemnation = bad resolution, whereas others more to your taste = good resolution.
After your earlier complaint about "personal attacks" I posted a whole page of yours on Mr Paphitis. Actually, I could have posted several. Those = good personal attacks?. My pointing out your hypocrisy = bad personal attacks? I'm getting the idea now.
There's something about me being a Jihadi? it all gets a bit surreal there. Although, it does remind me of the time when you (absolutely seriously!) decided that I worked for some secretive Mossad outfit, dedicated to promoting Zionism on the internet.

Brilliant stuff! Total, barking paranoia.
You don''t ridicule sources or authors?

You almost daily ridicule "the MSM". Anything that comes from it, the paper that brought Nixon down, those that are currently banned from White House press briefings, are dismissively swept aside. NO! The truth you see is over here - in this little fringe outfit I've found. Yes, yes, I know it's completely full of anti-US stuff but you see................... it's the truth.
Yes, of course I ridicule some of the sources you use. They're absolutely stuffed with people like you. Mouth foaming, anti-West, conspiracy theory types. I've even investigated some of them in the past and found a couple of regular contributors who could quite reasonably be described as bonkers.
You certainly don't need any lessons from me on "spite and vindictiveness" and I'm not just talking about words on a computer screen. My attitude has always been (and I've regarded it like most as an unwritten golden rule) that which is said on a Forum stays on a Forum. That isn't yours though, is it? Trying to convince yourself that it was all just something to do with gin is self delusion. That was a bit of a black day - ehh? You should really learn to get a grip of that side of your character. It'll bite you in the bum.
Much of what you post on is a matter of personal grudge. You have more chips on your shoulder than can be found at Harry Ramsdens.
You want to dictate the terms and conditions of all discussions you become involved in. To dominate them. It's a form of bullying, although I've never met somebody less suited to be one.
I don't need to chase you. Wasn't it you that followed me from CL?

To be my pal of several years.
I wasn't aware of giving any "condescending advice and guidance".

Moreover, I haven't spoken for anybody else. You though keep talking about "We" and "Us". Like I've intruded on something personal and exclusive. It's a public Forum.
You earlier talked about my "seething". Not true - at all. (well, the 6 quarts of gin a day help there of course. When I'm not out raining death and destruction on hospitals and baby bottle factories that is

). I think anybody who reads what you've just written can decide well enough for themselves who's seething around here.
A simple, quiet apology and friendly handshake once upon a time - ehh?. See what I mean about stubborn pride?